F ageeiovì CLASSIFIED O b « Oat • Weed Baak taeerttoe ■ Ne 4dv.Ma» thaa M mb H B F WALLft ■' «si I .1 1 i t —______ ____ _________ _ —----- .. — 1 Episcopal'Church Mrs. J. A. Moore Now A ~"r —> * ' Woman's Club Pres. I The Rev. Robert L- Greene, Vicai , • ** t f .• (Continued from Page One) h“d Th® ixidTitiers fn1! coiruni And hostesses qf the teas. Have been so kind and willing, And always glad to please. WATER WELL Drilling — Fred C FOR SALE—Three-year old Jersey I thank you each and every one Lee, 807 Clark St, North Bend, cow. Robert Abell, Bex 9, Co­ facilities and an expanded building i For all that you have Oregon. Phone 5411. quille. - /it* program for the entire school system. 8t gandajrt , J1’’ - ■ 8:00 4. m. Holy Communion (2nd, 4th and Sth Sundays). 9:45 a. m. Church School. 1 ’ 11:00 a. m. Nursery and Kindergar­ ten. * 11:00 Morning Prayer with Sermon. '(1st and 3rd Sundays—Holy Com- munion) I t Such a program would include a I can say in truth, as TIMBER WANTED — Five-inch top FOR SALE—Used Dinette set in good 'school athletic field. One-third of "Ain’t I the lucky-one!” long Fir Piling. Telephone collect condition. Call 104 So. Henry, or the money needed is on hand and i So Ada, best of wishes, quantities can supply. Nied«-1 phone SOL, evenings. It and, if not used now, wijl revert to: May this your coming year. meyer-Martin Co., Portland, Ore­ the general fund and not again be : Be just as fine as mine was, gon. Telephone Atwater 4341. 15t5 WANTED — Housekeeper, hours 10 available, he stated. 4 It will, you needn’t fear. 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. to 5, Monday through Friday; no During the busines/ meeting which | FOR SALE—My house at 200 Front 2:30 p. m. St. James’ Guild. 11 know each one will help you ( washing nor ironing; good wages. followed the program, Mrs. Boober St., as I am leaving Coquille. Jack ' Thursday , ‘ Phone 128X after 5 or call at 391 They’ll do their very best. preceded her Installation of new of- Hale. lt*s 8:00 p. Tn. Bishop's Committee (3rd East Second. It So that will make it perfect, ________________________ _____ ficers by reading a cleverly rhymed Thursday). FARM MACHINERY—We have the BOY - -.-I-- — “ Genuine ■ .■.2L'7'= — address of farewell, expressing greti- l ! And you can do the rest SCOUTS “Ski Troop- following machines on hand for im­ ers" pack sacks, 'they’re Keen, ‘ude for members* support and re-1 Emmanuel Baptist Church mediate delivery. Hone Mowers, grot ‘ for giving up of * her leadership, Ladies attending the luncheon were FARR A ELWOOD. — ----------- -------------- - ’ Wagons and Hay Tedders. J A Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Which she stated had been a pleas- Meadames O. L. Zentner, Pearl Elling- LAMB COMPANY. S VICTORY GARDENERS-We stock a ant experience ______ __ 9:45 Sunday School. Special 1sen, Cecelia Van Winkle, R. __ A. ____ Wer- ' fUllV All#,» /"• O—.til. full line of garden tools and seeds. During the instructing of new of- nich, Guy Wauney, Allen C. Smith Mother’s Day program. Flowers for J. A. LAMÉ COMPANY. Christian Church mothers. Marion ----------------- ------ S i fleers in the installation, --------- » Mrs. ------ — — —— Harold Stromquist, Roy Boob«, 811 John Moore,Floyd Robb, Frank Shaw, 11:00 Morning Worship Service. East 4th A Coulter. MOTOR REWINDING, Repair Parts, Lawrence read a fitting prayer.. I Aston Parrish, Pastor I at Dick’s Electric Shop. 420 W. • Mrs. J. A. Moore, in her accept- John Purkey, Wm. H. -Barrow, D. B. Mother’s Dey sermon. Kenneth Tally Thur. 7:90, Bible Study and Prayer I Front Work guaranteed. tfs ,nc* •«*«* « President ex- Keener, W. H. Mansell, G. H. Jenkins, wil1 «tag. 6:45 Four Young People's meetings, meeting. > - , p raaaati an attitude tward the mem- George Oerding, Frank Rover, Ken- Bible School 9:45, Martha Mulkey, ' FOR SALE—Old car, but miles left bership and toward the office she is nett Lawrence, Inez Chase, Lafe Mother’s Day topic. 