K a GE FOUR X, The Sentinel H. A. YOUNG ----- s--------- --------- Let Goverment Take Whatit —^¡ProduceS’-No Taxes TWENTY YEARS AGO Be ........ -------- and if the site value were taken and there were po taxes on anything you bought that would nearly double the buying power of labor, that is you would pay only half as much for the things you bought. It land were free that would eliminate a first cost on land and that would increase the buying power of labor. No one would have to consider the coot of a home except the building. Wages would go up to the full pro­ duction of labor. All wealth is the union of two things—a job (land,) plus labor. If you take one away, the other is left. Let us take a chair. If we take away all that to labor from the chair the job or land is left. If you free land you are really free­ ing the job, and with free land (job) you would have a large number of jobs and wages would go up to the full earnings of labor. You cannot produce jobs (lapd) you can only make them accessible. Free trade, free land, free men. Jas. Richmond, M. D. ■ . .......... 111 111 — - others held at the City Hall in Coos Bay last week. The local board will assign the farm slaughter quota in pounds of dressed meet for each of the quarters of the calendar year equivalent to 100 per çent of the amount the farm­ er sold or gave away during the corresponding quarter of 1944. In case the full number of rationing points required were not turned in to the local board during 1944, the ap­ plicant will be asked to sign a com­ pliance indicating that he under­ stands the rationing regulation and agrees in the future to collect points and turn them in to the local board. Farmers who sold no meet in 1944 may obtain a quota for delivery up to 400 pounds of dressed meat during this year, it was explained. Under this program slaughterers are divided into three classes, Janney stated. One includes those estab­ lishments subject to federal lnspec- tion. No lilmtations are placed on their slaughter since they are al­ ready subject to “set aside’’ orders. Clam three, resident operators or farms who slaughter livestock, or had livestock slaughtered for them from which they collected or transferred during 1944, not more than 6,600 pounds of dressed meet. Clam two slaughterers include all non-federally inspected commercial and retail slaughterers as well as any person other than farm slaughterer who had livestock custom slaughtered for them. (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, ganizations as "Straw Hut Day.” | May 8, 1925) —o— i The problem: The city of San C. R. Richards, county agent, is1 Francisco took ov« six lots ten gabseriptisn Raise Geo. N. Battey, who has been run- One Year__________ ________ $2.00 ning the county Arm for the past planning for several flax demonstra- ’ blocks from Market street on a tax Six Months............................. — 1.00 years, has resigned that position tions in the next few months. Sev- bill in 1856. The city leased them and is preparing to move to Portland oral plots in the county will be put ¡July 1, 1944, for $30,500 monthly, to? m ad“n« ^ThtonX to tonpera- , the first of the week. He is to be the to seed this year. Question Np. 5. What effect will uv, -U , ■ manager of the West Side Automo- ; the taking of this velue have on the . u,. ... . t.; j... r............. ~ bile camping grounds there adjoining Chas. T. Skeels had a hair-raising selling value of the lots? The rental totered at the Coquille Poetoffice as Terwilliger Boulevard. . . . Mr. and experience last Monday evening. site value is $366,000 per year if Second Class Mall Matter. | Mrg y^d McNelly were appointed With L. H. Hazard and J. A. Lamb you capitalize this value at five per . ■ , ■■»in. i 7 ~~ the county court superintendent he had started for Marshfield a little cent, the going rate which would Office Corner W. Fl**t and WNtarg BL and matron of the farm. after eight o'clock and just beyond give a* selling value of $7,320,000. Coaledo, they noticed a package ly-1 This is true if there were no taxes A business men’s tennis club of 30 ing in the middle of the highway.'on the lots and they were privately ÉDITORIAL- members has been organized in Co­ “Somebody dropped that,” said owned. Let us assume the lots pri- 5QÇJATION ; quille and two court are to be laid Skeels. “I’ll go pick it up.” The vately owned, a tax of 100 ppr cent .SttjunL ■ out on the two lots at the end of the car had gone possibly 150 feet farth-' on the $366,000 or site value, or five — . block west from the First National er than the package when stopped per cent On the selling value (so k Bank. Officers elected were: pres., and was around a bend from it. called); then these lots would have Ralph Faulkner; sec.