The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 03, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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P agi tout
The Sentinel^
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• (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, up all the Port Orford cedar in Coos
and Curry counties. The deals are
May 1, 1925)
I Beginning today the Nestle’s Food being made through a San Francisco
43 M Co. boat, John-Wildi, is taken oft its broker. Some day Uncle Sam will
regular run to Bandon and all the wake up to the need of conserving
“ "¡J' milk up the river from Coquille will his aeroplane timber and find that
iDera” come to the c<xlui,,e Valley Cream- the wily Japanese has beaten him
I ery. J. H. McCloskey, of the cream- to it Not a tract is purchased until
xaw ery, is installing a truck line to gath-a Japanese representative has in­
See as er the milk on the opposite side of spected the timber and passed fa­
! the river, as far up as Norway.
vorably upon the deal.
Society Produces
And Have No Taxes
The problem given or considered
in the following answers to the ques­
tions asked last week was: Six lots
laesed to a building corporation by
the city of Ban Francisco for 99 years
on a progressive lease, beginning
July 1, 1944. at 330,500 per month.
1st What is the value paid for
The site or the advantage
gained by being near a center of
commerce or where people pass and
OCtto* Cansar W. First aWWOMM
A Boy Scout Court of Honor was repass, or a use value. This is not
There was a singular lack of inter­
est in so important a matter as are held at the city hall Wednesday eve­ an accumulative value, it must be
the public schools Monday after­ ning, at which time three scouts. taken or produced. It can be taken
noon, when only 34 votes were cast Willie Gaslin, Stanley Fulford and by the state of government monthly
iiul cassociation on the proposal to issue $10,500 Geo. Pankey, were advanced to a or yearly but the user must take it
worth of bonds for a new grade higher class and two, Clarence Bar­ as produced.
2. What are the elements that pro­
building. The issue was authorized ton and James Galbraith, demonstrat­
by a vote of 44 to 20, but it was not ed their right to receive merit badges. duce this value? This value is pro­
duced by the union of two factors,
much more than a 12 per cent vote.
Given two
At the meeting of the Chamber of number* and activity.
It is estimated that there are some­
thing over 500 qualified voters on Commerce Wednesday evening a res­ communities, one of a thousand peo­
olution from the Woman’s Club was ple and one of ten thousand, the one
school matters in the district.
read in which the ladies went on 'with the larger number will have
The establishment of The Coquille record in favor of an immediate ap­ greeter site (rent) value in propor­
Wood Products Co., the cut-up plant plication to the postoffice department tion to the population. That is, a
on which Frank A. Rowe has been for free mall delivery in Coquille. person as a member of a large com­
working for the past three weeks, Action by the male organization was munity adds more site value than
was made certain Wednesday eve- postponed for a week but as the as a member of a small community.
i ning, at a meeting of the stock hold­ I sentiment among many business men The above is also true of activity, the
ers held in the dining room of the is against free delivery, it is doubt-' greater the activity, the greater the
' hotel.
ful if the Chamber endorses the plan. site (rent) value.
It would "double the postage on drop do not produce this value (buildings,
It is a fact not generally known J letters here, raising it from one to street and sidewalks).
A good example of the production
that the Japanese are quietly buying two cents.
of this value is. the law we voted
1 -I—S J-
-- . J-
current pay-rolls plus appreciation in on in this state several years ago.
! public in so doing.
( In view of the excellent work done stumpage values at the time of sale. We voted to remove the University
It will also be good business to from Eugene to Corvallis and had
by all concerned in the drafting of
over-haul and carefully scrutinize our this bill carried the University would
The difference in Saul and Paul ’ fairness to the dairymen who deserve county tax policies as applied to have been removed to Corvallis. The
streets and sidewalks
was in the thinking.
ia reasonable chance to make good standing timber. This is particularly buildings,
As I see it the gulf between Dtvesrmder the new regulations, the public desirable as a means of encouraging would still be in Eugene but growth
and Lazarus was the difference in should decisively vote down any at- sustained yield units to perpetuate and activity would be in Corvallis.
, their thinking.
¡tempt to upset this good work.
the county’s lumber industry.
We That is, site (rent) value has changed.
