■ L JE f • « ■< s ■ *. % -J ■■ ” - » ” f >AG«TW0 , .r—ta.— W —4 I a persona) friend ot hers and she easily get me a job by merely [ PeopleAreNice] could asking him to hire me. She was a Faith is a difficult word to define. We can experience it within our­ selves and sense it in others but, still, we can find no adequate way to describe it. Perhaps faith is large­ ly a matter of confidence—either in one's own ability or .the ability of another. It is kind of fun to see what you can do with it Try it sometime if you haven’t already. Sometimes we trot out our faith and exercise it without being aware of it. One time I needed a job. Maybe you can remember those times. < You may remember, too, that after a while you think employers dislike you on sight and wouldn’t hire you if they did need help. As a last attempt, before despain conquered me, I decided to try one more place. In a casual conversation with an old wo;ruin I had recently met, I men- tioned my plan to apply tor work there. She became quite enthusias- tic, telling me that the manager was i : hr »ily Fhoite a an w. rwot st Remember to notice that the fruit trees are all in bloom. I Im sure you won't mind my mentioning that Coquille valley is a wonderful place to be. As ever, Pat. Friends Surprise Mrs. Elmer Benham On Her Birthday A group of friends surprised Mrs. Elmer Benham on the occasion of Ker birthday, Saturday, April 21. When Mrs. Benham returned from the theatre she found Mr. and Mrs. George Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Giles and Mr. and Mrs« Harold Hart awaiting her in her home. The eve­ ning was spent playing cards and a midnight supper, consisting of ham and eggs and hot biscuits was served by Mrs. Benham's guests.. HOW YOU CAN GIT., POLICY 4 I — .. .1 I ..». J !. < -..... ’ GARNIER’S Refrigeration SALES Ì SERVICE Available on Rated Orders 26 eu.’ ft to 79 cu. ft. Reach-In Refrigerators Come in and inqure about the rl ge- .. ................... ................ J.... . We can now get for you. Phone 2J 426 W. Front St r. ’ {'-6«. ¡f. ’ Nhe 168J J Swiss Scenes — Marines — Florals — Mountain Views $3.95 ~+ $!9g9<^ z X ‘1 MB ASPARAGUS Francy, Green & Tender Buy it by the nate now at - 2 Ito. 29c - $3.79 t | Slater, who is also a talented pianist. | Remember the date—Wednesday eve- 1 ning, May 2. I J Western’s Supreme Quality Roofing “WESTCOTE Supreme Quality” Roofing is fully guaranteed and Underwriters Ap­ proved. It’s super-saturated with finest asphalt and has a coating that will not run or become brittle. Asphalt Shingles (Standard Hexagon) f2 bundles to a square) CO 4^0 Red or Green Per bundle RHUBARB Good and Tender ORANGES SUNKIST Buy 'em by the Dozen It's Cheaper CASE - - - - You Are Always Welcome At Dillards 51.69 65 LB. MICA Per Roll 52.39 90* LB. SIATE Red or Green 52.65 Complete with Nails and Cement CEMENT ROOF PLASTIC One lb. can ............. . ..... . .................. One qt. can ___ ;..... ......... .... _.......... Five lb. can__ ___ ___ __________ NEW POTATOES 1 17c 35c 59c A i SWANSDOWN FLOUR CHASE SANBORN COFFEE LARGE FRESH EGGS * HARRY M. JOHNSON, Prop.,—Authorized Dealer Official O.P.A. Tire Inspector 156 South Taylor, Coquille Phone 85 • x I T- ■ I » O' w 5 lbs. 49c each 99c Goodquality BROOMS LIPTON'S TEA ’/db. 27c CERTO ■ 3 bottles ¡or 53c VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA The Best H lb. 37c SOAP - IVORY '’ea FIBRE ASBESTOS ROOF COATING Half Gallon .................... 39c One Gallon ................. 7gc Five Gallon ....'.... _.................... $2.89 45 LB. MICA Per Roll j SiÇ ». Beautiful Pictures » r J m « Courteous Service instruments are capably handled in . our High School Band by Shirley 1 . ... $89.50 «.up r If you like to hear band arrange­ ments which include the tympani ( or kettledrums and the bells, be sure to attend the Band Concert. These ( We determine heat load and size of equipment needed for Walk-Ins, Locker Plants, etc. Davenos — Tapestry Wine Floral — Beige Floral — Plain Colors pillard Harket Last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Vi­ ola Phillips entertained a group of youngsters at her home on North Beach street for the pleasure of her young son, Donald Dean, the occasion being his third birthday. The children played games on the lawn and, after opening of the birth­ day gifts, were seated at the dining table which was centered the lighted birthday cake ami tach place was a bright crepe paper hat of yellow, pink, green or red. Ice­ cream and cake were served to the following: Donald Dean Phillips Billy Little, Lawrence and John Todd, Jackie Wallace, Lynn David­ son, Nancy Frye, Marian Isaacson, Mary Jane Brownson, Alice Ann Campbell, Barbara Starr, Mrs. Ben Wallace, Mrs. Ralph Todd, Mrs. Pete Little, Mrs. Lillie Johnson and Mrs Phillips. Unusual Band Instruments * Frozen Food Cabinets $134.50 U reau, which is now affiliated with the Coquille bureau. The 16-inch, silver membership trophy or cup which is Thomas-Willis Nuptials awarded for the year’s largest in­ Took Place April It crease in membership will be the Miss Patricia June Thomas and Iva permanent pqgsession of the local Wallace Willis, R. M. 1/c, of United group if it is won this year, accord­ States Navy, were united in marriage ing to Don