-treas., O. T. Charley ran back to pick it up and; no saleable value but they would Gant; board of directors, H. C. Getz, just as he reached for it, the blamed | have the use or site value. Dr. J. B. GilliY and E. D. Webb. thing jumped a couple of feit. Star-No. 6. It this value were taken —o— tied, he looked up to see the figure of , all over the United States how would Farmers Must Register Before Postoffice officials at Portland an­ a man crouching in the brush at the it effect land? No land would have We heard a pitiful little story the nounce that the air mail service from side of the road, with a gun levelled I a saleable value. The government Selling or Giving Away Meat Farmers who expect to sell or other day. A small boy, with a small the east and California to Oregon at him. But before the hold-up had of this country would have to take boy’s curiosity, was asking questions and the northwest will be established time to say a word a car came around about $20,000,000,000 of value to do give away meat after May IS of this of a man at work. But when the July 1st the bend and the fellow drew back this, The land in Times Square, year are required to register with their local War Price and Rationing man asked him his name, he shook | farther into the brush. Charley seized Loop district of Chicago or Market his head. The unfairness of refusing Nexl Monday. May n, WM degl<. the opportunity and stood not on the Street in San Francisco, all would Board before they begin to market to answer one question after re- Mted by the «,^1 thig week „ order of his going but legged It for be free of Saleable value. Land the meat, according to information explained by Frederick F. Janney, ceiving replies to so jnany of his own claan_Up Day. Trucks will be pro- his car as fast as he could. The could not be held out of use and the queries was " pointed out. “But ‘ I; ivided by the city to collect all the robber yelled at him and threw a beet sites in both city and country District Rationing Executive for the ** * have a German name,” the boy ex-! cans and trash placed on the park­ rock, but Charley kept going. Such would come into use first. No land OPA, at a meeting of producers and plained. ings. stunts are not uncommpn out on the would be excessively used for it Advertisement How pathetic that, in addition to main highways, but this to the first would be'cheaper to use the cheaper all the misery unloosed in Europe by Wednesday, May 13, has been attempt of which we have heard in sites. It would do* away with your Hitler and his followers, one small adopted by Portland and state or-, Coos county. 'high buildings and it also jvould American boy should feel the mark —i-----------------------------------w ■ - prevent your towns and cities from of Cain! • ( being too much scattered. There This movement to another form off To this innocent child we would stateism carrying the same underly- j I would be no good lots in. land out say, “Eisenhower” is also a German i ing principles as communism, fas­ of use. You would not see miles of name, that to be an American is a By HON. R. T. MOORE cism, or naziism. Any differences streets and roads pass unused land. heritage of which he may be proud It to interesting to note the effect of are of degree only. and that only when he himself Statetom has "hever dared come taking the site value of land on the does wrong need he feel ashamed. The law of diminishing returns forth dressed in its own habiliments. issuing of bonds. There would be And do they appreciate it' A Saturday night Is open house for affects the yield from corporate in- It has always come beneath the cloak nothing to bond -and government ,_____ ___ touch of home life, hospitality, service men at Dad and Ma Hos ­ Five years ago I to^ay: ___ _ come ,or p“1 ye*r Wlth kins’. They spread out sliced tur­ good food, a pleasant glass of of democracy, with its right hand would to pay as you do. It coulR not armies marched into Belgium, The Yasional beer or cider—and, afterwards, exceptions, American extended in token of friendship while take more tharf the site value for its key and chicken, hotbreads and Netherlands and Luxemburg. Also business maybe a sing around the piano, has shown substantial its left holds the ready dagger of purpose. cake, sweet cider and Ice-cold it to a fifth anniversary for Wtntfton shrinkage in net income before taxes or a chat before the fire. 7. This value, if taken, would pay beer—and let any service man Its almost irresistible Churchill as on May 10. 