c ( n 7. ¿ P a UBTMO -1. -1— “Xi Two Coos Measures IC. H. S. Won Coos [ People AreNice <• ¡Mb If ir» Radio, S m Ward’». Buried. Her« Tuesday ¡Track Meet Saturday On Ballot June 22- Isn’t it queer how like begets like? Whenever you see a person who likes just everyone, you will fihd just everyone likes that person. Some­ times one must smile to see aU the pages of print in various magazines devoted to Instructions upon how one may become “popular.” A de­ sire to be “popular” is nothing more complicated than a desire to be well- liked. Let us leave it to the psycholo­ gists to determine the reason but we do know that friendliness is a reci­ procal quality. Genuine, warm friend­ liness is invariably returned in kind and there we have the answer. If you want to be liked and to have friends, you must learn to like others and to be a friend, yourself. i On Tuesday, May 1, at 2:00 p. m., final services were conducted at Schroeder’s Mortuary for Ralph Braddock Cameron, a resident of the Fishtrap district for eight years and who died at Belle Knife Hospital in Coquille April 27. Rev. C. G. Brown officiated. Mr. Cameron was born at Carthage, Missouri, June 10, 1875, and was 69 years, ten months and 17 days of age at the time of ills death. He is survived by his widow, Flor­ ence Cameron; his mother, Mrs. daughter. Mrs- Frances Cameron; Patricia Griffith, Coquille; three grandchildren and two brothers. A. C. Schultz While Coquille High won but three debt reduction comes outside-the six firsts in the Coos county annual per cent limitation constitutional track meet at Cooa ,aat Satur' amendment, but cash reserve funds the who 3°°* scured under the state law must be raised 53 points to win first place, by a within thMeix per cent limitation, ¡margin of 13 over Marshfield High, Ronald Williams’ Violin otherwise must be voted by the peo­ which took second with 40 points. Recital Friday, May 4 Myrtle Point scored 30, North Bend ple. Ronald Williams, seventeen-year, With the normal amount that can 20, and Coos River 10. The first place winnings were by old violinist and student of Muriel be raised for the highway program Dae Ardath, will appear in recital within the budget each year, together 'George Johnson in the low hurdles which the coun- race, who broke the county record Friday evening, May 4, in the Pi.- with the $110,006.00 . _______________________ oneer Methodist Church at 8:00 p. m. ty already has In its road reserve when he sailed over them in :24.2; Ronald has played before the vari- fund, and the $200,000.00 asked for and by Jim Kim8«y who won the 880- ous clubs and organizations here for by special levy, it is believed thatyard dash ln J:08 5- and Bob Alborn John and George Cameron, and a St at Willard years. There will be many looking the county will have sufficient cash who too,c the Jave,ln toes first, sister. Mias Ruth, all of Alva, Okla- forward to this occasion when he is on hand which, when matched with ’ iloyd DeNoma placed third in the to play advanced and beautiful Federal funds that will be available, high v”“u hurdles, fourth in •- the low hur­ homa. music. * : will be ample to carry on the post­ dles, second in the discus, third in Ronald will be assisted by Gene- , wur program without incurring in- the broad Jump, and tied with Bob vieve Arrington, .seventeen-year old debtedness or asking for a bond issue D*lloni ot Myrtle Point for first in There is a young lady of my ac­ Fashion Flow Full Pre-War Spring Constructed North Bend girl, who has a fresh which would have to be paid back thp high jump. quaintance who often makes the | Dave Kline placed second in the young soprano voice to be accom- in the future. x~ statement that she makes up her panied by her teacher, Miss Irlene The court house program has less 100-yard dash, third in the shot put mind as soon as she sees a person, At the LOWEST PRICE since peace times Athey. The public is invited. , definite infownatlon on possible co­ and seconddn the broad jump. whether or not she likes him, and de­ Bob Alborn won second place in operation that might become avail­ clares proudly that she never changes . the shot-put. able through Federal match money;, her mind. I have seldom known a Mias Wilson To Present third in 'therefore, the county can not at this | Walter McKinney - - placed --------— --------- Pupils In Recital lonelier person than she. 1 time plan on any outside source of the half-mile, second ln the 440-yard ----------- . .. . . money -------- ,hould . ... I dash, and Raymond Kay placed In observance of Music Week, Miss i revenue „ Snap judgment is a silly thing. Aiteen Wilson will present piano and come avaUabUe at the ume the coun- fourth in that event. Large variety of Colors and Styles How can you possibly tell when you voiee pupils,in recitai^Saturday eve-.ty desires ______ to __ build ____ a _ court ____ house, _ Kenneth Neeley was third in the look at a piece of material whether ning, May 12, at 8:00 p. m. in the and”if ,7 that ’time the’$300,0Q0.00,230‘doh’ and °°n Minard was sec- ** —> ——w —r — ”7” •" — ”” tinu u at uuh nine me muu . uuu . ihj -----——” ———— — or not it will wear well, It could Assembly of God Church. Second and mort than u neCessary to expend, ond ta ^avelln- have a flaw, unnoticed at a glance, Heath streets. balance according to the taw ' - > WO-X«* relay, which Myr- ! will go into the gen^l fund for th. Placed •*' with Large Western Firebox and Utility Drawer that would cause it to wear out • ____ ___________ could be well-woven, of fine ma- county, WtiOV^UVII consequently there be t °dd Neeley, Kline, NOTICE REBEKAHS! VUUHIJ, bl J UIC1C will Will . Dt terials, and yet be ail unattractive 20 ¡no unnecessary expenditure. Alborn and Joe Stone. Mamie Rebekah lodge, No. pattern. It must be odd to give lees annual I The necessity for a new court! Coach “Spike" Leslie states that consideration to fellow humans than wishes to announce their “Mother and Daughter" banquet. It house is generally recognized, At he expects to take seven of the boys to a scrap of doth. is being held in the I.O.O.F. dining the present time Coos county is tak- to Eugene for the district track meet I on Saturday this week. Those going Full Cast Inner Construction It ia Mid to be a sign of friendli- room Sunday, May «, at 2:00 o’clock. • in< *reat risk on its valuable rec- with him will be Alborn, DeNoma, We wish «11 of our members to be ords contained in the offices in the present to enjoy the lovely banquet old wooden building which was con- Kimsey, McKinney, Kline, Johnson . Should fire de­ and Neeley. at we have done in the past. If «tructed in 1998. you haven’t a daughter, you may ,tr°y the records of the assessor’s of- borrow one. If you can’t borrow one, flee alone, which records Include the April Fees Collected By bring your “Mother” or just a friend, county assessment roll, it would re- County Clerk Total $2999.4» ' This invitation is also being ex- ! < >! < > < Rumors Travel In The Army As Well As With Civilians Cpl. Geo. Nelson writes from Camp Croft, S. C., that ". . . things are;| about the same here. At least one) big rumor and about five small ones' I are started every day but most of I them are without foundation. I have j1 started several just to see what J, would happen. They went all over camp and when they got back to me I again, I almost believed them my­ I self." 11 ------- - ------------ Mrs. U. E. McClary left last Mon-11 day. for a month’s visit with her L mother and other relatives in Loe'' [Angeles. 1j > * 2 MRS. STEWART'S BLUING ■ 1 0 oz. bottle 15c NUBORA BLEACH - Vi ga 1. 19c CUT GREEN BEANS lOpoints for I tans 2 cans 25c PRUNES ....... 2 lbs. 29c ----------------------- ------------ HELP THE WAR EFFORT AND YOUR GROCER —BY RE-USING YOUR PAPER BAGS AND EGG CARTONS. PAPER IS STILL SCARCE! !