7:45 Evening Service. Sprecial pro- Supt. The Mother’s Day Program SPEAKING OF FEED, you can't beat | in it. 850.00 cash. 1 Phon« 121-L.'about to fill which convinced her Compton, Georg« Ulett, R. B Rogen, the unvarying high quality of ; listeners that an understanding and R’ A' Jeub> Birdie Skeels, E. J. ■ gram for the mothers of service men. will start promptly at 9:45. Larro feeds. FARR & ELWOOD. Morning Worship 11 o’clock. Spe­ successful leader is again to take Ruble, V. R. McCurdy, Geo. R. John- Everyone welcome. son, Pete Culver, Ralph Milne, Frank ! Choir Rehearsal Wednesday. cial music. Lord’s Supper. Mother’s FOR SALE — Modern five-room L. Gseenough, Lucy H. Blum, O. C. Thursday, Prayer meeting. Young Dey sermon: “The Gospel According house, two bedrooms, oil furnace. Sanford, A. V. Hatcher, Harold Me- People’s Choir. to Mary.” Following the sermon . -■ .. <- .. - . ....... , r —••Y ••«««! 11HO tlVVCJ- Phone 141-R, Coquille, Mrs. Lou Be loyal to your Lord through your there will be a baptismal service. AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. [ the-less been active in club and Cue, W. P. Laws, Fred L. Houston, Braly. , „ 17t2»s \ Mildred Tyrrell, Ruth Sherwood, church. Bring your car in------ we can start |church affairs ever since coming Young People’s C- E. 7:15. * work at once. Southwestern Motor, Coquille. She is the wife of J. A? Ann Larson, Dora Burr, Florence L. Evening Service 8:00. Tuesday, 8:45. Church Leaders’ Church Of The Nazarene Co. • » , Moore, manager of the Gas company, I Aiken, Hale.B. Eubanks, L.W. Oddy, conference. __ - and they have a son in the service Pearly Lund, F. C. True, J. L. Smith, Ninth and Heath ■AIR-COOLED ENGINES—We - are.and . youn< dBughtar C. L. Tuttle, P. M. Norton, F. D. Rev. V. W. Anglin, Minister WILL SELL a small phonograph and 1 agents for Wisconsin «nd^Fair- Mr, wuda general Kunz, F. C. McNelly, Elbert Schroe­ 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. albums of records, or will trade1 banks Morse. FARR A ELWOOD. chajrlnan of yje j£ay festival, re- der, Kenneth Tally, M. O. Hawkins, 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas­ them far furniture, heating stove FARM * MACHINERY—Place your Ported and announced a net profit of O. B. Harriman and Chas. Stauff. tor preaching on “God’s Rest and or rugs. Phone 98-R. It* orders now for McCormick Deering 8218.10. Quietness in a World of Turmoil— Sunday School at 9:41 a. m. Farm Machines. We receive a I The treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Barrow, COOKING UTENSILS—Just received What Is the Source?” Morning worship at 11 o’clock. ... »large assortment of Enamelwar«. few items *^»9* end delivery announced the club now holds ten 7:00 p. m. Young.People's meeting. Sermon: “Victorious Peace.” Many item« which have not been ~ is being made in the order we re- one-hundred dollar war bonds. A 7:30 p. m. Evening Service. Praise Our school will commemorate Children’s Chorus and Bible Club on the market for a long time.— ceive your orders. J. A.-LAMB vote was taken to buy two more |100 Mother’s Day by honoring the moth­ service. Pastor preaching on “A at 2:90 p. m. I _____ _____ J. A. LAMB COMPANY. s COMPANY. s bonds, which will then total a hold- ' ers of _ our district at a Mother’s Day Glorious Deliverance» of a Great God, Christ Ambassadors at 8:45 p. m. ing of 81200 in bonds. Yearly re- Tea at the school house Friday after­ Not Armistice.” Evangelistic Service at 7:45 p. m. BEDDING PLANTS—Geums, Snap­ MUFFLERS ahd Exhaust Pipe for all ports were made by Mrs. D. B. Kes- noon ,t 2;3o oclock. The seventh 7:30 p. m. Wednesday evening, mid­ Sermon: ”A Working Faith.” dragons, Petunias, Asters, Carna­ makes of cars. J. A. LAMB COM­ ner, head of Red Cross Production, and eighth grade girls will be as— week prayer meeting. Bible Study and Prayer Tuesday at tions, Lobelia, Pinks, Stocks, PANY. . 8 Mrs. W. P. Laws, Courtesy chairman, ,tated by Mrs. Lils M. Mitchell, prin- 7:45 p. m. Pansies. FARR A ELWOOD. Lawrence on the cipai. All ladies and mothers of our Missionary Rally Thursday, May DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk- | l*n.d Seventh Day Aventis! Church sale of stamps. HEADQUARTERS tbr Crown Dairy district are very Cordially invited. 17th, at 7:45 p. m. Rev. and Mrs. ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get Sabbath School Sat., 9:45 a. m. Ten dollars was voted to the Can­ and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed The seventh and eighth grade pu­ Richard J. Teeter, who have been them at Pacific Feed A Seed So. tfs Church 11:00 a. m. cer Control Fund. ___ are _____ _________________ A Seed Co. tfs pils busy with the completion of evangelizing among service men in Pray«- Meeting Thursday 8:00 p. m. Before adjournment Mrs. Boober 'their annuals this wrek, b^Tidre tek- FOR SALE—Cock« pupa, A.K.C. Alaska will speak and show pictures PLANTS—Cabbage, Lettuce, Tomato, registered. . Strong-boned, field was presented with a check, which ln< ftaal examinations. There are of Alaska. The public is invited to Celery, Peppers. FARR A EL­ type. Good blood lines. C. B. Mrs. Moore stated the Board wanted twelve pupils in the eighth grade all services. WOOD. Holland's, McKinley Rt., opposite her to use for the purchase of some graduating class. Mrs. Mitchell re­ 18t3*s souvenir to remind her of her presi­ ports that all have passed their Lee school house. 1» YOU Need a Washing Machine or Church of God dency. Mrs. Boober's pleasure over final teats and that seven of them re­ If it’s Radio, See Ward’s. a do you have one to sell? In either HOME WATER SYSTEMS Deep the idea was expressed in her re ­ North Henry and Seventh Sts. ceived an average grade over 90. case, let us know and will help you IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE and shallow well units on hand. Walter Lee Greer, Pastor sponse. _______ ___ __ , of our The graduating exercises UNITED STATE8 FOR THE arrange to sell or buy. This ser­ I No priority FARR A ELWOOD. Decorations were in charge of . ' ***»«*•• Eighth >S«BM.V grade class DISTRICT OF OREGON Sunday. May 12 *-!■■■ # will W44* be W at Mb the vice will be without cost to either In the Matter of 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. party. Coquille Electric Co., for­ SPONGES—Made of wood. Some­ Mesdames O. C. Sanford, Otto Zent- school house on Wednesday evening, Victor Arthur Dlmmick, Jr. _____ ___ ___ thing new ___ and ________ durable. Can be ner, F. L. Greenough and R. A. Wer- May 8, at 8:30 o’clock. Lester Clau­ 11:00 a. m., Mother's Day program merly Washer Service Co., 385 Bankrupt. used" for Sponges or Chamois. 'nlch; arrangements, Mrs. Geo. John- sen, chairman of the school board, and message. B 88884 la fiaakiagtej Front Phone 17. tfs Priced 50 cents to 81.50. See them '*°n 8nd Mr» W. H. Barrow. 7:00 j>. m., Children’s meeting. will present the diplomas. Three To the creditors of Victor Arthur Dimmick, Jr., of North Bend, in COMBAT KNIVES — Surplus Army demonstrated at J. A. LAMB COM- ' S° m8nX requests were made to songs will be sung by the class, ac­ 7:30 p. m., Worship: sermon, “The the County of Coos, and district goods. Swell hunting knives. PANY. s i h,ve her rhymed farewell printed companied by Mrs. Vance Russell Love of God." aforesaid, a bankrupt: FARR A ELWOOD.. - ------------------------------------------- that we take pleasure in presenting “Favor is deceitful, and beauty is Notice is hereby given that said Miss Verne Former has recently NOTICE To Farmers ~ We have a the following written by the Coquille purchased the Matt Sapp property Victor Arthur Dimmick, Jr., has been vain: but a woman that feareth the PAPER HANGING, Kalsominlng, duly adjudged a bankrupt on a pe­ few use» tires suitable for use I Woman’s Club out-going president, here in Riverton from Mrs. George tion filed by him on the 30th day Lord, she shall be praised.”—Prov. Spray and Brush Painting, the lat­ on Wagons, home-made Tractors' Flo Boober: Huther. Mr. and Mrs. Huther have of March, 1945, and that the first 31:80. est in Imperial, Birge and Pitts­ and other implements using car . purchased the Dye property here. meeting of his creditors will be held burgh Wall Papers. We furqish and truck tire sizes. O. K. Rubber . Later in the season the Huthen may at City Hall in Coquille, Oregon on Welders. , »,As 1 r«‘«n °«lce- «11 labor and materials for any the 23rd day- of May, 19- day-of 1945, at the move onto this property and rent hour of 11 O ’ clock in the 'forenoon, I do ao with regret, size job. Herbert E. Wood, Interior their own home. at which, place and time the aaid and Exterior Decorator, 275 North CEMENT CHIMNEY —Easy to in­ Tve had such co-qperation' Francis E. Sell has asked us to creditors may attend, prove their Henry, Coquille, phone 284. • stall. Economical. FARR A EL­ I just never will forget. e, appoint a make the fallowing statement in this claims, appoint a trustee, WOOD. creditors' committee, examine ixamlne the Instead of being glad it’s o’« GARDEN TIME is just around column: He did not serve in the bankrupt, and transact such other the Corner. See