no coquttu fAiltv in this fair land, Tokyo! even back for untold centuries, and Natl By now he had come to look upon the The first display of a picture that had been slowly in the Oregon which took place recently in process of painting for his people, •. r r the lobby of the First National Bank By Bob Harrison and that picture branded him as a of Portland Main branch invoked The great Shawnee Chief Tecum ­ U 4 ? criminal, a savage, -and a barbarian, __ ___ ____ ___ _ a twin the interest of thousands who viewed seh _ was bom _ 1768 and * waa brotber to KUkwatawa, also a great and the crowning crime was for his the vertical flying aircraft: defense of his people and their free ­ warrjor> but waa defeated at the It also brought a request from the oi Tippecanoe, by General dom that had been theirs for cen-<- owner of a large Eastern Oregon made and entered turiee. ■? I HarriBon jt mlMt remembered farm for information as to where he I wUL of A Savages? Yes, it is true that theM, Indlan warrlor, were , 1646, __________ could purchase i helicopter. Redman of the forest wai ai|icg f the 5^1^ forces and were “Farming as I do. some 6,000 acres proceed to sell, at private sale, to merciless being, made so by defeated at o( scattered over two counties, I think I the highest and best bidder, for cash I in hand, and subject to the confirma­ Divine Law that armed the wasp, . ~ __ „„ ,, 1 Thames, by Harrison, and during his this type of plane would answer my tion of said court, all of the right, Washington, D. C-. April 26-While abaence campaign, !arge tracts the bee, and the hornet with their needs," he wrote. “Have asked and title and Interest of said estate ami the indlan Und on both sides of sting, and it is quite true, also, that watched for this type of plane, but those claiming under it, in and to Washington, D. C., May 3—There farmers in Washington and Oregon, Wabath RJver had or Mother Nature in her great wisdom, have never been able to get informa­ the following described real property is much »peculation in the national and in every state throughout the ^^7 j * —,--------- by the whites, and when endowed all her creatures with the capital as to whether Secretary of country, have been in desperate need Beginning at the Northwest tion on same.” spirit of the combetiveness that they the Interior Ickes will retain White of farm machinery with which t° ,Tecumseh finally got back to his corner of the Northeast quarter Aware of the new interest in fly­ of the Northwest quarter of Sec­ House approval of his efforts to elim- produce the quotas of foodstuffs he delivered a plea tb Gov- might defend themselves against the ing for both business and pleasure tion 36, Township 27 South, inate privately-owned utilities in lo- asked tor by war food administration, ernor Harrison in council at Vin- intruder on their liberty. 'on the part of indivduato, all Range 13 West of Willamette Although mankind has advanced calities where there to possibility of more than 850,000,000 worth has been on A ug jj l8i0> whlch u Meridian, the mid point being far along the road of progress yet branches of the First Nationa Bank expanding the field of government- sent to foreign countries under lend- here'reproduced: approximately on the easterly Ilf. —.nri .hnuid now offer a new finance plan for primitive life means much and should boundary of the County Road; and owned power plants. In recent lease, according to statements made j true j am g ghawnee. purchase of aircraft that makes the running thence southerly, follow­ months such efforts have been ap- on the floor of the senate. The com- My foreiatberg were warriors. Their never be lost to the race, as it seems deal as simple as buying an auto­ ing the said easterly boundary of parent in the Pacific northwest and mittee on agriculture and forestry a warrior. From them I take man must go back and delve into mobile. the County Road to a point on The First National Bank Iven aid and encoutage- they were given encourage- also reported that next year the man- only my existence; from my tribe I the greatest antiquity for his theme was a pioneer in aircraft finance. th« tract the North boundary of C --------- of land deeded to Falconer, the ____ ment __ by the j provisions of the last ufacture of farm machinery will be uke nothln< j am the maker of of justice snd truth, in fact his il­ Plans and services have been stream­ mid point being a distance of flood control measure enacted by reduced by 40 per cent, although no my owri fortune; and oh, that I could lusion of hope. If one should want lined to meet the large volume of 1526 feet north of the south to draw on his imagination for a «ongrow Under this law the sec- reduction has been made in the make that of my red people, and of boundary of the Southeast demand expected for civilian