THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XLL NO. 1«. COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 194*. Coos County To Have Smith Wood-Produds Woman's Club May Coquille To Celebrate Harmonious Meeting Elmer 0. Brownson C.-C. Pioneer Assn. Two Measures On Buys 10% Million Day Fiesta Was Fourth of July Killed In The Woods The Ballot June 22 FeetPortOrford Cedar A Brilliant Affair Again This Year « Near Bridge Tuesday The regular business meeting of the Coos-Curry County Pioneer and His­ torical Association was held in the city hall, Coquille, last Saturday and was well attended by the officers of (By County Judge L. D. Felsheim) There ware 23 present at the semi­ Smith Wood-Products, Inc., were At another of Coquille's beautiful Funeral services will be held at the Association. The meeting was The Coos County Court Tuesday, the successful bidders last week for May Festivals, held last Saturday monthly meeting of the Chamber of called to order at, 1:00 p. m. by Presi­ Schroeder’s Mortuaries in Myrtle in oenference with Distict Attorney a large trpct of timber about ten evening in the Community Building, Commerce, in the Coffee Shop Tues­ dent A- H. Bender, and after the Point at 2:00 p. m. on Friday, May Ben C. Flaxel and Deputy Auditor Al miles east of Powers. The bid was Queen Gloria I, attended by her six day noon, with Pres. Evan Alborn formal routine of reading the minutes 4, for Elmer O. Brownson, who was Montgomery, worked out details of accepted by» the National Forest lovely princesses, was crowned by proaiding. by Secretary Inez Chase, the differ­ killed, while logging near the home a plan to place two measures on the Service of the Interior Department Mayor O. L. Wood. The evening On motion of H. A. Slack the di­ ent committees made their reports on place on Big creek on Tuesday morn­ ballot at the special state election to for one of the largest tracts of Port was clear and mild, thougth during rectors voted to send 810 for the the progress of their activities which, ing. Interment will be in the Nor­ be held June 22. The measures in­ Orford cedar which has been sold in the early part of the day clouds American Cancer Control Associa­ in the main, showed considerable way cemetery. clude a total sum of 8300,000.00 for this district for some time. There are threatened. A capacity crowd at­ tion, which is endeavdting to meet The fatal accident occurred when progress. court house construction and 8200,- 10 St million feet of P. O. cedar in tended and a reserved seat section a quota of 81400 in Coos county. he felled a tree near the spar pole The budget committee chairman, 000.00 for the post-war road con­ the tract, two million feet of old supplied better opportunity for more Carl E. Morrison reported on the J. Albert Matson, of Coos Bay, gave which in failing struck a sapling and struction reserve fund. The total of growth Douglas Fir, and considerable people to see with comfort. This an­ visit to the Southport mine on the a lengthy and very interesting report its fall was diverted to where the 8500,000.00, under O. C. D. A. 97-401 other varieties of .timber. It will nual festivity which, to quote Mayor occasion of its opening last week. on the achievements, as well as what unfortunate man was standing. It and sections following, would be furnish enough logs for a year’s run Wood, “is looked forward to each He said there were a great many his committee had in mind, as re­ hit the side of his head and peeled raised under a serial levy over a of the local plant’s cedar division. year by everyone in this end of the visitors there that day, that the gards the building of a memorial it of skin, crushing the cranium. He period of five years, all in excess of This latest purchase in conjunc­ county,” is sponsored by the Woman’s shaft is down between 500 and 800 shrine along with the museum build­ was rushed to the Mast Hospital in the six per cent budget limitation. tion with other purchases by Smith Club and the proceeds go into its Met, and that they were shown the ing, which really showed merit in Myrtle Point but passed away at on of the power cutters which It has been the general understand­ Wood-Products the past year, makes treasury for use toward community seven o’clock that evening. the idea. ing throughout the county that as a total of about 20 million feet se­ benefits. about 30 tons each cut. Nine- The four Brownson brothers have The chairman of the building com­ soon as the debt-retiring program is cured from the Forestry