Another Coos County M. P. Seniors Give Pioneer Called Class Play Tuesday estival and Dance Age Retirement From Navy i Given “Butch” Briner E. M. “Butch" Briner, who had “Spring In a Woodland Wonderland” Crowning of Queen Gloria Community Bldg. SAFEWAY PRODUCE at Safeway feature« top. / J 4 il quality flavor ... for Safeway experts select choke fruita and vegetable« right in the field« • • • «end them to you packed with [nos. Trv Safeway produce and taste the enee. ASPARAGUS .b.17’/2C at its very peak Shredded Cabbage Shredded Carrots “ fine for Slaw hlb. Cello 1O-, Pkg. something new ^ilb. Cello 1% Pkg. ,XC CABBAGE firm heads CELERY, Crispy stalks lb. 25c CUCUMBERS hot house lb. 32c GREEN ONIONS tender lb. 25c ARTICHOKES fresh, green lb. 29c PEAS real garden fresh lb. 17c YAMS, delicious candied lb 12 ’/2c RHUBARB field grown 2 lb. 29c TOMATOES red and ripe lb. 25c Albers Flapjack Flour2 & 22c California Honey S-lb. can or far •L15 Old Manse Grape Jam a-u>. j « 39c WW GUARANTEED MEATS Thornton Tire Service Blue Tag Beets FRESH OYSTERS B.FGoodrich Tints Lin9 Cod Fresh, fillets