planes semblance of a golden age, he might retary of the interior to given the quantity which may be sent abroad. < my country, as great as the concep­ quarter of the Northwest quarter and helicopters. of the mid Section 36; thence authority to dispose of electric ener- | These alarming facto were offered tion of my mind, when I think of find something worth while in the Loans for flight instruction are East to the line ot the foot of gy generated at any of the dams to by Senator Langer, of North Dakota, the Spirit that rules the universe. life of the aborigines of this contin- made as well as for the aircraft it- the hill; thence N. 42* 4iX E. be built for flood control, irrigation as justification for an amendment I “I would not then come to Governor Americas surely enjoyed the fullest I for a distance of 2.86 feet to the »elf. • measure of freedom and all its at- center ot Budd Creek; thence N. or navigation, and there? to no reason introduced by him during discussion Harrison to ask him to tear the treaty 51* 26' W. along the. center ot to believe that Mr. Ickes contem- of the lend-lease act which would and to obliterate the landmarks; but ent for the earliest inhabitants of the WAC Enlistmewts Xre Budd Creek; for a distance of tendant pleasures. plates any change in the policies fol- forbid the manufacture for, or dis- I _______ _ _____ __ _ ___ would _ say to him: 'Sir, you _____ have 175.44 feet; thence N. 42* 40' E. Still Needed In Oregon lowed by him in the past. , ! position to, any foreign government ¡lb^rty “to ^tum to your own coun- for a distance of 360.35 feet; thence S. 58* OT E. for a dis­ In both Washington and Oregon of any machinery, implements or try , The WAC Recruiting Service head­ tance of 134.00 feet; thence S. 46* encouragement has been given local equipment suitable for use on the i "The being within communing quarters ln Portland sends out no­ 48H' X. for a distance of 202.25 cooperatives in their efforts to dto- farm. Senator Langer offered for the with past ages, tells me that once, tice that the recruiting policy is be­ feet; thence S. 38* 5T W. for a place private utility companies, record more than 100 telegrams re­ not until lately, there was no white ing changed and personnel in the distance of 55.33 feet; thence S. 64* 03' E. for a distance of 63.20 even to the extent of condemnation ceived by him frqm North Dakota man on this continent; that it then all „____ ________ „___________ _ Oregon district will be minimized af- I feet; thence S. 42* 31' E. for a ■nd forced sale of their properties. farmer» and other» stating in im- belonged to red men, children of ln Oregon," reported Harold H. Wil-1*^“** 1 distance of 330.21 feet; thenc* Mr. Ickes to a firm believer in and pressive terms the manner in which the same parents, placed on it by cox, state’organizer, who went on to! Add““»»“» wom«n experienced ln S. 86* 04' E. for a distance oi advocate of public ownership and he they had been handicapped by the the Great Spirit that made them, tai 60.6 feet, more or less, to a point say that for many years the Town­ the administrative field are still on the east boundary of the mid has used the authority of his position shortage of farm machinery and fore- keep it, to traverse it, to enjoy its needed in the Army Ground Forces, send clubs in Oregon had maintained Northeast quarter of the North­ to Impose this policy upon communi- . casting the dire effect such shortage producta an ,lnce made 1 women interested In medical work thence Northerly along the mid . tion KWJJ and that there were times a , No more convincing illustration" of duction. Not only is there a Short- East boundary of the Northeast .T* miserable by white people, who are when finance, ran low and dtocontin-.'"** quarter of the Northwest quar­ this intent can be found than ln the age of farm equipment but it to never contented but always en­ uation was threatened. technicians’ training. All will ro- ter of section 36 to the Northeast case of San Francisco, where voters now almost impossible to obtain croaching. The way, and the only Recently, Wilcox said, such a con- “lve tr“inln< at Moinea’ corner thereof; thence West along have repeatedly refused to oust a parts for the machinery which has way, to check and stop this evil, to the North boundary of the said ditlon confronted the third district public utility which has for years suffered Northeast quarter of the North­ iten.tnr from'long R.rkl.v use. adnotinn tOT *» “»• «*<* *"**» to un“« ‘n clalm- council and notice of the fact waS | Th*. »tatcment On' west quarter of'Section 36 to the ->-^-"^^^8 4|> a niirstn given satisfactory service. As far^’ i Senator " Barkley opposed adoption j a eommon ___ anas come back with a nM>ny/ftot; it to theirs. They may sell, but This time it was presented by -the particularly described as fol­ new demand. foreign countries for the purpose of all must join. Any sale not made successful bidder to Club 82, meeting lows: Beginning at a point ln Efforts by co-operatives in Wash- 1 aiding starving peoples, he said, if by all is not valid. The late sale to the Northeast quarter of the ington and Oregon to compel the sale the machinery is denied them, .for bad.