pfeife.: Those Taking Part in Senior Class Ploy In High School Gym Next Wednesday The Ust of characters in the order of their appearance are: r Dolly Winthrop, the housekeeper ......—:----------- * $ Vera Bish Jem, the hostler “— -------------------------------Don McLari Godfrey Cass, the Squire’s son Martha Kimble, his aunt.................. ---------------—..-------- .Claire Gr Phyllis Litaenberg Harold Train Belle Knife Hospital Purkey Furniture SAFEWAY^ cf event ÿ Ip 'SSBSBB bsssssb ^^ CANNED MU B ordite't, Nettle’t, Special Monthtg ( ihr . pia.) Tall can, 2 for 19c O£c 17-e«. Hifr*” GUMAH1ÍID MtAT Burton W. Dunn KAL UTAHC A DmntANCC Save points by using more kRESH PRODUCE FW73 Sagaripeham,Medtams ¡¿15* So Maid toshs, Nectar '¿T 11* OH Batch denser .*«. I <. 15* Bn Ami 10 Mule Team Borax lA.pkg.15* Shopping Bags £2% Paper Id* wooess, ¿unitary napvinsi oo s Chewing Tobacco, Spark Plug 10* ORANGES Navels Hosn t sc ro tcK#d yer wid»ly-u»»d house paintl TOMATOES red and ripe CAULIFLOWER MAW EARNS A VACAT/ON! Hardware S herwin W illiams P aints Snowy white heads lb. 27c lb. 10c