INGS OF COURT Bare Facts From BearCreek .... 97.W 14.4a •3.00 Coos Bay plies ... Ind. Acc. Comm., Indus­ •5.53 trial Ins. ..................... . California StoM> Off. 2.14 plica ... Myrtle L. Benham, extra help 13.7« L. B. Gould, M. D„ Hearing , IMO L. D. Fetaheim, and 14.70 tending O A C meeting ___ 7 , Visiting at the home of his grand­ Children's Farm Home, car* 40.00 P. W. Culver, Co. Commr., at­ 14.40 tending O. A C. ....—...... .. No. 5 Justice mi mother, Mrs. Sophia Toston, to little J. W. Hildenbrand, Attending JP Docket : Billy Kohmer, of Eugene. The length Herald Press, O. A C.................. -............... • 740 30.33 Sh,et* Coart H sus* Ctor* A. Stauff, clerical serv. 78.45 ‘ of his stay to indefinite. __ ■» “ l" Lindy Lou Holverstott left Satur- Farr A Elwood Co, Janitor* vices ..... 23.65 supplies ...................... ...... 34.43 Roy Erchinger, cruising tim- £ day for Roseburg, where she to ber_____________________ 110.95 A. B. Daly A Co., material .. 109.3u Tree*. Office Shell Oil Co., motor oil*........... 71.98 spending part of her spring vacation Marchant Calculating Machine Roy Erchiftger, exp. and mile­ age .......... . ..........'-------------- - 1845 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., 35.00 Maint. ntacMne gas ...... 13.37 E. L. Kay, cruising timber------ 63.00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., 3.25 Robert MacLeod, mileage and H. S. Norton, staples........... — dieael oil and grease. 20.63 exp., County Court Union OH Co. . . _ of CaUlU gas .1,312.16 1(J 71 Coos Bay Harbor, letter heads Union Oil Co. of Calif, gas 104.00 Ben C. Flaxel, " " Court House Consolidated Freight Ways — his given u* showers, hail, highj^^ and u . m.mber of the West Coast Telephone Co. Freight ...... ........................... 2.45 Services ....... 124.67 B. K. Warner, rental of type­ » righteous souls with an inborn love winds, frost, and practically every- ; Consolidated Freight Ways— writer ...... . ......... ......._r_----- County Clerk Freight ..................................... for the Japs, began expressing hto thing in the book with the exception I Last Friday night a carload of .05 H A M C Co., ribbon*...... ..... 24.00 Western Union, services........... Columbia Equipment Co, ma- views through the column of a Port­ of sunshine. That was put out in folks from the Assembly of God Koke-Chapman Co., supplies Dog Fund 4.55 terial ....................... 70.94 Kpke-Chapman Co., Register land daily regarding merchants who Scottish quantity. I church in Coquille held service* at Sept- Offlee 23.66 Industrial Steel A Supply Co. sheet* ......... --------------------- 0.52 Hazel K. Hanna, extra help It is very unkind to call the , the church. Mia* , refused to buy the produce. He material ........................... 133.47 Helen Newton was Dependent Child11**1* m;,7c?"8^c’iaTnu”m- 2.08 berated the merchant* soundly for ground hog an unfortunate creature. 25 00 J. A. Lamb Co, material...... Catholic Charities Inc., care 10.00 F. R. Bull, Agent, bond —...... Howard Cooper Corporation, were by an(j j4ri Boy* A Girls Aid Society their stand in the matter. And ’ere We think he to lucky indeed, ibm^h material ...... 69.25 Muntfer and and also a number by this to printed we predict that there he may not possess all the qualities Munger care ........................................ 15.00 James H. Leonard, Mileage.... 43.05 Industrial Repair Co, machine bv Mrs. Mr« Mr*. J. H. Leonard, attending ' Bounty will appear in the editorial column* of a human being. He emerge* from Chas. Byrd and Miss Joyce Munger. work ............... 3.75 girl .......... 3.00 12.50 North Bend Iron Works, ma­ of the Portland dailies some more of his hole, see* hl* shadow and beats A goodly number from the valley J. M. Hayes, 5 cat* ...... Cto. EmplayeM John Wm. Anderson, 3 cats.... 7.50 I chine work ....... ................... 12.25 Coo» Bay Hospital Assn., Hos­ their sob stuff regarding the Jap*, .it back for several week*. Sometimes were present Court House 6.75 Pioneer Hardware Co, mater­ pital due* - ------------------ >----- owing to the fact that in the past we think it would be nice to be a Res. Liston Parrish, of Coquille, de­ W. E. Foote, material and ial and powder ................... 