Service The large stage presented a garden Men" can, holding 38 tons, were mittee, Mayor O. L. Wood of Co­ worked in the woods more or less taken care of, the county would make in that section. scene, created to give a strikingly brought out in one hour that morn­ quille, was present but was not able for 40 years and this is the first special effort to reconstruction, re­ The Forestry Service has given stream-lined effect. V-shaped trel­ ing. The operators are taking out to make any report, as his committee time they ever had a serious accident. pair and build new roads, according particular consideration to Smith lises emphasized the shell enclosure about 100 tons a day now. is rather subordinate to the budget Elmer and Henry had been partners to a post-War plan which has already Wood-Products Headed by Mayor O. L. Wood a requirements be­ where the queen and attendants were committee, from the fact that it was in the logging business for 35 years. been prepared, and which covers all cause of the unusually large amount seated during the program on new, delegation will go over to Coos Bay Elmer Oliver Brownson was born necessary to know how much funds parts of the county. * , of lumber and supplies for the war modern-styled chairs and throne. Friday morning to attend the meet­ on Big creek April 25, 1887, Snd was will be available and to building ac- During the past few years the de­ necessities, and particularly for lend- The foreground and steps were con­ ingot the Army engineers from Port­ 58 years and six days of age at pass­ (Continued on page nine)" mand on the county under the debt­ lease requirements. verted into an effect of a rock wall, land, who will meet with the Port ing. He and Henry have owned the reduction program has greatly les­ The Smith Wood-Products plant is while past a white picket fence of Coos Bay that morning in regard place known as the Brownson Bros, sened and the county millage has one of the largest manufacturers of graceful evergreens lent mysterious to bey improvements. ranch there for 40 years. Dr. J. D. Rankin reported that two been reduced from a 37-mlll levy at Port Orford cedar battery separators shadows. Tall urns of flowering He leaves to mourn his passing, the time the program' was inaugurat- in the world and those battery sep­ shrubs were placed for a finishing men from Salem were coming Thurs­ his widow, Mae Brownson, their two day to sign up owners of 500 or 800 -• ed down to a 12.2 levy for the cur­ arators are being used by the mil­ touch. sons, Clifford, 18, and Wallace 13. rent fiscal year. It has been found lions in not only United States air­ The dramatic sounding of trumpets acres tor pea production in 1948. Due to a ruling made by the Postal He is also survived by three sisters impoalble to raise within the limits planes but in those of our allies. announced the coming of the queen Next year’s crop, tf the agreements Inspector when he was here last and four brothers, Mrs. Carrie Ben­ of the annual budgets, sufficient and her retinue, which entered in are reached, will be shipped to Salem week-end. the. Sentinel henceforth ham, of Coquille; Mrs. Hattie Hatch­ funds for an adequate reserve fund. In march formation, led by the striking­ but it is expected a plant for pro­ will not be delivered by the mail car­ er, of Myrtle Point; Mrs. Ameba order to carry out the intended post­ ly uniformed High School Band. cessing and canning many varieties riers here in Coquille until Friday Hill, of Roseburg; George Brownson, war road construction program and Snappy drum majors added impres­ of vegetables will be built down here morning. of Grants Pass; Sol, of Petaluma, to meet the urgent necessity of a new sively to the military effect. Those in two or three years. The condition he imposed for a Calif.; Henry, of Bridge, and Harry, The question of a 4th of July cele­ Thursday afternoon delivery was that of Coquille. court house the court deems it ad­ Mrs. Lena F. Crump has received taking part in the program consti­ The the __ __ m be in t.................. ........ .. by visable to call for a special levy a telegram from the War Department tuted the groups in the march. As bration was next discussed. paper the postoffice which would be in addition to the informing her that her youngest son, soon as they took their places at the opinion wee expressed that the mer- ■ g;gg B. m Thursday morning, some- regular budgetary expenses each Pfc. Lloyd J. Crump, was killed in side of the stage, the way was clear chants desire it for the publiicty it thing that ft to impossible for us to year for a period of five years. How­ action on Luzon, April 9. Joe at­ for the entrance of the gives the city, attracting as it does 1 4O unless a change was made and the many visitors from the outside. I Sentinel go to a Wednesday publi- ever, it is estimated that the 8500,- tended Valley View school and the her royal party. 