t ✓ I ■ 5f. PAG* FOUR 7“ ’JÍ ■ » i Land-Unlimited Employment YEARS AGO I Free I« A r Publisher H. A. YOUNG, I?' ! I ■ • ii I I I ÛM T1 rar '4! 3 B*7 4 i ■ i^i i i ■ i ma The Salem Sampler »;■’ s By HON. R. T. MOOR* ■ ! i i I lature. * 4 A bill has bewn passed referring u, get the the people the question of inc r ea s ing th>t pwr^. the number of state Senators from failed to p thirty to thirty-one and giving Lake, Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson w counties a new senatorial district' waa These counties are now in with' The Klamath in Senate representation, up c ■ I I I should be on a district basis rather i^y than according to population. The theory to that the House should be apportioned by population and the Senate by district. I i I Í There is a rumor buzzing around i £lnal anawer, but M this that an attempt may be made to ban after-midnight listening to radio pro­ grams. If serious, this may take the form of a Federal Communications Commission order, shutting down One of the disappointing failures of come to an M y^t happens night. While definitely possible, I the legislature was the killing of whUa labor draft uu u ltiU ln doubt that this step will be taken to House Bill, No. 345, the motor trans- Conference, it will be argued by some conserve power. portation bill, which had been set up that compulsory labor legislation to as the result of an intensive two- more y,,,, ever to offaet a Dr. O. H. Clarke Cleared year study. The motor transporta- predicted let-down, since we still Of That Narcotics Charge tion laws had been thoroughly and have a major WBr ln the Paclflc to An item which appeared a month expertly studied with a view towards , fight. The counter-argument will be reconstruction «af a scientific rather . that Cut-backs ¡n war production will ago in one of the several daily issues than a political basis. But again we follow collap8e of Germany and of a Portland paper which does not find political pressure intervening to.^ wlll no man. come to Coos county, is herewith presented in justice to Dr. O. H. block constructive progress and the poWer probiem then, Clarke of Myrtle Point: * net result of the two-year effort is‘ merely a resolution continuing the • . study. It to to be hoped that the next ° * c IU,L 1 hav* «introduced A federal grand jury today found legislature will be less susceptible to I«* bU1 ***»*<« to settle th«T dis- a not true Mil in the case of Dr.! oressure lobtrvtns pu»« between the Department of the Oliver H. Clarke. Myrtle Point physi­ I Interior and the Department of Agri­ cian, who was charged by narcotics culture regarding which Department ■* agents with dispensing narcotics “not is to have jurisdiction over some in the course of professional practice 450,000 acres of land in the indemnity only” on or about September 19, i limits of the old O A C grant. Other 1944. A complaint was filed on Coquille Red Cross Unit will be th,n ,or • <*»«»<• in the last section ' Clarke at the same time that similar unable to hold the rsgul.r meeting <* “>• Mil, it to the same bill that I complaints were issued on two Med- scheduled for Friday. March 23, on introduced early in the last Congress, ' ford doctors, who were indicted and ■ account of continued lack of ma- “nd w»>ich was reported favorably ’ sentenced to five-year terms. Dr. by the Public Lands Committee just tortala ’ Clarke was released on his own recog- adjournmwt. Extensive Sitkum Red Crow group, under the ‘ before ^ore nizance last September when he ap- direction of Mrs. Hilda Durrell, has hearings were held on the biU during ' peared to answer the complaint. i again sent in another nice lot of last Congress, and the Committee I finished sewing. approved it unanimously, so I am Norton’s carry a nice selection of The Unit expresses thanks to Dor- hopeful that it can be passed during records and sheet music. tfs cas Society of the Adventist Church this session. —■" ■ — ■ ------------------ — for another donation of scuff slippers. The last section of the bill has to Sympathy to extended Mrs. Lily do with mineral rights on the O A C Hattig and family in the recent loss land« *nd provides the same rights I of a sister, Mrs. Ellen Carl. Also to °° these iands M on °th*r lands BAYS------ Mrs. L. C. Braly for the the toes of owned by the government. The her husband. Mrs. G. B. Howe re- change made in this section was in ports that Mr Howe to recovering the nature of clarifying it and broad- nicely after a recent surgery, per- enin« “ «> th,t the provision will ap- formed at Mast Hospital. _ ¡ply to all O A C lands. If the bill As soon as supplies are received. ia Paused in this form, it will not be workers will be contacted and the necessary to give further considera- workroom will be open as usual on tion to another bill I have introduced wliich calls for granting mineral