Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gamble and son, John, spent Easter with Mrs. Gamble’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Davis, at the Oerding Apts. We ora proud to ba first in announcing that the naw wondar drug Penicillin Is now avail­ able In our 3 Department for civilian use on Doctor's Prescription» and Hie price is unbelievably low. Fuhrman's Pharmacy rCU« MMIp ''"Wr IR Min Additional Local on Page 9 I THUR FRI.SAT APRIL 8, 9, 10 HERE THEY COME Hying Straight Into Your Heart! Any Magazine listed and This* Newspaper . Both fui Puce Shown Lotest MATINEE Events News - Sportlight April IT rjWah Dtemy*> Carafes________ U n»« LM«_____________ u Coquille Sentinel AN» MAGAZINES USE THIS COUPON wahners ’