I I '-s : / Ì1 % Artificial Cottle Breeding Started hits D. < f to get In ai •» **- to hav- sm * “taìtì k IMS Interest in an artificial bleeding project has increased considerably the past few weeks following an open meeting of local farmers, state ex­ tension men and George Jenkins, county agricultural agent The state extension men, Roger Morse and Dr. Fred H. McKenzie -and a Mr. Baker, were present; the former two being directly concerned in the develop­ __________ _________ ____ ___ —---------- ,--------- iuucuu insemination of ment - of « artificial AU cattie - u — - in — this state and the lpt- which is not to be confused with a I dairy collection agency. A friendly, cour- j ter a director in the Yamhill County teous service awaits any person wish- Artificial Insemination Assn, at Mc- ing to receive credit or to give credit. Minnville. Mr. Mr. Morse Morse and and Dr. Dr. Me- Mc- McDonald stresses the fact that Renzie gave brief talks about the every bit of Information on file in advantages and disadvantages of this 1 the office is •- positively confidential -——**-*'work. Mr. Baker described his ex­ 1 and that no one need fear his file periences and satisfaction with the 1 card might be shown to another. Yamhill association. ______ 1 When a merchant wishes to know the ■ Artificial breeding is not a new 1 credit rating of an applicant for, innovation but has been extensively ' credit, he may consult the services of < practiced in Russia and the states ' the bureau to team whether or not j of New York, Wisconsin and Iowa, that person is one who usually pays; Between 90 and 100 cattle were bred his bills. Since credit is the back- in the former during the _ two _ states . _e.ii «•■*>»»• bone of modern business methods, it past year. The Yamhill organization behooves u _,___ jo look #ell to his moat has now functioned for two years : .’. asset , —his - -------- —— valuable credit rating. and is g farmers’ co-operative. Upon being conducted through the I Those of this . —r entering ■*'•-'■ e-w into a project Vi WUg offices recently, we found all the kind should bear in mind that bene- latest methods of filing were em- fits are not immediate but over a ployed by a competent staff with period of years it should Increase the modern equipment. The facilities of •' per capita valuation of livestock lm- this office of the national organize- measureably. Other points brought tian with an international scope, are out by Roger Morse and Dr. Mc- equai to any in-the state, from the Kenzie were that artificial breeding date-compiling department to the is not a cure for sterility or so-called legal department with the services hard breeders but they insisted that of a lawyer and his books of law. from fertile sires under a skilled When we started our tour, thought technician, it is not less efficient of the Association brought a vision of .than natural breeding methods, a vulture to our mind. When we ( Definite plans are now in progress had finished,-we came away with a to solicit a maximum of 1000 cows mental picture of a helping hand in a limited area for breeding by which is extended in fr i end lin ess, this method. This will be in co- ■ operation with the Yamhill Associa- ------- Brake-Cbecking I* Attempt tion end profits thus obtained will be Te Lewer Accident Bate Procurement of better iiTOW inieraiea sires. Those interested soul aould con­ state. countv and ritv law anfnroax .... State, county city enforce- Bgen< _ ent ottfcers this weak began check- loca) veterinarians for full I t or the veterinarians for full particu­ lare, lt is expected to start opera- tions on or about May 1 and con tinue through August. = r Scofield Studio Portraits • Commercial Photography GRADUATION PICTURES At Special Discounts Ç.J. Glamour Photography Remember ’“Mother” with yottr picture on Sunday, May 13 • » 132 So. Broadway — - Coos Bay, Oreg. Phone «7 A Sk Z I I r L» t « rrj Watch Out! Hidden from sight in your ear is a possible Booby Trap that you call a battery. It looks in­ nocent, but Watch Out! It can cause a lot of grief. That’s why Shell chocks it carefully dur­ ing Shelhibrication service . . . just as other vital parts are serviced and tested. I Ing to boys, Ì IT’S TIME TO CHANGE TO GOLDEN IHEll MOTO* OU. I Warm wdather will soon be here. Be sure your oil is clean, summer-grade Golden Shell for fullest protection agaihst wear. SHELL OIL COMPANY, Incorporated. »I dfcAeAiV SHEUUBRfC/irtfW ISAyf ■SF z • e ■ ’¡sS I I da • i 0 1 t t V enforcement officers in evary town, city, county and state in the nation, are oenduettag the. brake cheek dur­ ing the period April 15-June 1." The brake check consists of plac­ ing the check-block, a one-inch thick block, under the brake pedal. The 4 “ 3 r hold, it means the brakes are inade­ quate and the driver is advised to have them adjusted. t i J a 4 Adopting the method followed by other government agencies to prolong brought into southern states last their life after immediate need for year. And the situation is made even their activities has passed, federal leas encouraging by the continued housing authority propose to lay be­ scarcities in farm machinery, by fore congress an ambitious plan for floods and the freezing temperatures the elimination of slums in ovary which prevailed over a large part of pari of the United States, as an aid the mid-west during the spring plant­ to veterans in purchasing houses and ing season. to tenants in attaining ownership of Hose are being rationed! Get your the land they work. It has been gen­ erally believed here that the housing order in now at Amy’s. Amy also authority was on its way out and that is taking orders now for the Hoover congress would deny It further fi­ white uniforms, priced from 12.98 to nancing after the war ends, but «5.98, and has the lovely white, those at of the agency ob­ sheer rayon hose to be worn with 14t3s viously plans. The pro­ them. posed would not be un­ dertaken until after the war, of - See "Spike” Leslie for the best tn course, and justification for the pro­ Liability, or other Insurance. Office, gram is sought in the need which will 275 So. Hall, in former hoepital bldg., thdh exist for providing employment phone 5; residence phone 95L. s opportunities and giving a boost to the building industry. LOOK INTO THESE • \ uv _* ad V 4-98 Wonderful robmy envelope and pouch bags. They’ll hold every* thing from makeup kits to ra­ tion books! Genuine leathers in new spring colors and styles, 'with plastic or mock tortoise shell clasps. All nicely lined! I OTHW SMART BAGS »• itevi« 2-98 to F a ■ „ « « ' .'/T--. 1 J r4 I < ‘J % ■»