000.00 divided over a period of five school | No one opposed, the motion that cation date. That to too early in Friends are saddened to learn of at Fairview. He leaves eight I Queen Gloria Haga tn appearance years would not increase the county j her stately Coquille celebrate this year with the the week for a weekly paper to be the sudden passing of E. V. Hand at brothers and staters, one brother, fulfilled the role with chairman (O. U Wood) levy more than four mills ip any one Doris, . wearing is with the Army in Germany. carriage, a tall sept the mayor, Who db- a beautiful dr Ha bad Jhrnny Gtymi Loeee ¿He to the chairman feature He tn his to provide for this reserve fund with­ yellow roses. Her long train bordered will, however, call the first mass first class (letter) mall in very, good spir- in the budget, using such funds as April it la Sooth Pacific with silver was held by three littlte meeting soon when committees are the inspector for his ruling, which its when he received visitors on Sat­ were formerly applied to debt reduc­ A telegram from the gov erment page boys in white. The small to be named and plans made for Co­ cannot be agreeable to the Sentinel urday. The body was to be shipped tion. However, according to the law, has informed Mrs. Mamie Glynn of crown-bearer wore black velvet quille’s annual 4th celebration. nor to its subscribers. to Whittier, Calif., for burial, since Portland that her son, Jimmy Glynn, trousers and white satin blouse with N. P. McDonald spoke briefly con­ (Continued on page twoj his wife was buried there a number was killed in action with the Navy, long sleeves. cerning the Coquille Retail Credit of years ago. Mr. Hand was 77 or ApMl 19.' It is thought he was in The princesses were six beautiful Assn., stating that the association 78 years of age at his death and is the South Pacific area, but no de­ girls, any one'of whom might have now has 136 members and that the survived by a son and daughter in tails are known. Glynn was well- fulfilled the office at queen. They bureau here is the clearing house for Whittier, Calif., a son in Oklahoma known in Coquille, where he worked wore identical dreases made of white all credit reports for southwester« and a son, Lee, in the Tulelake vi­ John Pur key returned Sunday for the Littrell Supply Co. before embroidered pequot, the full shirts Oregon. cinity. It was a splendid program of music entering the service and he was a Secretary C. G. Caughell reports from his week's buying trip to Port­ (Continued on paae eight) Mr. Hand resided in Coquille for presented in the high school gym­ land, Tacoma and Seattle, and says cousin of Jack Cooper. - - ■ that he has at his office in the city many years, was an up-right, pro­ nasium Wednesday evening when • - - ........... - rr i hall a directory of all government of­ he was glad to get home. He was gressive citizen, and highly esteemed the C. H. S. band and the High ficials, agencies and bureaus, with able to pick up quite a little mer­ by all who knew him. School Girls Glee Club entertained their addresses, telephone numbers, chandise for the store here and for for a couple of hours an audience and an outline af their functions. the one he will open in North Bend Body Of Mrs. E. L. Thompson filled the bleacher Anyone interested is invited to come in about three months, but aeys that 7 both upstairs and down, and Clarence Osborne Waters wàs laid in and look over the directory. electric appliances for the home will Taken South For Burial Citizens of Coquille have shown to rest beside the graves of his the chairs in the center of the gym be very scarce for the rest of the year, Mrs. Annie Louise Thompson, wife their usual fine spirit of co-operation father and mother in the Lee cem­ floor. that his information was that there of E. L. Thompson of the Bear Creek Attired in their natty uniforms of In the Clothes Drive, which ended on etery last Saturday, April SI, after will be none manufactured in 1945. district, passed away in Coquille at white, with red capes, the band the last day of April, since it was fifty-seven years’ residence here. Mr. He expects