3. The city of San Francisco gets
The difference between the I Tn tied
can not afford another period of in­
Nations and the Nazis is in the tbipk-
The waning supply of mature discriminata slaughter of our forests $30,500 a month, site value, for the
stumpage in the Douglas Fir region by private original investment be­ use of six lots. Is the city taking
Fifty yean, ago in Ban Francisco of the State of Washington and the fore the tax collector took it from anything from anybody that they
there were committed two unspeak- [ substantial reduction in lumber pro- them. We must gear local taxes to produce? This value (site or rent)
able murders by a young medical duction shown in later reports is di­ the sustained yield program to make is produced by the whole people or
student who murdered two young reeling attention to the lumber areas it both possible and profitable for government and the city only takes
women, yet that young man was of Oregon as the leading source of private operators to perpetuate cur­ what it produces. This value is not
prominent in his church activities, supply for the future. Where tax rent pay-rolls.
The situation de­ produced in the past, it is produced
especially so in the Young People’s policies permit and where economl- mands the full co-operation of gov­ every day. as we go along; it is
I heard a young man who cally possible otherwise, sustained ernment, industry, and the general nothing any one has got. Society
had been in the same military com- 1 yield units are being established to public in building securely for the could say, **We do not care where
pany as the murderer say of him, that attempt perpetuation of favored oper- | future, No tax policies should be this value has gone in the past but
he was the most vile man in his talk ations.
There is small doubt but finally
adopted until after thorough from now on we are going to take
about women that he had ever heard 'what such units will be the rule in study has been made, and full ac­ this value (site value of land or
| the lumber industry of the future, cord reached, in conference with rent) which la produced by govern­
ment (society)1 for the purposes of
“As a
thlnketh fo is he," is Our timber resources are not inex- those concerned.
government. We may add here that
as surely a law of life and living as ' hauatible and we have come to the
under the present
land value
the law of gravitation, which causae ' place where intelligent, scientific ro­
(site or rent) mm
> one place
an apple to hit the ground when it forestation is imperative to avoid a
j to another and the site that it
falls from the tree.
It is up to you future lumber famine.
'moves from loses the rent and the
and me to keep our brains and our
The quantities of lumber consumed
owner of the land it moves to is
thinking with all diligence for In in this mechanized war are far above
In the spring of 191$, amid the
made a present of location value and
them are the results of life and liv­ early estimates and have been a
complete devastation of war, red sometimes is made very rich, and as
ing, for good or for evil.
heavy drain on virgin timber stands
poppies bloomed In great abundance, an owner produces nothing.
’ —R. A. Easton.
remaining. It was thought at first
on the battlefields of France, where
4. What is it that produces the
that a war of machines would use
many of our men had fallen in battle.
selling value of land? Take a lot or
comparatively little lumber.
A replica of these poppies has be­
piece of ground worth 3500 a year
stead, the industry has had to de­
come the Memorial flower of the
(no taxes considered). This capi­
vote nearly all of its production to
American Legion, and the American
talized at five per cent would be
I war purposes and even then has
Legion Auxiliary. Here is Just a
the selling value of the land or
failed to cover all of the war re­
bit of the interesting history of the $10,000, that is, $10,000 put on inter­
quirements. Lack of supplies, dearth
--u — -*rl—- ——» kaln akawnlaA<em ond Memorial Poppy.
est at five per cent would be $500,
It was chosen as the national mem­ the site or rent value of the land.
orial flower of the American Legion, Suppose society or government puts
at the national convention held in a one per cent tax, takes $100 of
Cleveland, in 1920. The Legion was the $500 in tax, that would leave
the first national organization to do $400 to capitalize or $3,000. Now if
society takes the $500 in taxes, there
The American Legion Auxiliary, at would be nothing left to capitalize
drafted by that body to protect the the pressure.
its organizing convention, at Kansas
and land would have no selling
• milk-using public.
The lumber industry will undergo
City, in 1921, followed the Legion, by
These milk control measures are a substantial change in character.
choosing it as their memorial flower,'
Free trade, free land, free men.
the result of a very careful study Research is nbw underway on a large
—Jas. Richmond, M D.
and a lot of hard work on the part scale, and is soon to proceed on even
The crepe paper poppy was se­
of the dairy industry, department of more intensive schedule, to discover
lected, because it provided the most
Agriculture, the board of health, and ways and means of greater forest
work for the disabled veterans who
the able, experienced legislative com­ utilization. It now seems safe to
would make them, at the least ex­
mittees to whom the bills were ee­ predict that a thousand feet of logs
The fabric poppy was
signed. The State Department of will provide a pay-roll several times
Agriculture, through its talented, ef- ' as great as at present when it is considered but decided against be­
Housewives who plan to do home
ficient director, our own Ervin
L. ’ turned into newly discovered prod- cause the making of it would not
provide sufficient work for the men I ! canning this year must make an earli­
Peterson, was active throughout the ucts in addition to standard lumber,
The first poppies to be made by er start than they did last year in
drafting of the bills. Feeling be- The trash burner appears doomed at
American veterans, in American .order
to meet the new requirements
tween dairy groups advocating con- . the larger mills and the debris that
hospitals were produced in Minne-1 of the lopal War Price and Rationing
fileting methods of control ran rather , used to scatter sawdust and smoke
sota, in 1922, in the hospitals there; Board in reference to application
high at the beginning of the cam­ over the countryside will be turned
the work has steadily expanded, till forms.
