—"■y ................. *- Recommendations To Victory Gardeners BRING Your Tire Tr nubias to Thorn- ton's, the most com ■hop in ffouthseu Crrig— Only ex- periancod weekmn». Best quality materials and aquiimantueed. AU work fully guarantoed. Thornton « KLRCTRIC WATSR H BATUMI — Two types to choose ft nm. FARR & ELWOOD. n ACRES tested bulb land, will lease tar 7 years or moiie; no build- Ings, plenty at water. Lisle Good- win, Reedsport, Ore. Highway 38. 12tf» Attention to Details, 0* LAVAL SEPARATORS aadAfUb. ere. Parts and Dairy Su pplies. Gel then at Pacifie Feed A «cedilo, tfa FOR PLUMBING repana and Ser- vise eaUl-L X A. LAMB COM- PANY. 8 prohpt Cygullle-Aw»> service reasonable hates Oregonian 9N -STHHE . I ^ISTMBSTIO* ydiCil ttHME I I • ciu TOO NEED ANT OF these services Benham’s Transfer Storage Night riKMlM* Southwestern Motors SAND AND GRAVEL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agente i