........................ ... The Sentinel S AGO corroRiAL. ASSOCIATION The Christian And Free Land store* tn the northwest, will enter the i Coquille district about. May 1. They i have rented t£e Hersey building, ' next door to the Odd Fellows build­ ing. —A— Showing oj Ladies9 Coats, Suits, Dresses, Hats, Gloves and Hand Bags for the Easter Parade IFe’ve a serviceable selection of Coats, Suits, Dresses and Mili- right through Headlong into Spring in an Watch Your Kidneys/ "Easter Bonnet" Emphatically right for Spring these smart, new light-spir­ ited Hats! Any one will add a gay touch to your war-limited wardrobe. D oans P ills You’re thinking in terms of Quality and Longevity these days—and our smart, expertly made