TV;’. s . ’’ ’S ‘ ' ' rt^rv.;r * v ■ r . ■I?#’'* ♦ ‘ 'S ? ► age four - b < w Vr.. ■ 1 ——BB-g g!1'!» *■ J" J in» ’me Woman in the shooter with the Marines and tr The Rtototo« Home Extension Unit somewhere in the Pacific. J* v Imot last Friday at 11 o’clock, as Mr. and Mrs. Harold toll, mem- planned, with Mrs. Lester Clausen, Much is being said and written bars of the Cbos Bay high school A delicious potlUck luncheon was about the Jap situation here in our 1 —J by V... all — 11 and —— a the — - demonstration . ■ ■ . ‘ 1 I faculty, cgltors at the George ! ' enjoyed own nation now and following this was on “ the subject one evening this weak. in the afternoon ---------------------- “------- " awful war. Are some of them loyal Shelton Mr. Beall formerly taught here in of home sewing. The weatherman to us or not? We may not be in a the high school snd made his home was not ta» co-operative—which is position to apeak up but, when we Telling a fascinating story of two hear those authentic reports of Jap with the Sheltons before his mar­ ge tti ng a habit with him lately, well-meaning persons caught in a riage. O. S. Combe, of Salem, father it seems—so some of the ladles were atrocities to men, women and chil­ web of deadly , circumstance, “The of Mrs. Beall, accompanied them over unable to attend. Those benefitted dren over there, when we see pic­ Woman in the Window,” Hollywood’s bare. by, and who were privileged to tures in the news reels of our dearly newest screen offering, co-stars Ed­ Little Max Clausen, son of Mr. and attend, were Mesdames Leia McCue, beloved service men who have almost ward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett Geraldine McCue, Lillian Manly, Mrs. Lester Clausen, had the mis ­ been starved and beaten to death— at the head of a distinguished cast. fortune to crush one of his fingers Marguerite Church, Roderick, Betty their emaciated bodies bearing .mute The unusual plot presents Robinson in the wringer at his home last Hull, W. J. Lockwood, Peggy Frazier testimony of their horrible treatment as a scholarly professor and Mias Washington, D. C., April it—After —, when we think of our boys over Thursday morning. He was taken to 1 and the hosteas, Mrs. Bernice Clau- Bennett as an "artist’s model. With­ •a*1- 1 discovering by reference to Webster there in the mud, foxholes, in the out warning, the two find themselves Harold Hepler has been very ill that “demographic" means a study air, on the fields and crags, and on in a situation full of peril, a slain with flu or pneumonia since last Fri- I of birth and mortality and that "am- I 'board ships, giving their lives that man’s body on their hands, and the day morninig. He has been running bivalent” refer» to the emotion of we may continue to live here safely, ruin of their respective lives in the a very high temperature a great experiencing love and hatred at the we have to wonder about it all. If balance if they are discovered. part of the time but is reported im­ same time. Representative Cox of there are any loyal Japanese—and we How they endeavor tn extricate proving at this writing. Georgia decided that he was opposed say this “if” very reservedly for we themselves, only to watch helpless­ i Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davidson and to a resolution brought out by the feel there “ain’t no such animal’*—but, ly as the police come closed and clos­ three small sons from Albany, Oreg., rules committee of the houag. Use if there are, instead of keeping them er in the search for the supposed were dinner guests at the George of these words was accredited .to 4 here ____________ after the ____ war, , why not _______ return murderer, leads to the many sus- Shelton home this past week. Representative Dickenstein of New "to their homeland' where they 1 pense-laden moments of the plot. Miss Gloria Haga is to be Coquille’s York, author of the resolution, which can affluently mtv « their coqntry- May Queen! This community is Further complication, art addedI m would authorise the committee on ln ¿.^14!,^ their nation. The i very happy because of that and ex- ’n dea^"“n be« school. There intelligently and fairly deal with leg­ it were possible. 1 .are many lovely and gracious girls Woman In the Window” one of the islation” on post-war immigration most dramatic pictures of the sea­ ____ I The bridal shower, honoring Mrs. in Coquille but we feel that none and naturalization. son, and one of the most distinctive. W‘!L* could be more worthy of this great «vary Jap JaD The immigration question became a ^nTrrf ^totito send I fve£ Raymond -Massey heads the featured — or home last Friday evening was very honor than “our" Gloria. i serious problem after World War I back—American-born or „(her — , — , . . .. .. .