Fridays. rights on all O A C lands. AppeepriaiioM Bills. The House Coquille Unit Red Cross Notes Í I t-‘ I I ■ H h — Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C. BY I I It might be worth your while to attempt to visualize the picture that Will give you a clear idea of the ca'use or causes of the existence of salable value to land. Land pri­ marily has no salable value. It ¡clearly has a use value, which is ' something entirely different. I It you take the natural opportun­ ity (land), now known as the State 'of Oregon in its primitive state, it very unlikely that any improvement would have no selling value and any will be started Until after July 1. The one could come in and produce their naw depot will cost in the neighbor- living without paying anybody for hood of 120,000, when built. , such chance. If we go a step farther, -o - two other elements qome in. Activity The telephone company is ready and numbers of people and now such now to enlarge the switchboard at land will have a rental value (site) Coquille by adding two new sections and the most activity and numbers and the work will be started in a' the higher the value. What you pay couple of weeks. for a house is interest, not rent nor site. Mias Clare 1. McCloskey, slater of You have had a splendid illustra- J. H. McCloskey, of Norway and Co- tion here in this state: You voted qqllle, died Wednesday at Portland on a MU to move your university and was buried In th« Norway ceme- from Eugene to Corvallis, It was , tery this morning. defeated. Let us suppose it had carried and see what would have Our question whether any of our happened in an economic way. Your readers knew any older citizen than buildings, streets and sidewalks Anderson Wright, of Sumner, who would be still in Eugene but rent celebrated his 92nd birthday day be- would not be, it would be found in fore yesterday, has been answered. Corvallis for the simple reason that A Myrtle Point reader gives us the the cause of rent (association and name of Isaac Nichols, an old soldier, numbers of people) had been trans- who has lived in and near Myrtle ferred to CorvaUU.. Point for several years past, who will Take another illustration: Oft Mar- be 94 years of age on the 9th day of ket street about ten blocks (in San the coming August. He says he is . Francisco) are six lots which were willing , to run the Sumner non- taken over by said city on* a tax agenarlan a foot race to decide which sale in 1856. These lota were rented to a building corporation on the first ® day of July, 1944, (just hold your •9 breath) for 99 years at a rental 'price of >30,500 a month, the price increasing every ten years. If this value were taken all over the U. S., CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH' it would amount to 20 billion dollars. ¡The yearly value of these six lota a being considered by the Senate. The would be 3366,000. If you capitalize Í to next major appropriation bill to be this sum, the selling value would be .1 »ft considered will ba the one for the rr- Department of Agriculture, which, I 37,320,000. If you put a 100 per cent tax on the yearly value the selling oa I am informed, will come before the 1 value will cease. de House March 20th. This bill carries I Take an illustration in our home ler the appropriation for the Madison state of Oregon: Six lots between ch Forest Products Laboratory and the Stark and Morrison streets in Port­ en Northwest Forest Service Experiment land were leased in 1912 by a build­ ir- Station. I recently made a speech on ing corporation for 99 years on a pro- . lat the Floor of the House, urging great­ a gressive lease. They are now paying | er support of the forest products 3100,000 a year. There are 310,000 is research program. I also appeared taxes on the building, 320,000 taxes he before the Appropriations Committee ¡go to the state and 370,000 go to ve for the same purpose during their {Private individuals. If we were if- hearings on the bill. I moral in government, we would take ict It is necessary for the Congress to far the state the 390,000 produced by he complete all regular appropriation the state (site or location) and leave he bills before the end of June, since to the company the 310,000 tax on ily the fiscal year ends June 30th. Often the building. The state would get lot some of the major appropriation bills 390,000 instead at 330,000, which it to'are completed at the last minute, | now gets. Under this system, we' ily ' making hasty action on them neces- take for the whole people, govern- i ment or society, the value produced | A. C. Schultz Gilmore Service _ Station 1 - ’37, ’39 Car or Truck ’41 Cars " : % .*. I « e I I X r LENGTHEN Ii*-—i YOURuCAR-S LIFE!... ’¿-ÿj I 3, 4 I t Í t I « from Your CHEVROLET Dealer NOW/ b r "5 you’ll say "FIRST IN SERVICE’’ Southwestern Motors CoqtiiHe Myrtle Point F 1 Bandon