<-•' - MT 3 p*. . ''TV.; ', 1 è s.1,*.teil ' , t ■ •*> member, Emery Hunt. Kula Shutt is reporter and Ivyl Frye, leader. Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., spent Sun­ day in Coquille. Accompanying her home Monday was Owen Rogers. Mrs. L. A. Ryan received a letter from her son, “Bud.” who is in France, after not hearing from him for several weeks. He also sent a snapshot of himaeU and we are glad to report he looks fine. He is driving a jeep and had driven 70 miles just in the city of Paris one day, where he saw some wonderful sights. Mrs. Russell Stillwell returned home last Tuesday, after spending several days in Ashland. At Grange last Saturday night, the following were installed: Russell Stillwell to succeed George Hurst on the executive committee; MA. Ethel Alford to succeed Louise Hurst as Pomona, and Madeline Croy as Flora. Charles Geitner, past master, was installing officer. H. E. C. served doughnuts and tjoffee. * * * . t .. --- ----------------- Arago Mews Items Bore Facts From $ 4 » 7 it* ton . IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF COOS, STATE h OF OREGON I. h ■ In the Matter of the Estate of Hugh Thomas Downey, Deceased. Cttallsn No, 4880 v To James Downey and Sylvester Downey, and to all other nelrs or . » I In the Name ef the State of Oregon, , You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of > Goos at the Court Room thereof, at - Coquille in the County of Coos with­ in ten days from the date of the ser­ vice of such Citation, if served with- • in Coos County, Oregon, or within - twenty days, if served within any r other County in this State, or, it served by publication, within twen- ' ty-eight days from the date of the first publication thereof, then and » there to show cause, if any exist, , why an order of sale should not be made and license granted to Elbert Schroeder, Administrator of said Es- !l 1 I tate, for the sale of M t •» I r 1 t i M 1 Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quar­ ter of the Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 27 South, Range 13 West of Willamette Meridian, the said point being approximately on the easterly boundary of the County Road; and running thence southerly, following the said easterly boun­ dary of the County Road to a point on the North boundary of the tract of land deeded to Fal­ coner, the said point being a dto- tance of 1526 feet north of the south boundary of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quar­ ter of the said Section 38; thence East to the line of the foot of the hili; thence N. 43* 40' E. tor a distance of 2,86 feet to the center of Budd Creek> foeny* 17S.44 feet; thence N. 43 r E. for a distance Of 390.38 thence S. 88* 07*E. for a distance of 134.00 feet; thence 8. 49* 48H' E. for a distance of 302.38 feet; thence S. 38* 58* W. for a dis­ tance of 58.33 feet; thence S. M* 03* E. for a distance of 93.30 feet; thence & 43* 31' E. for a distance of 339.31 feet; thence 8. 86* 04' E. for s distance of 80.8 feet, more or less, to a point it on the east boundary of the said Northeast quarter of the North­ west quarter of Section 38: thence Northerly along the said East boundary of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quar­ ter of Section 36 to the North­ east corner thereof; thence West along the North boundary of said Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 36 to a point or beginning; contain­ ing 27.5 acres, more or less, and being a portion at the North­ east quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 38, Township 27 South, Range 13 West of Wil­ lamette MerhffM, Atoo a gateway roadway ease­ ment fifteen feet in width, fol­ lowing along the line of the foot . of the hill on the easterly side of the Budd Creek bottom lands, the center line of which to more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northeast quarter of the North­ west quarter of Section 36, Township 27 South, Range 13 West ofWUlamette Meridian, the said point being situated 1710.3 feet North and 801.9 feet East of the corner to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the said Section 36; and running thence N. 58* W. for a distance* of 140.0 feet; thence N. 28* W. for a distance of 39.65 feet, to a point on the boundary of the tract deacribed in the foregofhg • description. Atoo excepting easements here­ tofore granted; WITNESS, the Hon. L. D. Fel­ sheim, Judge of County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of At the school board meeting last Coos with the seal of said Court, af­ fixed this 27th day of March. IMS. Friday night, Mrs. Russell Stillwell ATTEST: L. W. Oddy, Clerk. was elected on the board of directors Ilt5 (seal) By O. Vaughan, Deputy. to replace James Matthews, resigned. Last Friday ahn.it 7*«0 p. m. two cars cc Hided near the Hunt farm. GENERAL One was driven by Walter Shutt, re­ turning from school and accompanied by his sister, Eula. She was badly « cut, suffered concussion, and was in the hospital until Monday. A man Concrete Basements in the other car had a leg broken. Moving Sunday noon Dennis Buoy fell out Foundations of a tree at hto home and broke the large bone just above the wrist in Sidewalk Laying hto left arm. I TO Mrs. 1 Patricia Brady, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos at the Court Room thereof, at Coquille in the County of Cooa within ten days from the date of the service at such Citation, if served within Coos