___ j — *- ----------- u - a *—Mrl H A Hatfield, wife of our cast as an assistant district attorney and as one m&ns of solving it the ««.-• at ame. we think w could and a close friend of Robinson, who •v®ry°nc but most especially to janitor, has been quite ill with pleu- quota system was set up by act of rest assured that the Japs would go. resx assured mat me j p Mn Perna Brault, Mrs. Maris Kight risy both this and last week. She is enabled through this connection to congress. It was contended by sev­ Mrs __ Ronald 'and M m ” M Mae Holbrooki whn *ho crwin.. spon-lhas stayed nnrt part nf of th*» the limn time ai at their keep in touch with police develop­ __ ' Holbrook and small 2- 'and aa Hnlhrnnlr. Ihma etnvmH eral representatives that the problem ments in the case, and to be tortured n have h-v. just come down will reappear in an aggravated form s6n down from from s>-I Se­ •ored the event Tw0 ‘hin«» hap- home ln Bridge and the remainder by the gradual approach of discovary. pened which could have spoiled the with her daughter in Myrtle Point, aft^r this war and that a sensible ap­ attle and are enjoying a visit with Dan Duryea as the blackmailer, proach to its solution should be made her husband's parents here, Mr. and party but which did not, and only ' who is Mrs. Glenn Wolf. Edmund Breon as a doctor, Thomas prove the old saying of "The best Miss Joanne Smith was elected by careful study of all its implica­ Mrs. Ellis Holbrook, and with her E. Jackson as a police inspector and laid plans of mice and men some president of her eighth grade class tions. As one example, R was asked mother, Mrs. McNair, in Myrtle times *gsng a* wei,” still hold true. I Monday and plans for their gradua- . Dorothy Peterson as Robinson’s wife what is to becoiqe of the undeter­ Point Her husband is a sharp- also have prominent roles in the In- The first occurred when earlier ln tion exercises are getting under way. mined number of refugees who have ■ , , , j ’ ternational Pictures’ offering, which *" ------ " *-v ^«rsdu.ting —. been admitted by executive order; required, but the lighter-than-air the evening the ferry became ground- We was produced and written for the also, whether quotas should be balloon has not proved practical in ed on the north side of the river and exercises • for our eighth gratters. Nunijaily Johnson Frltz noted for»hl> han gug. abolished for Germany and any other modern warfare, and what to do with the ferrymap and. the county man, They are dually held in the evening pengeful directed r KO enemy country. More than 7,000 the helium is worrying bureau of sent down from Coquille to assist and a large crowd attends. him, were unable to get it extricated men and women are now being held mines officials. 'Radio release. Arthur Loft, Frank in time to put everyone across for in interment camps throughout the Dawson, Carol Cameron and Bobby the party, necessitating their going United States under the classifica­ Blake are in the supporting cast. clear around through Coquille and tion of alien enemies, including 3,281 "The Woman in the Window" is There will be a school board meet- back down to Riverton. The second I Japanese and 2,280 Germans, with a one of the many pictures that reach 'event to cause grave concern was i ing at the school house at 8:00 p. m. scattering of Italian and other na­ the , GJ.’s immediately, as a gift from Friday, April 13, to elect a director tionalities. to replace Jame Matthews, resigned. the mo“on P‘cture Industry, supple- A registration made in 1M1 showed The next Red Cross meeting, April mentln« more fonM1 exhibitions approximately five million aliens in 1 26, will be held at the Fay Holver- of nlm in expeditionary theatres. , the United States, but it was stated'for by several wholly legitimate stott home, an all-day meeting with I that thia number has now dwindled to reasons; but what is causing a bead- , pot-luck dinner There will be two | Remember Norton’s — for office, about three and one-half million, leas ache is the fact that use of the large sewing machines there to be used, «chool and home supplies. Ms than one million of whom are claaaed denomination bills has increased by I Ladies of the valley are invited and as alien enemies. It is as much to more than 100 per cent. The answer • are aaked to brine their own table THE COUNT k COURT OF kssE are asked to bring their pwn table COUNTY OF COOS, STATE determine what shall be done about which most