[People Are Nice] show of fright as I came to a stop only feet away. It looked the sit­ uation over thoughtfully before springing along the road to a place it could climb the bank, where it Along the way as I drive home at night, I know I can expect to find two friends awaiting my comirtR. even though they have never spoken to me in all the scores of times we have met. When I have reached a The thought has come to me this ( week that it is queer that traveling . photographers can get supplies j AMZY 127.50 «39.50 Purkey Furniture Courteous Service INGES SUNKIST Buy 'em by the Dozen It's Cheaper You Are Always Welcome At Dillards SPERRY'S PANCAKE & WAFFLE FLOUR 4 lb. bag 35c NUBORA Household Bleach 2 loci 9c LIBBY'S SWEET TOMATO PICKLES