162.20 Deg Fuad ‘ labor _______ __ _ ____ _ — 60.00 they have lauded Japanese-Ameri­ ground hog: just think of all the dis- 1 livered the morning’s sermon Sun­ Oregon Pacific Co, Inc, ma. Coquille Valley Sentinel, 3M SM. Office terial ........................... can* of our armed forces far more agreeable weather a fellow would day. An especially timely sermon Dog Lie. Receipts............... 22.50 Wm. C. Morberg, binding General Tool Co, tools, etc.... 12.63 Various Offices miss. • than they have any white boy. books ..... — .............. — .......... 101.75 was heard by an average congrega- McNair Hardware Ck>, age...... , 3.75 Charles Stauff, Co. Trees., When you recall the depression! 7 "T Ann. Office The funny part of It to the fact 01.0« Isler Sheet Metal Work*. —____ J-..,.- . _ ,. . 1 . ______ I HUH. . .i------ Mors from the valley are The New* Press, circular • cash adv........ .i.----------- that a true, white son of this soil you no doubt think Immediately of attend these services, jack t........... ............. —.... . County Farm 7.50 letter* _____ _____ _______ could Cart in a hundred load* of pro­ who was the president of the U. S Mr and H Krantl and Lola Myers, salary, cook------- 127.75 Central Transfer Co, freight Dm*üÜ*et Childrau F. S. Stover Co, material....... 77.14 Wm. Myer*,, salary, farm duce from hi* farm and if unable to at that time. But jurt how many of famlly were dinner >t the L Oregon Protective Society, hand .... —...............-____ ....... 117.75 Steven* Cash Hardware, ma- 25.00 sell it; the chance* are great that not you canRecall who was vice-presl-' Buoy home Sunday Th care Mrigi _______ _____ 13.44 Aurora Willard, salary, waiter 77.75 one single individual, or one news­ dent under Hoover’s administration? from Middle Creek Hazer Hardware Co, oil can 1.50 George Workman,, salary, Or­ D. H. Benson, Feats J A J Tire Co, auto tireibH paper, would take up the cudgels in That is no 864.00 question, but we derly ...... . ................ ............. 90.90 Last Friday the grades of the up­ Ben Monson, 1 cat... etc. .................................... 722.67 Robt. Nayter, salary, Night­ his defense. He could starve to are wagering that a lot of you do Co. Envlo per room treated the lower grade watch ______ ________ __ _— 60.00 Taylor* Battery A Serv. Sta death on his farm without sympathy not know the answer to that one. '•(room at lunch. Names were drawn Coos Bay Hospital Assn., hos­ auto supplies---------------------- 2.25 pital dues. _....... ........ .......... 63.00 Reta Horton, salary, nurse.... 122.75 Earl Littrell Supply Co, auto from the pres* or individuals. But “Fess up now, did you?” Coos County Farm, food used | and that pupil brouftht lunch for the Soldiers Allow. supplies ---- 100.28 a yellow-skinned ■ offspring of par- | It does not take the bird* long to on farm ........ 6440 Indigent Soldier* Allow. one whose name he received. The Bay Motors, auto supplies....... 16.48 ents from the land of the rising sun, learn just who is their ;------ friend. ■, We Helen R. Graham,,.,...... „...... 35.00 Pioneer Grocery Co., grocer- 78.52 O. K. Rubber Welders Tire motif* were of St. Patrick ’ s Day. i®S . .............. . ..4..r .l',..... .■ I«1 __ r Xno rxAnss lokzir I » a of # Marie Bellah, salary, stenog 155.10 Ganta Grocery, groceries..... .. One \s»lv/-i who cheapens labor, 11nr)As*aimlla^ undersells* started feeding •• a ma pair brush « wrens Shop, auto supplies-------------- 13.50 6646 The 4-H club held their meeting* af­ Kenneth C. Talley, salary, real American farmer* la an entirely 1 and a couple of white crowned spar- Golder* Auto Part* Co, auto terwards. Deputy Shf. ............. 192.80 Stonecypher Packing Co.— supplies ................................... 51.34 different proposition. 1 S “ “ ‘ *“ meats ..... —........... .................. 22.72 “T" .ab°.Ut thr" ****? T Mr.. Earl „ Ad-ms.Jr.. -- . , •» returned ... , T—y — to Edna Danielson, salary, Dqp. l«04 Southwestern Motors, auto sup­ Coquille Bakery, breed taken with him against the merchant 'during the frosty weather. Day by Shf ......................... 