readily suggesti Itself Is I OF OREGON these unwelcome guests as it is to the growth of black market trans- ’that everything went off beautttvlly, ■»vice ’ legislate on future immigration that actions, the operators of Which are everyone havihg a most enjoyable , , Karen Banham is ill at home wiQr In the Matter of the Estate of ' William Thanas Brady, Deceased. the study is justified, according to reluctant to use «-he«*« because of time. The bride received many ehiekan-pox. - M" * «Pending a few 'To Mr> Br.dy, its proponents. This and kindred | the ’ease by which they may be lovely gifts and C-A-K-E and coffee questions will not be decided by the traced. There have been many ar- iwere served to the thirty-one guests days with Mrs. Norman Butler, the Patricia Ann Brady and Maxine Brady, and to all other heirs or former Donna Jean Duncanson, at Investigating committee, but its re- 1 rest, for black marketing in sugar, present persona unknown, if any there Be , port and recommendations are ex- ¡gasoline and liquor, but it is admitted ) Charlotte Bogsrd, a senior in Lake Grove, Oregon. GREETING: Rusnell Stillwell returned home pected to form the .basis for whstever , that they touch only the fringe of . Coquille high school, and Donald In the Name of the State of Oregon, action conxress may wish to take. guch operations. ' ¡Aasen of Coquille left by bus for last Tuesday from Ashland, Oregon. You are hereby cited and required- 0. i California last week. They were ac- Mrs. Stillwell and Mr. and Mrs. E. to appear in the County Court of i the State of Oregon, for the County that it should not ba rejected Members of congress from dairy companied as far as San Francisco A. Wilcox stayed over and I of Coos at the Court Room thereof, pected home this week. cause of ridicule over its use of states profess alarm over recent trade by Mr». Robert Smith, who will visit I at Coquille in the County of Coos Rev. Charles G. Brown, of the ¡within ten days from the date of the usual words and the argument reports showing increased use of mar- there and in Oakland with her father, viously was effective since the garine by American housewives. It **ter accompanying Don and Char­ Methodist Church in Coquille, de­ service of such Citation, if served within Coos County, Oregon, or ts feared it may be difficult to wean lotte on their return trip home fronrr livered the Easter sermon April 1. within twenty days, if served within and Rev. Mr. Oulick, of the Four any other County in this State, or, if them away from the butter substi- Frisco. The two young people went tute after the war. Because of war « to Painf Springs, where they were Square Church of Marshfield, gave served by publication, within twenty-’ eight days from the date of the first food administration purchases for "Wt by Don’s sister, Mrs. Jack Smith, a post-Easter sermon last Sunday, publication thereof, then and there the armed forces and OPA rationing, that place. Together the three which was greatly enjoyed. The con­ to show cause, if any exist, why an the use of butter hae shrunk from to San Diego to see Cpl. Ed- gregation appreciates these ministers Order of Sale should not be made ___ ____________ come so far _____________ to fill the pulpit and license granted to J. H. McClos- the lMd average of 18.8 pounds per L. “Bud" Aasen. who la sta- who Rev. Liston Parrish, of Co- Executor of said Estate, for the capita to 10.5 pounds in IM*. In the tioned theri. ‘«ud" will soon be here same period use of margarine has on the over sees duty list and will quille, is expected next Sunday. Beginning at a point 216 feet Mrs. Lou Ewan, lower grade teach­ South 80’ 40’ East and 285 increased from an average of 2.4 not be granted a leave of sufficient feet South of the quarter section pounds to-43 pounds, ft is expected «tarwtion ■ to enable him to return er, is taking a couple of her pupils corner on the line between Sec­ that new demands upon congress will home before shipping out. Don and home to her farm each Friday night tions 35 and 38 in Township 27 _ be made by the dairy industry for Charlotte have each wired home until the last of school. South of - - Range - 13, West West — Uje 4 Willamette Meridian in in Coos ____ Mrs. Evelyn Carlson is planning to j .—------------------ stay in town week days and put her 1 &h?7!E"i<,riE?«SS iviverron news >/■ Window" Featuring Robinson fir Bennett At Roxy Sun.-Tue. h I? I *1.00. * *> I I £ h’ ♦ I II, ■* A, Deeds of Coos County, O Bids will be received by n minlstratrix of said Estata dffice of J. Arthur Berg, ln Coos County, Oregon. L. Caus Administratrix of the 1 Charles W. Dye, Deceased. Fairview News I i " » I . - ■ T - - ■■ -V— r~ - ----------- k- „„„„y,., - .. Songs and Merriment on Rainbow Island V / ■ i” I IK ■fî ■ ■ u 5 ;"v3 i.