Farr, due to the consol­ by a double ring ceremony, read by idation of this bureau with that of Rev. G. A. Gray at his home, Mon­ Myrtle Point. The contest closes day, April 16. The bride, who wore May 13. • powder blue dress and hat with white A staunch foe of chiselers and an accessories, was attended by her .ardent protector of unfortunates is cousin. Miss Bet.ie A. Preston, and 'the National Credit Bureau record, the groom’s sister, Miss Versie Marie with which individual bureaus agree. Willis. Best man was the groom’s The next meeting will be held in brother, Preston Willis. the Bureau’s offices in the Laird A reception was held at the groom’s building, May 14. home, with close friends and relatives present, after the wedding. The opening dance of the Dew The bride and groom attended Co­ Valley Club House, below Bandon, quille High school together until is set for Saturday evening next Wallace joined the Navy in February, week, May 5. Denying will be from 1M2. The marriage took place dur­ # to 12 and music will be furnished ing Wallace’s short six-day leave by the 3-B’s orchestra. here tn Coquille. -4—«■■... . . --------- -o i ver and Mrs. Viola Phillips Gives Party For Son’s Birthday IN » Davenport and Matching Chair Sets I ! irr: New Arrivals at Burkey's Norton’s carry a nice selection of • records and sheet music. tfs i ; I .-.-4-. — u I ; ä XÄ'4...—.%-■ rough old woman with a logger’s forceful language, and she finally There were about thirty present. (Continued from Page One) had ihe believing it was true. She and the American Legion Auxiliary The date for the postponed Ladies’ Including members and guests, when . — . . no government compensation told me, what day to apply, saying have offered to the public, during, Night dinner dance was announced the Retail Credit Association held its the last week ln May, the little red | The proceeds from the sale of the she would see him the preceding day luncheon at the Coffee Shop Monday, tor Wednesday, May 9. Memorial Poppy, made of crepe ' POPP*» rc- and have it all “fixed up.” * The following names presented by April 23, with Dop Farr presiding. paper, which commemorates the he- j habilitation work, by the Le- So infectious was her enthusiasm This meeting marked the kick-off for the nominating committee were duly _ . . 1 rs m i i I cs ..t gion and the AiswillsaWV Auxiliary. IT Families of that I scarcely noticed the manager’s elected directors for the coming an intensive membership drive. The roism of our first World War, and veterans are aided, as well as the look of wonderment when I mention­ year: O. L. Wood, C. W. Kline, Guy j membership committee reported two symbolizes the Torch of Freedom veterans themselves. The wages of ed the woman’s name and I was so Mauney, George Johnson, George new members, one of whom is in we have promised to carry for those the men making the poppies are paid sure I would be hired that I some­ Ophir, the Other in Denmark. There heroes. Burr, Iris Elrod and Oscar Larson. how convinced him, too. I wasn't Many people perhaps do not know weekly, by the Auxiliary, throughout Rotarian guests present were Judge are now 13« national members of the very old in knowledge then but I re­ Dal M. King and A. L. Powrie, of loc*,1 association. » ■ ■ * ■ the preparation for the sale of these the manufacturing period.^. — alize now that the old lady was just Myrtle Point, and Sam Stinebrough, There are 20,000,000 of the little Mr. introduced F. E. Watkins little red flowers must commence ” Farr “ building up my self-confidence. In long before they are placed on sale red Memorial flowers manufactured as one who had been an Oregonian of Grants Pass. ____ all probability she hadn’t even Pat M. Lane, now of Portland, who tot 12 yeara- Watkins corrected him in our towns. Manufacture of the annually, by the men who are in known the man’s name until I men­ was the first secretary when the Co- !and sUted th“‘ he h“ Uv** in Op®- poppies is "Started in the late fall, by hospitals because they fought for tioned it to her. They are sold by the quille Rotary club was organized, was gon for 32 J’*-1-*’ having been trans­ disabled .veterans, under supervi­ America. Cail it self-confidence, ar call it present and gave a brief talk on how ■ierred fpom Tillamook to Portland a sion of the American Legion Aux­ American Legion Auxiliary to help faith—it doesn’t matter about the glad he was to be back ln Oregon ,,ew Fears ago’ and he said he was iliary, in the hoapitatls and in special these men, their comrades, and their label—but it is a gift to be able to after a number of years spent in a4reeal,ly surprised Jo find this type convalescent work-rooms, maintained families, When you wear the red inspire it in others. Everyone should New England. He also told of some 04 Credit Bureau in Coquille. crepe paper poppy on Memorial Day. He by the Auxiliary. be allowed the privilege of becoming The Auxiliary supplies the material it is for the living also. of the vicissitudes of his motor trip commented on the fine office equip- acquainted with a rough-spoken, from the seat, starting on Easter Sun- ment and system of files. Listeners tough, old character with such a heart J _;, *’«re told that banks consider the ZT of gold. Education is many-sided,