paign to draft the bills. There was into synthetic boards and useful
there are poppies made in more than
Sugar will not be issued this year
also an undercover sniping at the De­ chemicals. The German* had made
fifty hospitals, in more than forty for home canning as it was in 1944.
partment of Agriculture by elements great strides in wood utilization in
i Instead, each applicant must fill out
of both state and federal boards of pre-Nazi days and their scientists
■ form which may be obtained at the
public health. It was evidently a who fled Hitler* wrath are assist­
This form is
part of the scheme to take milk con­ ing American talent in the search for gan—“Honor the Dead, Serve the local Board offices.
the only one by which canning sugar
trol away from Agriculture and give by-product utilization. Success has
i may be obtained.
it to the Board of Health.
Under 'already been met in some lines and
Before mailing the application to
these circumstances, Mr. Peterson good progress made In others. The Telephone Company Asks That
had to tread a very thorny path. But future looks bright for the lumber Unnecessary Calls Not Be Made the Board, “Spare Stamp 13” from
he did a very fine'Job, nevertheless. industry.
An urgent request to the public War Ration Book Four, for each
The legislature did not fall for the
In view of these accomplishments to avoid unnecessary telephone calls I member of the family covered by
scare-head propaganda, which largely it ia encouraging to note that our when rumors of peace come and i the application, should be attached.
fizzled out In the bright light of the county court has adopted progressive, when V-E Dey brings us the great' When the applications have been
.„public hearings, and wisely left milk business-like methods in the admin­ news of victory to'Europe
control with Agriculture. The prob- | istration of county-owned limber made by H. O. Chapman, manager I good for five pounds and for one
lem is one calling for solution by land*. It has wisely adopted the pol- of the West Coast Telephone Com­ pound each will be mailed to the
those qualified by practical expert- ' icy of refusing to sell thee* lands to pany.
ence. The production and distribu- ' speculators and of selling only to ac-
“Between now and V-E Day,” Mr.
hou^wife uses the five-
• tion of milk is too vital to the people tual operators who will convert the Chapman asks, "when your hear Pound coupons, she must sign her
to be entrusted to theorists. And the ! timber into pay-rolls under current rumors of peace, please wait for fur- 1 name *nd wr,te the number of her
dairy industry, itself, will be quick to operation.
These lands were ac- ther confirmation on the radio or . War Ration Book Four on each cou-
and to , punish
th* chlaeters in „---------
quired -----------
in th* newspapers . . . . . and do not P°" before «ivin« it to her grocer,
--------- -------------------------
- by tax-foreclosure
----- -
preservation of Its business and under J which means that the original own- 1 clog telephone line* by calling news- she should be sure to take her War
anxiety to merit public good will er has his investment confiscated by papers and radio stations.”
Ration Book Four as well as the
No outside policing of any business is taxa*. Any benefit from the dispoe- I “Your telephone company will coupons with her to the store.
half as
that done u-
by u.
its aj of luch iands should therefor be greatly appreciate your co-operation
•> effective
affaMiu. as
.. *h>«
Because of the scarcity of sugar,
own members. They know all of vested solely in the public as far as in helping to avert a serious tele-'applicants will be allowed only as
the answers and the tricks of the is pratically possible and in accord phone crisis.
much canning sugar as they actually
trade. The dairy industry is grimly with general laws of escheats. The
need for canning, up to 15 pounds a
determined to clean its own house and county court's policy does just that
Send your tin cane to beat the Japs, person and 120 pounds a family.
should have the full support of the by giving the public the benefit of| Won’t it be fine, to hear their yaps?
Application forms will be avail-
able at the local War Price A Ra­
tioning Board and your local gro­
cery store beginning May 5.
applications will be received after
October 31.
Brandon's would like to have any­
one who knows of a Coquille valley
boy in the Service, who is not listed
on their board, bring the names to
the confectionery by May 13.
...... 'i'" ■
Amy is still taking orders for the
er White Uniforms, priced from
to $5.96, as well as the dainty,
lace-trimmed uniforms in pastel
shades and the white aprons to be
worn with them. Professional men’s
white uniforms and the good-looking
tan smocks are in stock new. ' Its
More About The
Memorial Poppies
Sugar For Home