■e n . 1 11—U - Personal Mention Mrs. Harold Ring and son, Junior, of Culver City, California, are visit­ ing Mrs. Ring's mother, Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willson were Tucker. . dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willson, of McKinley, Sunday. The Willsons also called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ChurchHl. return in two or three weeks again in June, to make her home in Coquille. • i company Fred Bull has received a V-mall letter from Carl Hooker, who worked forWm before entering the Navy. Some time ago Hooker sent Mr. Bull a watch- to be repaired and his letter Mr. and Mrs. William Owens and children, accompanied by their I daughter-in-law, Mrs. I. W. Willis, wlllJ“vejf°r ' next They will make their * ‘ Tuesday. “ ""■* ...... states that he received it in good home there. Mr. Owens will be em­ condition on the destroyer on which ployed by the Ray Martin Lumber Co. as millwright. It had been rec­ Rock Robison arrived home Satur­ he is stationed. on mended by a physician that Mrs. day evening from Farragut, Idaho, Owens should move to a warmer ahd for a lS-day leave to be spent with drier climate. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rock Rob- ! Moving Sale For the Prevention of J AND MALIGNANT EDEMA FRAN KLIN [THUR FRI.SAT HH NOTICE Sunday Dinner for a Soldier will be shown Once Each Evening. To see both pictures be in the Theatre by 8:20 SPORTLIGHT SunW J inneriora FEATURE NO. 2