- It was made by a part only. the next night. This time it brought Northwest quarter of Section the sum of 88.00 and the lucky bidder Township 27 South, of local privately owned utilities the reason that their manpower Part do not know how to sell. It who got it decided that, since it looked . Wmt of Willamette have been aided by the interior de- shortage is just as acute as in the requires all to make a bargain for ♦ the mid point bein_ still fresh and none the worse for / partment, frankly and openly, and United States. ¡all. 17104 feet North and 801.6 feet wear and travel, he would donate it The Langer amendment was de­ in some instances they have been at ~ East of the corner to the South­ "All red men have equal rights to the Kelso, Wash., club which was west corner of the Southeast lease partially successful. Currently, feated by a roll call vote of 28 to ' to unoccupied land. The right of oc­ quarter of the Northwest quarter ___ _ ___ ___ _ holding a Sunday meeting the next there to lively interest in the outcome 46, Senators Magnuson of Washing- i cupancy to _ as good in one place as day. Guy L. Montgomery volunteer- of the mid Section 36; and run­ "Tharo" can ~ two'oc. of such an attempt at Vancouver, ton and Mor« of Oregon voting nay ning thence N. 58* W for a dis­ ,ed to furnish the transportation for Wash., with odds being wagered that and uSe"atorsCordon ot Oregon and cupations in the same place. The tance of 140.0 feet; thence N. (the cake to the Kelso meeting, and 28* W for a distance of 36.65 not voting. It ta Secretary Ickes will again be able Mitchell of Washington _____ _____ _ flrat exchxl€, all othera on Monday, reported the proceeds of feet, to a point on the boundary to chalk up a victory for his pet The division was not along party i so in hunting snd traveling; tor there of the tract described in the fore­ 811.00 to the Oregon office. Total policy. Much will depend upon the lines, going description. . _ and . seamed . .. not to . have been the same ground will serve many, as returns for the radio fund, 833.35, influenced by Senator Langer ’ s pre- thpy follow each other degree. If any, of the support Mr. Also excepting and the cake to still edible. — Town ­ heretofore granted: and Ickes receives from the White House. sentation, although non« of th. sen- but the cam „ send National Weekly. Bids will be received I So far there to nothing to indicate stars saw fit to give a reason for b is occupancy. n It belongs to to the the first first administrator of said es down on hU blanket or ^lni that the matter has been brought to hi. position for or against the pro- wh<> office of J. Arthur Berg, Comparative Figures O r Farm posed amendment. Coos County, Oregon. President Truman’s attention. which he has thrown upon the ground » El bert Schroeder, Population In U. S. Given * ,and until he leaves it no other has Rev. R. D. Bender was lest Friday Administrator for the Estate Secretary of Agriculture Claude j a right. ” Report by the war defense inves­ A count of the number of persons, afjpointed administrator of the 8825 of Hugh Thomas Downey, Wlckard has issued a statement es- I The plea presented here by that ________ 16t5 tigating committee, of which Presi­ 14 years old and over, employed on estate left by Robert Ahr, who died ______ Deceased. dent Truman, then senator, was timating that in the post-war period simple child of the forest was, no farms in Coos county to being made at Coos Bay, April 8. "Bobbie” Ahr IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE chairman, was again read to the sen­ there will be 57,500,000 employed and I doqbt, a righteous one, as he had by enumerators of the Bureau of the was formerly a frequent Coquille and had seen the ate a few days ago as basis for re­ 2,000,000 unemployed in the United ■ i uVed many ^ years, ***• ■*» w>aa«a aaaw Census, Department of Commerce, visitor, being an umbrella repair man. In the Matter of the Estate of newal of the demand for further States, producing a net national in­ 'invasion of the white man, in Ms as one of the principal features of Mrs. Agnes D. Duncan was also William Thomas Brady, Deceased. come of 8150 billion. Most poet-war probing of the airplane industry tor mad rush to take the land that had the 1945 Census of Agriculture now appointed Friday as administratrix of Nettm eg Sale eg Real Property Notice to hereby given that by vir­ the purpose of determining the cause planning is baaed, he says, on the as­ 1 so long been free to the tread of I i under way. This enumeration will the 85,000 estate left by her late hus­ tue of an order, decree and license of accidents which have taken the! sumption that the nation will find the red children, and now he could, provide information, it to explained band, Earl D. Duncan, who died at of the County Court of Coos County, live« of 17,000 pilots while in train­ the means to reach and maintain the sun of that freedom sinking 1 by Paul N. Plank, supervisor of the Coos Bay, March 23. Frank Skewto, j Oregon, made and entered on the ing. This, Senator Langer asserted, .such full employment The depart- ! away in the western skies. 