1940, he for those Industries under OPA price dictatorship. who wants to, come and help every tax that to paid. How would From where I sit, a lot more appeal to man ’ s weakness for follow ­ succeeded' Neville Chamberlain as control, Causes probably are in­ ing paths of least resistance makes it that effect wages, interest'and rent? families could take a tip from himself. Prime Minister of Great Britain. creased labor costs and over-head Let us first define wages. Wages Some townsfolk thought the the Hoskins', and give our serv­ Churchill's promise of “blood, which have squeezed out profits a formidable foe. In return for re­ ice men a chance to spend off fellows might get obstreperous lief from responsibility and the as­ are the result of certain forces; it is i sweat and tears,” has been fulfilled against rigid price ceilings. the union of two things—labor and or take advantage of the Hoe­ hours In homelike surround­ surance of a modicum of creature in overflowing measure but the hope I The slump in corporate income tax ings, in an atmosphere of moA kins' hospitality. But the men land, each of which profoundly af­ 017^°? wuTi«mtote the burden on comforts it takes away a substan­ eration and good fellowship. are quick to recognise that If labor goes out tial portion of personal freedom. And fect the other. and the bad tidings of that dark May individual incomes. Taxpayers must here's a real American home, and picks ferns, berries, and many yet it prates loudly of freedom and 1 day of five yearn ago have been'meet a caJculated amount ol federai where friendliness and modera­ other form of natural opportunity, turned into tidings of great joy for I expenditures each year to preserve equality. But the freedom it gives ' tion are just naturally observed, to the freedom of the cattle fenced labor gets its full product. Nearly all of ito this week. Ivalue of u,, dollar. What the cor- r- •* • ’ in the pasture and its equality to half , of every thing you buy is tax „ . , ~„ 1 porations are unable to pay will have only of the degree it sees fit 3 ‘ No. a Seriu More truly thankful and reverently added u individual tax­ (Morgenthau) 1 stow without regard for ; grateful for victory in Europe wme dyers’ bill. Unless price relief or Americans on Tuesday this week Iower regtore profu marglna preference or merit. Stateism makes special appeal to than in the hilarious and, at times, for legg indlvldual lncome man ’s cupidity. It places a price on forced gaiety of the November taxes is bleak patriotism, loyalty, efficiency, and Armistice Day in 1918. I A serious inflation danger lies in moral virtue. Under its system men _ . ® the fact that individuals can vote to are virtuous only to the degree they deieat oi **** German arbitrarily tower their personal tax are paid to be virtuous. We have- armies at Stalingrad, we had the bill,, which they are very apt to do strange feeling of watching the war u the go(ng getl to(Jgh ln dolng seen Its effect on the German -and Italian peoples whom we now re-; to reverse, as names and places which „ wiu v,lue of gard with righteous scon» for having had marked victorious battlefields | doUar and wlth w th< VBhle of for the invaders again appeared in (thing they possess. They would force succumbed to its blandishments.. the news when they were driven back'continue daficit fin>ncinf that And yet we have considerable sec­ inexorably by the revenging Rus-ic^d end only ln U|e ^trucUon of tions of our own people under its hypnotic power at this writing. [American democracy and the substi- We see it in the defiant coal miners’ Even more exhilarating has been tution of form of ^.t^, The *T cynical disregard for the needs of the the news of the past few weeks as would follow of Germany armed forces, in effect placing great­ prisoners in the German Reich were'aiter world War I er value on the daily wage than on released and those who had been Restoration of business profit mar- the life of the son in the service. feared killed ._L < *lns’ b®1"« 80 necessary as an anti- We see it in the misuse of food ra­ found alive. Their return to friend- --------------- --------------- • inflation measure, can be accom- accom- 1 !L“?^c.f!°ir-T“Uke,r“ur’plished in geveral ways or throu«h tioning for trivial advantage at the expense of one’s neighbor. It to in rectlon from ~ the dead. ----------------------------------- a combination of several methods. ---------- • This second world war has pro- Price level, should be constantly ad- the reliance on centralized govern­ vided enough poignant drama to keep )uated to fit current conditions as ment for the sustenance that should the story-tellers going for the next'- long as feasible ................ to permit free play have been provided by personal ef­ fort. It to in the tendency to trans­ thousand years. for laws of supply and demand. form our citizens from men into Taxes must be adjusted to en­ mere card numbers. It has invaded COQUILLE OBSERVED V-E DAY IN courage new enterprise and permit even the most Intimate of personal DEVOUT AND THANKFUL WAY I the expansion of established firms. rights and privileges with its Jickeys that look for all the in- r It has been repeatedly demonstrated sidious doctrines. In keeping with what should be world like Blouses that lower tax rates produce more the solemnity and serious contem­ *'og Mother on Mother’s Day corporate income tax dollars. While plation of V-E day (Victory in Eu­ As the peace approaches and the present wage levels should be held rope), Coquille observed the day longed-for return to normal life to insure the purchasing power of Tuesday with a devoutness and sin­ draws nearer, there must be a re- the working man, labor costs should cere thankfulness that will make and can be reduced by increasing the dedication of life and effort to the May 8 one long to be remembered task of preserving American insti­ efficiency of labor. There is still by its citizens. There was none of tutions. There has been too much wide-spread feather-bedding and the hilarity and boisterousness thought of self and too little of coun­ more emphasis on the wage than on which all too often mars the obser-i * doing the job. A change in atti­ try. We have strayed too far from vance of such a holiday. tude of the working public is called the- vital truths as taught in the Nearly all of the business houses Sermon on the Mount wherein we i remained closed all day, following' for. It is a challenge to wise labor were admonished to seek first Chris­ leadership. President Truman's address at six i tian virtue and be assured that in o’clock that morning when he and the seeking we would find food, Prime Minister Churchill of England , This Administration is making a clothing and shelter added unto us. and Gen. Dwight Eisenhower were « s i ‘ar^ towards simple trutns truths are are even even more more . A needed _ Y economy -------- v of , These 1 nese simple today than they heard telling of the signing of un- ulv, were! conditional surrender papers by the losing ir<*lnd in inner government ' when uttered in thlg immortal dis- [.circles. German Nazi chieftain. [Circles. But the path back to an i— , < . course. We will be wise to read It is only one of the two world ' ' prnnnm conomlcal' efficient government to again and heed their message .aui- u __ ____ . FMXSAt UrifH man« mnixv« ° * battle fronts which has been closed be*t wlth ma"y mai°r obstacles, to the murder of war, but the end 11 require a high degree of of the conflict in Europe will hasten c°urage and determination on the Townsend Club No. 1 Notes A goodly number of members were the day when all will be over in part ot the Provident to keep the the Pacific — a consummation de- •*1*p 0* state headed towards econ- out for “V-E” Dey club meeting. The voutly to be wished. j omY. He will need the loyal support opening service was: prayer, flag > , of the people to ease the way. The salute, singing of “America,” and There to no substitute for tin. Tin | thIn< can done if thinking people various committee reports were given. | Leathers and Fabrics from tin cans to used in every battle- ¡wil1 swln< sturdily, into line in de­ The tea towel sale amounted to Assorted Colors, Styles and Prices ship, submarine, bomber, or tank. In mandln« a re-organization of govem- $10.80. Mr. Ware received the door fact every machine of war, on the ment that will insure an equitable prize—one pint of cream. land, sea and in the air. Save and distribution of tex burdens and give The men will serve at the next prepare every tin can. Make them ,va,ue received to the taxpayers, meeting and there will be a program for Mother’s Day. Be sure and come available for our boys to fight with, i — For details, call your Salvage Com- | Probably the most serious menace out—Press Correspondent. to American free enterprise is the mittee. -Owned Store in subjugation of individualism by mass “It Pays To Insure In Sure Insur­ Get a good book at Norton's Rental action that has .taken place on a ance.” See Ernest R. Smith, office tfs ^large-scale during the last decade. Roxy Bldg. Phone 97. Library. PabHshess H. A. YOUNG, Editor I • •••*••••• • • ••••••••• and • Fragments of Fact Fancy Rom where I sit... // Joe Marsh. The Hoskins Timely Topics are a One-FamHy USO ‘pziLu-f and lndirect MOTHER’S DAY May 13th, 1945 O’ What A Wonderful Day : Here are just a few timely Suggestions for Mother’s Day ^Dickeys * Gloves ^Purses * Slips ★ Gowns ★ Pajamas it Hats it Handkerchiefs Buy For Mother A Good Bag I Lorenz Department Store