The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 29, 1945, Page 9, Image 9

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    m M khs *
i Weekly L
need a gift—shop Nor-
Although he should
| The people in some districts are mis­
erably poor and quite often hungry, nourishment before
as much as we can for them,
they some times make us a
annoyed and qmbarrassed, too,
when they stand arouncTto watch us
eat. Especially^ if they are little butter
children, I find I lose my appetite,
when they watch
take so I generally
them the rest
somewhere to
There are
here and we can again enjoy the fa­
vorite American sport of driving fast.
Generally, though, there are a lot of
pedestrians and buggies or ox-carts
on the road to slow our progress.
Chief among the obstacles is a ve­
hicle that I judge is a Philippine in­
stitution. It’s a two-wheeled, two-
seated conveyances with a gay awn­
ing around the roof and a small pony,
of unknown breed, between the
At Special Discounts
When you write, keep telling about
the things going on around the place
and about everybody and if you have
any pictures of the new place, please
send me some.
Incidentally the Christmas pack­
ages never caught up with me, prob­
ably piled up in New Guinea. Some
of «the fellows who got theirs found
they were almost a total loss from
rought treatment and mold.
Dick. •
Cpl. R. G. Cornelius, 3932S036
Hq. and Hq. Co. Sllth Prcht. Inf.
A-P.O. 488 •
% Postmaster
San Francisco, California
Letter From Dick
Cornelius On
production, distribution and transport
tation. For a year and a halt, we
have been urging that food be placed
under the control of a single admin­
istrator. A bill was introduced by
Tom Jenkins, chairman of the Food
Study Committee, in 1943. Later,
the rhairman of the Committee on
Agriculture introduced a similar bill
which was reported favorably to the
ui members on House, but it was never acted upon.
of the aisle as
As soon as the Food Study Commit­
nnurn on opposite Bides tee staff organisation is complete, and
i. This condition has had our data is brought up to date, the
bearing on the work of committee will doubtless again urge
House as yet but, in my opinion, the
of ..................
legislation to place
'a brief recess should be taken. It food under one single control.
would be unfortunate to have such
There has been considerable debate
--------- . important
—--------- matters
—^0° the Floor of the House recently
as the
Bretton Woods Agreement considered !op the subject of the present food
by a tired and irritable Congress, situation.
Apparently some badly
The general talk “on the Hill” is that needed food items are scarce because
legislative business will be suspended ceiling prices are lower than the
tor a couple of weeks near Easter.
present cost of production.
la a letter of recent data,____
Dick Cornelius of the SI 1th Para­
chute Infantry, writes to his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cornelius, of
Bandon, commenting on his part in
the campaign on Luxon and his im­
pressions of the people and their cus­
toms and appearance:
Dear Mom:—It’s the same old story,
another island, another battle and
another siege of malaria. I am al­
ready over the malaria, having only
one bad day and night of it this time,
being up and around the next day
but still in for observation.
I imagine you have read about the
llth Airborne’s part in the battle of
Manila, etc., but my own part was
insignificant, as' I just got tot the
battles after they had progressed
quite a ways. I was still in the hos­
pital at Leyte when the outfit pulled
out, so I missed the jump. When I
did get in, it seemer as tho’ I spent
ail my time ducking into doorways or
behind walls, dodging artillery shells.
There was a difference, of course, in
this campaign as it was fought in
cities and garrisons, instead of moun­
The people here seemed genuinely
dragging out
glad to see us, even dri
their hharded bottles of whiskey and
rum to give us. However, the oc­
casion never developed into any
bacchanalian orgy
Portraits • Commercial Photography
Glamour Photography
Feed Study. The Republican Con- pointed out recently that prices can
greesional Food Study Cosmjlttoe, of, be held down end even rolled back,
which I am secretary, has just about or that food production can be in­
completed its organization for this creased, but it will be impossible to
term of Congres, and is planning- to do both. The Food Study Committee
dig deeply into several immediately Will endeavor to search out the facts
critical, food problems. During' the .on this point
78th Congress, this committee con-
tributed some vsluable suggestions ( The Department of Agrieultur« ap-
regarding the handling of the nation's pt opriation bill is up for passage in
food problem.
One outstanding the House this week. I was disap­
. 1
value of our work was that we called pointed that the Appropriation
attention in advance to certain dan- I mlttee did not increase the
Donors Must Meet
gers with the result that remedial ' appropriation -for forest prod
Certain Requirements
steps were taken before crises de-', search. In its report, the committe«
The County Health
veioped. One such case
was the justifies its action by expressing the
a communication frqm the
poultry distribution problem in the belief that such research funds will
Blood Bank' headquarters
New England slates. Data gathered be available from the various war
of course, but still s house with win­ stating that there will
by our committee was also useful in appropriations during the next fiscal
dows of glass.
And' we’ve seen unit of the Red Cross in
averting a more serious .potato fam­ year. I hope their assumption is cor­
| women in high-heeled shoes, silk second Monday of every month
ine than occurred. We also called rect, but I am inclined to doubt it.
.stockings and well-fitted, stylish the convenience of ddnors who »—
attention to the fact that, .while the However, it still may be possible
| dresses, snd men in tailored, tropical to £ive but have difficulty in reach­
live animal inventory of the country to have additional research funds in­
I whites and Panama hats. '
ing Portland.
was unusually large, meat was short cluded
when the bill is considered by
For the benefit of those who are
in the markets. Slaughterfag quotas - the Senate, or needed appropriations
tables and fruits, mainly bananas, interested, the following list of
were subsequently removed
can be made in a deficiency bill later.
papayas, tomatoes and something qulrements are given. In order
The studies of our food committee
called “chlko,” which looks like a be a blood donor, your blood pressure
clearly pointed to one fundamental
round, brown pear and tastes very must not be over 199, your blood
weakness in the national handling (
good but resembles nothing familiar. count 788. You must be between 18
of the food problem. This weakness ;
Also quite a few eggs, chicken* and and 80 years of age and weigh over
is the multiplicity of agencies, de- <
avocados are to be had. We trade off 118 pounds. No one with a history
M end ■MBiiiiM hs—g-db.
B.-dr bmrt dissert. and no dl-
give us a lot et friendship, abetic
.■ J IW
— 33HSS!
Salesman in Charge
--------------------- — —
This advertisement is aimed to save the
lives of thousands of civilians—women
and children—who have had the least
to'do with starting warsr-whose prayers
at bedside and in bomb shelter have
been uttered with a faith that perhaps
they and their loved ones moy yet be
This advertisement is sponsored by
the following organizations:
•Chamber of Commerce
•American Legion
• Fraternal Order of Eagles
• Soroptimist Club
• Lions' Club
• Rotary Club
•% r* »tj
t'.f ■ ‘ ■ 1
1 -•
» Here is a grand opportunity for you
- to help answer those prayers: Give
freely of what spare clothing and shoes
that are clean and serviceable, and
see; that they reach the^tking fpom
located in .the south side of the Com­
munity Building, during the month
beginning April first.