County, Oregon, of within twenty days, if served within any other County in this State, or, if served by publication, within twenty­ eight days from the date of the first publication thereof, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an Order of Sale should not be made and license granted to J. H. McClos­ key, Executor of said Estate, for the sale of ■ Beginning at a point 218 feet South 89* 40' East and 285 the quarter section | feet corner on line between Sec- 38 in Township 27 tions 35 South of _ 13, West __________ of the Willamette Meridian in Coos County, Oregon; running thence South 172 feet to the Northwest corner of small tract of land owned by the Misses Smith; thence North 79* 10' East 337.8 feet along North boundary of said tract to a small stream; thence South 30* 30* East 193 feet, more or lees, along said stream to the North boundary of the Coquille-Marshfield High­ way; thence approximately North 78* 10* Rast 282 feet, more or less, along said North boundary of said highway to a point 18 feet West of the East boundary of the V. G. Weekly land; thence North 0* 40' East 276 feet, more or less, along the West boundary of an 19 foot pro­ posed roadway to a point which toNorth H* 51 East of the place of beginning; thence South 84* 52' West 715 feet, more or less, to the place containing 3.23 a<----- _ ___ _ more or lees, situate in Section 36, Township 37 South of Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian; Witness, the Hon. L. D. Fetoheim, Judge of County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Cooa with the seal of said Court, affixed this 27th day of March, IMS. Attest: L. W. Oddy, Clerk. Ilt5 (seal) By G. Vsughan, Deputy. Gilmore Service Station > 'v # 1 r / r 7 I4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an order, decree and license of the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, made and en­ tered on the 22nd day of March, IMS, in the Matter of the Estate of Charles W. Dye, Deceased, I will, on and after Friday, the 27th day of April, IMS, proceed to sell, at pri­ vate sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, and subject to the confirmation of said Court, all of the right, title and internet of said estate, and those claiming under it. In and to the following deacribed n F ♦ r HPM de 10 4 Y c u r local representative for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA * THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... X I I * ai x/S ■/ ää ’ < <1 % * ft $ i i f f xv \ p. I Jr i • 0 I s *' When you think of the sacrifices our fight­ ing men are making in this war, it’s hard to figure out how we’ll ever repay them, isn't it. Judge?” "Yes, it nully is, Tom. There are only certain things we can do. Such as...write them cheerful letters often. Send them favorite gifts from time to time. Work harder than ever to provide them with everything they need to finish their job quickly. Buy more and more War Bonds... especially during the current drive... to Coquille Phone 213 pay for the ammunition and fighting equip­ ment they must have.” "AU that still seems kind of small com­ pared with what they're doing for us. Judge.” “True, but it’s about all we older folks back home can do. Tarn. Except one more thing. And that is to be sure our fighting come home to the same kind of country they left behind. The kind of country their letters tell us they want. Nothing changed that they don't want changed while they’re away and unable to express their wishes.” Thit I I 1 / : • t' *jj:. Mb» ) ' / JACK fcEVLIN I Atas aea Maa fer • Anta Lubrioatteo by Moehaates •Ante RcpaiHag of aE kfefe • Asoeseertea, Wasting. MMM* • Welding 4* ... BUe. ». Lola S to 7 and 19 to 34, inclusive. Block 35, all in Portland Addi­ tion to Bandon, Coos County, Oregon; Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot S in Block 1 in the Original Town of Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon; thence South 11* West along East line of said Lot 109.07 feet; thence South U* V West 19 feet; thence North 79* West to a point on the West line of said Lot which to 112.5 feet South 11* West of the Northwest corner ftiereof; thence North 11* East along westerly line of said Lot 5, 112.5 feet to the Northwest cor­ ner thereof; thenCe South 79* East along the Northerly line of said Lot 6, to the place of ^cginninjj^xcegtini^tagMroni^ Carpentry flettifactioii »•» South Elliott Fly With Mobile NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on April 9, IMS. duly appointed as Administratrix of the Estate of Martin Elmer Nye, de­ ceased. Uy the County Court of Coos County, Oregon; and that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified that they are required to file such Ctouma, duly verified and with vouchers attached, to me at the office of O. C. San­ ford, Attorney, in Coquille, Ore­ gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and published first time April 12, IMS. Ruth E. Donated, i 13tS Administratrix. CONTRACTING The 4-H Calf Club met Friday eve­ ning April 8 at the leader's home, where an interesting meeting was held followed by several jokes and stunts. The club gained a new II . „ 4t the State ef Orogen, ___ Fairview News L. L. Buoy was one of the men leaving Tuesday for Portland for In­ duction examination. II I A. C. Schultz unknown, if any there be - H- III < NOTICE or SALE OF REA1T PROPERTY N. 81* «8* W. along the center of Budd Creek for a dtetan 1 In the Mi William - I »