eventually to use the 2:00 a. m. Tuesday, May 1, at' the members made just as pretty a pic­ pronounced an almost ooverwhelming Waters was 87 years, nine months store room in the hotel building, age of 55 years, four months and one ture as their music was in its per­ success. A few people who were es­ and four days old when his death next door to the Mt. States Power day. She was born in Humboldt pecially mentioned as contributing occurred April 38. He was born in fection. Superintendent of Schools Carl E. Co. office, tor ranges, washers and county, California, January 30, 1890, Wayne Smith, the director, has an generdus effort were: Mr. and Mrs. Butler county, Iowa, July 12, 1877, Morrison waa the principal speaker other appliances, and have all his and had resided in this district with Aggregation of young musicians of Amzy Mlntonye, who received calls and is survived by a sister, Mrs. Lola at the meeting of the Rotary Club at furniture and household equipment in her family for the past 14 years. which he can be proud, as can also from those who had donations but no Meyers, Coquille, and several nieces the hotel Wednesday noon. the room in the Grimes building. Besides the husband, survivors in­ facilities; W. H. and nephews. the school patrons, and Mr Smith transportation Supt. Morrisoii told of the plans He has secured Clint Hart, chief clude one aon, Emery L. Tompeon, has done a splendid job in directing. Caughell, janitor of the Community Funeral arrangements were by proposed by the board of School Dis­ auditor for the Mt. States Power Co. who is in the Navy but has been Their time was perfect, there were Building, Who was on hand to take Schroeder's Mortuary with Rev. Lis­ trict No. 8, to improve the facilities' in Coos county, to operate the, store home for the past few days; a broth­ no sour notes, and the whole pro­ in contributions of clothing whenever ton Parrish offiicating. Pallbearers of the local schools just as soon as in North Bend which will be* open er, Robert Berbettini, and two sis­ he was needed; the various organi­ were gram went off smoothly. Walter and Grover Meyers, labor and satisfactory materials can , about the first of August. Mr. Hart ters, Mrs. Minnie Crowley and Mrs. Adding to the audience’s pleasure zations which backed the effort; the Henry Hervey, Carl Anderson, John be oobtained. ’ 1 has been with the power company Kate Schuler, all of Rio Dell, Calif., were the duet of Claire Gray on the Teen-Age Club which held dances Summerlin and Ben Gant. Principal among the contemplated for 17 or 18 years, and a half-brother, Frank Vogel, of trumpet and Gerald Ulett on the with clothes the price of admission, improvements are the construction I Rohnerville, Calif. trtxnboJk and the two clarinet solos and the many persons who gave of of an addition of four rooms to the Mrs. G. H. Chaney Receives Funeral services were conducted at Brooks Used Furniture by Sherman Gregory. All three of their time to help care for the pack­ east wing of the Washington school the Gano Funeral Home at 2:00 p. m. Nazi Sword From Son Pat Being Moved This Week them gave splendid rendition, ac­ ages that came in. The Community to provide sufficient class rooms for today. Rev. Chas. G. Brown offiicat­ companied by Mr. Smith at the piano. Building was fairly filled to over­ When Mrs. Geo. Chaney unpacked ing. The body will be shipped to Geo. Brooks is this week moving the overcrowded present facilities,, Under the direction of Mrs. Thora flowing. his Used Furniture Store and Swap remodeling the present High school the Nazi officer’s sword sent to Fortuna, Calif., where she formerly Until the clothing weights are se­ Shop across and farther east on building, construction of a suitable her by her son, Cpl. Patterson lived, for Interment. Mrs. Thompson Watson, the Giri’s Glee Club also was heard with enthusiasm by the cured from the transportation com­ First street than his old location. His gym for the Lincoln building and the Chaney, who is with the Quarter­ was a lover of nature and the great audience and their five numbers re­ pany, it cannot be reported just new headquarters are in the con­ construction of a building for an nu­ masters Corps somewhere in eastern out-of-doors and requested that there vealed the careful training their di­ what the Coquille collection totalled. crete building across Front from the ditorium approximately 55 by lli France, she was surprised to find the be no flowers at her services. Ar­ rector has given them. hotel building, which he recently feet on Tenth street, but facing the packing was of Coquille Valley Sen­ rangements were made -for friends The program and the participating Pat Lane Had Been Out tinels. Apparently the “Good paper who wished to buy flowers to place purchased. He has redecorated the Lincoln building. musicians and singers were reported interior and built balconies on three The entire cost of the proposed im­ from a good town” is getting to the money in a fund to purchase Of School Work Three Years * in last week's issue and will not be Mrs. Chaney says books for the local library. Plans sides of the building to accommo­ provements is estimated at approx­ young Chaney. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. (Pat) Lane ar­ date the large stock he carries. repeated here. ' , imately 8225,000 of which about one- the sword is quite an artistic weapon. will be made to dedicate these books rived in Coquille on Wednesday last third is now on hand, and it is sug­ to her memory. week and remained for a few days. gested that bonds be issued to cover Mrs. W. E. Buell received a tele­ Woman ’ s Club May Luncheon Pat dropped in at the Sentinel office the balance so that construction may gram this Week informing her that Chas. Doane Now On Way on Saturday and said that he was At Coquille Hotel Next Tuesday begin as soon as materials are avail­ her son, T/Sgt. Stanley L. Buell, and To European War Theatre quite sure he would be located near The Annual May Day Luncheon able. his wife are driving from Greenwood, Portland in a few days. He is re ­ of the Coquille Woman ’ s Club will ______ _____ ____ _ A card from Chas. Doane, of North An announcement from Arch B. Mr. Morrison asked for the co­ Miss., and were expecting to arrive Sanders, secretary-manager of the turning to school work which he be held next Tuesday at the Coquille op^.Btlon of the club to____ assist ___ in in Coquille during the night of Wed­ Behd, a former Coos county commis­ gave up three years ago, after five Hotel at 1.00 p. m. A good attendance promoting the proposition and a mo­ sioner, this morning states that he Oregon Coast Association, in Coos nesday, May 2. was leaving Philadelphia for Dela­ Bay, states that a dinner meeting of years in one school in Massachu­ is expected. Reservations should be tion was voted favorable to appoint­ setts. For the last three years he telephoned to Mrs. George Johnson, Coos civic leaders and taxpayers will ing a committee to work with the and dance at the Country Club next ware last Monday and would )>e on has been connected with government 128R. Mrs. R. E. Boober will hand the high seas, bound for England by Wednesday evening. be held in the Coquille Hotel, Cof­ board in perfecting the plans. activities in the Bay state. the gavel over to the incoming presi­ A new member, Almon L. Getos, the time the card reached us. fee Shop next Monday ^evening. Claire Gray made an announce- dent, Mrs. J. A. Moore. Installation ment of the High school Band Con- assistant county agent, elected last adds “All is well.“ May 7, at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday was the warmest day so of officers will be held. cert for Wednesday, A. Geiss an- week, was introduced to the club by The purpose of the meeting is to The Eagles are planning a splen­ nounced the Father and Son ban-, Carl E. Morrison. explore ways and means of securing far this spring, the thermometer did Mother's Day program to be registering 78 degreee that day. The Rotarian guests present were John Mrs. F. M. Shaw is,enjoying a few quet to be held at the Methodist county-wide unity of action on prob­ vm, with wiwi her wBwr, Miss mu» Church viiujcii next Tuesday luesuay at si 8:45 v.w p. m. m.,. D. Carl of Arago and Dr. J. E. Rich- presented at 2:00 o’clock Sunday, sister. lems confronting our County Court, highest temperature on other days weeks' visit the farming areas and taxpayers gen­ the past week was from 70 to 73 de- Florence Aiken, who arrived last snd President Barton again called at- ( mond of Eugene. Geo. Ulett was the. May 13, at Eagles Hall, under the chairmanship of J. N. Jacobson. week from Santa Barbara, Calif. I tention to the Ladies Night dinner'only other guest. erally. Sentinels Delivered Friday Hereafter Joe Crump Killed In The Philippines E. V. Hand Died Sunday At Eugene John Purkey Glad To Get Home C.H.S. Band Concert Pleases Large Crowd Clothing Drive A Complete Success Had Been Lee Resident 57 Years Supt. Carl Morrison Talks School Plans County Meeting Here May 7 i