Harmonious Meeting Advice On How C.-C. Pioneer Assn ~ Kill Weeds To The moat important function of cul­ tivation is weed control' Weeds are PROW SERVICE HCASOMABLÍ OB CONTRACTING 1 ’ jfflWVMiSíKWí L m CMM. JACK BEVLIN IM South Elliott Coquille MONUMENTS and i are Carved from «tain- ■" 1,11 < iiiii**udjaaiid«adnmii»—mam—»q f Coot Bay, Oregon Special Discounts on . 1 GRADUATION PICTURES Remember “Mother” with* your picture Sunday, May 13. We invite Service Men to call. • • •. ». TWAOt ■ ASÍ fata *» COLO SPRING MONUMENTS •rsaca Scofield Studio Hub Building Coos Bay Rom where I sit ~. Joe Marsh Black Market Versus Brighter Meals