‘J - -----------/l son, Richard, in school there. He is ; corner of small tract of land in the eighth grade. Mrs. Carlson has owned by the Misses Smith; thence North 76* 10* East 337.6 had to give up her job of transport- feet along North boundary of i ing the. grade school children and no said tract to a, small stream: one yet has offered to take this over thence South 30* 30* East 193 for the remaining few weeks of | feet, more or less, along said stream to the North boundary school. of the Coquille-Marshfield High­ Mrs. Benham on Monday received way; thence approximately the over seas address of her oldest ! North 76* 10* ■ East 282 feet, more or less, along said North ' son, Harold, wpo is in the Army Air boundary of said highway to a Corps. point 18 feet West of the East 1 Airs. Lloyd Teagaitien last Satur- boundary of the V. G. Weekly ’ , day received a letter from her eon, I land; thence North O’ 40' East 276 feet, more or less, along the j Russell Young, after several weeks' West boundary of an 18 foot pro­ silence. They hear regularly from posed roadway to a point which her other son, Harold. They are both ! is North 84r 52* East of the -— in the European theatre of War. place of beginning; thence South 84 5T West 715 feet, more or Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., heard Mon­ less, to the place of beginning, day from her husband but it has been containing 3.23 acres of land, quite a while since the family have more or less, situate in Section 36, Township 27 South of Range 13 heard from her brother, “Bud" Ryan. West of the Willamette Meridian; T' Both men are in the European sec­ Witness, the Hon. L. D. Felsheim, tion. ¡Judge of County Court of the State Ben Holverstott writes he has met of Oregon for the County of Coos the seal of said Court, affixed Bob McCarthy on an island in the (with this 27th day of March, 194i, ' Pacific. Ben and Bob went to school Attest: L. W. Oddy, Clerk. together in Coquille. Ben is a ser­ 1115 (seal) By G. Vaughan, Deputy. geant in the ground mechanical force NOTICE TO CREDITOBS repairing and servicing B-20*s and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that was one of the men praised in an the undersigned has been duly ap- nd news- editorial recently in a Portland news­ ¡8*inted b> the County Court of Coos Administratrix of paper for keeping the wave < df B-29’» fr°u,}!y.’ i the Estate of William E. Jarvis, de­ flowing over Tokyo, Japan.. ceased, and has duly qualified as 'such NOW THERETORE, all persons' Card of Thanks W,‘ wish ex,end "ur •‘■'ncere hereby notified and required to pre- ■. thanks to friends and neighbors for sent the same, together with p. to b. shewn * the toy Itotra TtawWay *,”P*t*7oTfice’rf X A^Jr K a R^ ». • » or. lees, to a point on boundary of the said ar of the North - west of Section 86: . thence _ y along ____ the __ _____ said East boundary of the’Northeas't quarter of the Northwest quar­ ter of Section M to the North­ east corner thereof; thence West along the North boundary of said Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 38 to a point of beginning; contain­ ing 27.5 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the North­ east quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 27 South, Range «West of Wil­ lamette Meridian. Also a gateway roadway ease­ ment fifteen feet in width, fol­ lowing »long the line of the foot of the hill on the easterly side of the Budd Oeek bottom lands, the center line of which is more pertipularly described as follows Beginning at a point in the Northeast quarter pf the North- ^e,t eoi totion 36, Township 27 South, Range 13 West of Willamette Meridian, the mid point being situeted iflOJ feet thq North and to 801.0 feet Rest of corner the toihiSt iLTuk" or K tocÄ’ta'uli I foregoing Also 4 |eaaementahere- I, the Hon. L. D. Fei- — - - —* °? March’ 1M6 i 4 ». » L th“ : or the Northwest quarter of the sa>d Section 36: and running treat Eddie Bracken. u Dorothy -- «¿a /J our recOT rec^‘ ‘ bereavement and for the ney at at Law, Law, Coquille, Coquille, Oregon, Oregon, with- with- State of Dorethv s ' — ____ u,c ney •» “>e service held in six months from the date hereof. ¡Coos with aaatte lead. Daaefa« I Ito a^l - t" ™ ÄS. daylf’M.S^MB tot Parforrnm as Aua Jean wllklnÄm, sblrley Schaer. M?ud 1W J*™»:. „ W. Odd£ c£k De Carle. “***«* I ‘ Administratrix^!« (seal) Bv Q. <•“>* i ■ i 'V i - f o / ■ •A s .1 'A -i .U?:' ¿feL'-.x. I