ua for Gar­ SHOWER CABINETS complete with I feel—well sort of blue, last World’s War and such statements business as may properly come be­ den and Field S e e d«; Feed and cement base, in stock. J. A. LAMB i You’ve made me glad I took the job as “Veteran Marine and Veteran of fore said meeting. Dated this 1st day of May, 1945. Fertilizer». EATON’S FEED COMPANY. • I’m sorry that it’s thru. the last World War” are both inept C. L. Hamilton, STORE, Coquille. tfs and inaccurate. We are sorry for 17tl .. There’s all my fine official board. Referee in Bankruptcy. Try O-SO-KLEEN for white'wash. Officers, good and true, any embarrassment this may have IS YOUR Washing Machine giving Safe for colored clothe», rayons IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE They’ve been right there behind me— caused Mr. Sell. I! SITED STATES FOR THE perfect service. We service all and the most delicate fabrics. They’re so good-looking, too. DISTRICT OF OREGON makes and carry a stock of parts Garnier’s Refrigeration Service s In the Matter of for most standard makes. Coquille And then the program chairmans George Gazner Long, Electric Co., formerly Washer Ser­ FOR SALE — One fine registered I thank them every one, _ Bankrupt. Romney Ram. Call evenings or Theif task has not been easy B 28578 In Bankruptcy vice Co., 365 Front. Phone 17. tfs Mrs. Genevieve Thomas, of Co­ Sundays. Dr. 1. R. Bunch. 16tfs But it has been well done. To the creditors of George Gazner quille, underwent a major operation Long, of Empire, in the County of FISHING TACKLE—We receive a last Thursday. Coos, and district aforesaid, a few new items each week. It p^ys DRAIN TILE—4 in., 6 in., 8 in. My other chairmans have been grand. bankrupt: Two appendectomies were per­ FARR A ELWOOD. There’s Effie, friendly and sweet to come in 4 and look around. J. _ Notice is hereby given that said formed in the operating room Sat ­ Ip getting members in the club . A. LAMB COMPANY. S REPAIRS—We stock Genuine Mc­ George Gazner Long has been duly urday, one for Ryburn Workman, of adjudged a bankrupt on a petition She surely can’t be beat. Cormick Deering repairs. Check filed hv by him him rm on th« the 10th day of Coquille, and one for Audrey Ward, filed over your machines and order now. And then there’s Edna, staunch and of Langlois. ¡January,- 1945, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held true J. A. LAMB COMPANY. a Geo. Burgess, of Bandon, entered .at City Hall in Coquille, Oregon, on As finance chairman, she’s whiz 1 for treatment on Tuesday. the 23rd day of May, 1945, at 11:30 CAPABLE MAN, 31 years, In 4-F SELL YOUR CAR TO She can surely plan the ways and Robert Dykes, of Coquille, under- O’clock in the forenoon, at which classification; married, 2 children, SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS » means ; went a major operation yesterday J place and Ume the said creditors may wants permanent work in or near And gets right down to biz. . attend, prove their claims, appoint Receive top price. Avoid OJA. ; afternoon. | a trustee, appoint a creditors com­ Coquille, as Firemarv—■oil or dust— red tape. Get spot cash. No delay. Dismissals the past week were mittee, examine the bankrupt, and truck driver, or will accept any Gladys Kesner is another one See Cince Finley at the Used Car Lot. Who can really make things go, I Donna Marsh on Monday, Mrs. Sylvia transact such other business as may type of work. Can come by middle Phone 244. — tfs properly come before said meeting. of May. State wages and hours in As Red Cross Chairman, she’s the Taylor, Mrs. Robert Waterman, A. C. Dated May 2, 1945. top«, * Higginbottom and R. E. Davis, all on TIMBER WANTED—Five-inch top C. L. Hamilton, letter addressed to WJP.B, care ef ITtI Referee in Bankruptcy. Tuesday. fir piling, long lengths. Telephone the Sentinel, Coquille. 16t2s‘ She can almost make ME sew. ATwater 4341, quantity can supply. t------------------------------------------------ —---- - There ’ s Euta with her cordial ways — Niedermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser­ Who greets them at the door Remember Norton’s — for office, vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ Overseas Edition of The Bldg;, Portland, Oregon. 17t7 tfs j And, when a meeting starts that way, i school and home supplies. PANY. S Well, who can ask for more? IN MgTMCT tX)l