1945 farm census in this district, on to almost three times the number of ment of agriculture, however, says 1, The old Chieftain, no doubt, lived the extent of the farm labor force in pilots lost in combat The Truman | the secretary, is making some provi­ in the faith that the freedom that this county after three years of war committee report charged certain sions as to what lifebelts farmers 1 ; the red men had enjoyed so long, was and its drain on the farm population. airplane manufacturers with falsifi­ might fall back upon in case full | a gracious-gift from the Greaj Spirit, The agricultural labor force count j employment to not maintained and cation of tests, destruction of records, and when he saw all swept away now in progress throughout the Na­ forging of inspection reports, chang­ emergency measures are found nec­ and his people placed in the role of tion, a statement received by Mr. by Inez Boles, who died last! said court, _ all ___________ _ title ________ of the right, and ing of specifications and other acts essary to protect their welfare in •laves, he soon became broken­ Plank, from Census Director J. C. Nov. 13. The widower, Norman W. interest of said estate and those which resulted in acceptance by the case there should occur a condition hearted and died in 1813. It seem, Capt at Washington points out, will Boles, is executor at her will. claiming under It, in and to the fol­ government of faulty planes ln the J of more or leu severe depression. lowing described r»al property, to strange that primitive men would provide detailed information on the wif: early days of the war. These prac- ‘ respect the laws of Mother Nature, number of farms in each of the Keys made for all locks. Stevens Beginning at a point 216 feet tices. It was admitted, have been Cutbacks are predicted in war mu- in the matter of the freedoms that country’s more than 3,000 counties Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf ' South 89* 40' East and 285 feet remedied and planes now being de- ; nitions within 90 days, providing the she has bestowed on the creatures of related to the number of persons re­ South ef the quarter section corner on the line between Sec- ' Hvered conform in every respect with resistance of the Germans continues the earth. siding in the farm households, and NOTICE TO CREDITORS tiona 35 and 36 in Township 27 government specifications, but Sen­ that long. While the battle of the About a century and a half before the number of persons employed on Notice is hereby given that the un­ South of Range No. 13, West of ator Langer thinks the probe should Pacific will engage millions of Tecumseh’s time, thé Pilgrim Fathers __ _____ _ farms classified in three groups— dersigned was on April 33, IMS, duly teS Willamette Meridian in Coo» be continued and he suggested that 'Americans and they must be com­ had landed at Plymouth Rock and on farm operators, unpaid members of appointed as Exeoutor of the last Cht*lty, Oregon; running thence will and testament and estate of South 172 feet to the Northwest a full-time committee be appointed. pletely supplied, the total output that December day when these grate­ the operator»' families and hired farm Inez Boles, deceased, by the County corner ot small tract of land 'will be decreased because require­ ful people set their feet on the soil, laborers. Court of Coos County, Oregon; and owned by the Misses Smith; that all persons having claims against ments for the war in Europe will they fell on their faces to love and At the time of the IMO farm cen ­ thence North 79* 10' East 337.6 While lend-lease shipments of deceased are required to present meat to Great Britain have been re­ have terminated. Immediately upon embrace every essence of freedom. sus. five yean ago and two yean be- same, with vouchers attached and I feet along North boundary of mid tract to a small stream; duced from 200,000,000 to 38,000,000 announcement that Germany has . fully knowing that the forests, the fore the entry of this country into verified, to the undersigned ~at the thence South 30* 30' East 163 • streams and