Mrs. Mary Krugur, Assistant Nu­ tritionist for the Oregon Dairy Coun­ cil, expressed her disappointment at finding her visit^here coincided with the school vacation, making it impos­ sible to contact schdol authorities the first of the week concerning the ed­ ucational program which is being launched throughout Oregon by the Dairy Council. This non-profit Or­ ganisation has as its objective the promotion of the health and welfare of every citizen of Oregon, by means. of an educational program which teaches proper nutrition. The need of dairy products is stressed, which will in turn bring about an increased demand' Mrs. Leia Elrod and Miss Made­ line Kelly, of the County Health Dept., are provided with Dairy Coun­ cil material for use in schools and clinics. School nurses in the city schools use the same material. Mrs. Martha Mulkey has personally dis­ tributed a great deal of the material throughout the county schools. Read­ er booklets are provided for each grad* level and are given to each child, Attractive wall posters ac­ company each unit. Mrs. _ Dorothy Remember NoAon’a — for office, Dunn uses Dairy Council material in school and home supplies. tfs many of her programs. Booklets are available at the Coquille Library for Calling cards. SO for «1.00 the youngsters. . BBffff Mitünf Mot only precious m< Coquille Sentinel ANO MAGAZINES USE THIS COUPON .f I Don't Sell Insurance But Support it!