Thus. J. Newton Participating In Aerial Attacks On Germany Sergeant Thomas J. Newtonn, 19, entered the aerial offensive against Germany recently in a heavy bom­ bardment attack upon the Nagi rail­ road yards at Soest, says a news item frdm a bomber station in England. Sgt. Newton is the top turret gunner and aerial engineer of an Eighth Air Force B-17 Flying Fort­ ress in the 385th Bombardment Group. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. ■Newton, of Coquille, he graduated from Coquille High School prior to entering the Army Air Force in July, 1943. He attended Aircraft Mechanics School at Amarillo Field, Texas, and Aerial Gunnery School at Las Vegas Field, Nevada receiv­ ing his wings in July, 1944.. Irwin E. Henagin Receives Ribbon For Philippine Action who establish themselves in northward, relayed the information d areas to repair and refit to the task group. The Roe and an- For his part In the battle of Luzon, including the freeing of Manila, Pvt Irwin E. Henagin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Henagin, of Coquille, has been aawarded the Philippines Lib­ eration Rjbbon with one battle star. A member of the 39th Military Po­ lice Company, the oldest MP organi­ sation in the Pacific, Pvt. Henagin was with the forces making the ini­ tial landings at Lingayen on D-Day. Throughout the battle of Luzon and the fierce fighting for Manila, his unit operated in and near the front lines. Pvt. Henagin has been overseas three years, serving in Guadalcanal, New Georgia, and Bougainville be­ fore going to the Philippines. In addition to the new Philippines Lib­ eration Ribbon, he is entitled to wear the Bronze Star Medal and the Good Conduct Medal, and the Asiatic- Pacific theater ribbon with two battle This TOP QUALITY Paint is offered at the Same Prices as we have sold for t last eight years. Stevens Cash Hardware Coquille Oregon Phone 122, THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE itaao funeral CHome • JMBULANCC S€W/C€ • COQUILL€ TCLfcPHOne Allied Clothing Drive Starts April 1st. Support it! stars. K Moving SAFEWAY COFFEE JUBÍEEE & MlTURAiiy-FRESH PRODUCE KM® try smwws finer meats FRESH YELLOW CORN ON THE COB Salami Real Estate (6 pts.) lb. 43c ORANGES, Navels 5 lbs. 49c (/jbox $3.19 ASPARAGUS Wash. & Oregon lb. 17 Vie CUCUMBERS, Hothouse lb. 32c GREEN ONIONS, local crop lb. 25c RADISHES, local crop - - CABBAGE for healthy salads FRESH DATES GRAPEFRUIT - • - lb. 15c lb. 8c >/}lb. pkgs. 32c FRESH PEAS, Spring Dish - - 18c