the vast plains were as ' World War II, there were 6,096,799 office of O. C. Sanford, Attorney, been subjugated telegrams will be pounds, the needs of the army have, - - feet, more or less along mid in Coquille, Oregon, within six stream to the North boundary of been so enormously increased by the *nt to primc and ^bconcontractors free to them as the air was to the'farms In the United States. Of these ' eagle and, too, they soon learned that 5,321,348 farms reported 9,6M, 168 ‘publication of this notice. * ” the Coquille-Marshfield Highway; necessity of feeding prisoners of war to either cl0Be ,h°P or reduce thence approximately North 76* and civilians in liberated countries' out«>ut- P1“"* Producing for lend- I the inhabitants that they found here,, persons working, with 5,061,858,1 Dated and published . first time, 10 East 282 feet, more or less, lived and loved every atom of, that farms reporting 7,640,727 members of, APril 26> ,M5- ■long mid North boundary of mid Divine gift to mankind, freedom, the farm operators’ families working i5ts Norman MT Etoles highway to a point 18 feet West Hl? ‘»«"«lary of the V. Through the legend of his fore- ' on the farm, while 892,648 farms also ----- ;--------------- -------------------------------- — land; th*nc» NorU» NOTICE TO CREDITORS More than four million per- |wU1 utUi“d ln th* theatre, fathers, handed down, as it -were ( reported employment of 1,753,441 j p* 40' East 276 feet, more or ) Notice to hereby given that the sons ln Europe now look to the army Then wln eome reconversion and the from father to son, Tecumseh, no I persons as hired Imqr. lees, Mong west boundary of an doubt, was conscious thgt freedom According to recent estimates of the undersigned was on April 9, IMS, ,18 foot proposed roadway to a for daily subsistence and thia number production of civilian goods, provid- - __ Hd. n a duly appointed as Administratrix of point which is North ,M* 88' wlll increve as the final defeat of in< war Production board release. —--------------------------------------------- ¡Census Bureau the U. S. civilian yæ of Martin Elmer Nye, de- East of the place of beginning; Germany approaches. Until this work the materials, ' purpose is to facilitate the develop- , farm population was 25,700,000 in ceased, by the County Court of Coos thence South M’s52' We«t 715 I ment and growth of so-called small ' October, 1644, an estimated decrease County, Oregon; and that all persons feet, more or leas, to the place ia taken over by UNRRA the entire °~ of beginning, containing 3.23 burden fall, upon the army, and the I An amendment to the securities and business. It to equally obvious that of 4,410,000 from the 1640 acres of land, more or less, greater part of the food must come exchange commission law passed by state blue sky laws must be complied total of 30,3M,0OO * required to We such claims, duly’ lltuJted ln Sitton 36, Township verified and with vouchers attached, I from stockpiles ln the United States, the senate and previously concurred with and that the undertaking must 18 <* the Willamette Meridian: Great Britain ia feeding the prison- in by the house permits the issuance in all respects be legitimate and not Our national stockpile of tin I , to me at the office of O. C. San- ford, mwmey, Attorney, in ln Coquille, Ore- _ , — ivru, voquine, vre- Bide will be received by me, as er» taken by British and Canadian and sale of securities up to 8300,000 violative of -established business growing smaller and iller. The gorii within six months from the date »he office forces, but available food in England , by any business concern which wishes practices. The only effect of the I only available tin is ln the kitchens of this notice, n J Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Coos Dated and published first time is rapidly vanishing and France will to adopt this method of financing Its amendment is to exempt such financ- of America. Every housewiife can ' A 4 County, Oregon. April 12, 1645. J. h 71 not be able to feed herself until the operations without first having ob- ing from supervision by the securities be a defense worker in a Un mine— Ruth E. Donated, IMS crop is harvested. , ■ tained commission approval. The | and exchange commission. , her kitchen. 13t5 Administratrix. Report by NaUonal Lumber Manu­ facturers association from its Wash­ ington, D. C., headquarters shows 31 tree farms in Washington state spon­ sored by West Coast Lumbermen's association and three by Western Pine association. In Oregon the Lumber- men's association sponsors 18 and ¡Western Pine three. Total acreage in the two states in the tree farm movement to 2,710,608. Any forest area managed and protected for the production of repeated crops of tim- ber may be term«! a tree term. The Shawnee Chieftain Tecumseh Probate Court Items