14740 her home last Thursday, after spend­ Marie Clinton, salary, Dep. plies ----- ------------------- --------- 315.70 Pacific Feed A Seed CoM feed 32.05 who exercise their right* a*, citizen* day the number* increased upon the Geo. F. Burr motor Co, auto ing several day* at the Earl Adams, .... 146.35 Lorenz Dept. Store, shoes and Shf. (Tax) ................ be refusing to trade with him. More 1 two feed racks. Yesterday we supplies ---------------- 2.04 boot* ...... . ................... ?—.... l«.00 Emma M. Pierce, salary, Clerk power to such merchants; they evi-1 counted 68 birds upon the racks or Sr., home in Myrtle Point. Capp* Motor Co, auto *up- (Tax) ________ ________ — 136.00 J. A. Lamb Co., hardware, Visiting at the C. A. Holverstott pliea ....................................... 204.87 etc............................................ . 32.53 dently have not forgotten f»eari Har- ' sitting upon the ground awaiting Muriel Herman, salary, Clerk 133.75 home Friday night and at the T. H. J. W. Leneve, salary, Deputy Gregg Hardware, paints, etc. 28.06 Western Auto Supply Co, auto bor and will never be converted to their turn at the fOod. 'Juncos, brush 6.00 supplies__ -....... .................... 14.78 Clerk ......... -.................... 140.55 Albert Watson, filing saws...... Jap lover*. I wren«, three species of sparrows, a Benham home Saturday afternoon Coquille Service Station, auto Drs. Witcosky A Crawford, were George Brownaon, Sr., and aon, Georgianna Vaughan, salary, suppliof ................................... 13.56 5.00 Veterinary Service* ........... Frank Culver last week made a towee, a hermit thrush made up the Deputy .._................... 182.15 Paas. The elder jail Orchard Auto Part* Co, auto trip to Portland by tpick with a large crew today, while on the ouUkirts, George, of Grants ^Mr. Ho" “- Dorothy M. Warren, salary, supplies ____ ___.................... «2.05 Deputy________ __ _______ 10645 Coos County Farm, laundry 96.00 P. J. Rooney Auto Co, auto service* ........... —...... — stott and Tom Benham, and a brother H. C. Getz, salary, Deputy supplies ................................... '~Tinr Assr____________ _________ 178.05 of Mrs. Carrie Benham of Coquille, American Can Co., repair* on Gregg Hardware, strap hinge* Ellis Selander, salary. Dep ...... 153.05 a former resident of the valley. .83 Brodie Shingle Co, lumber . . sealer ....................................... Robert MacLeod, salary, Dep. 163.40 erasing Area Claas Smith Wood Products, lum- Mr. and Mr». Roy Blohm and fam­ May Ensele, salary. Dep.......... 15745 bar ............ 245.57 ily moved to Washington Tuesday Elda Ostrander, salary, clerk 134.65 N. S. Rogers, State Forester, Share—-Yellow Creek Zone 57.02 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Ind. of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed i H. R. Clark, salary, Land C*. Hunter Ins............................................... 155.82 Agent .................................... 184.40 C. E. Mullins, mileage i A exp. 06.10 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Ind. J. W. Gearhart, salary, Sur­ Co. w‘—rr'~r In*. --------------- -------------- ----- 311.64 house. veyor __ __ ______ ___ ___ 73.60 Southern Pacific Co.. stora&^^H Charles Stauff, Co. Tress., The George Hunt family moved L. B. Gould, M. D, salary ____ .Tj 268.75 War Bond* ___ «. on oil .................... ........... 3.00 Health Officer ..................... 49.80 out of the King Wilson home last First Nat'l. Bank of Ptd., McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert James H. Leonard, salary, Pro- - Saturday. They have gone to Paul­ Withholding Tax . ............... 808.43 H. lf*Han*en, royalty on rock 22.20 bation Offr........ . ............ ...... 176.00 Co. Court ina, Ore., a small place near Prine­ W. B. Shepard, salary, Jani­ 0.45 J. W. Hildenbrand, Co. Com. tor ................. ,................ 14540 ville and will work on a cattle ranch. mileage, Co. Commr _____ .-. 17.40 STATE OF OREGON Mr*. Fay Holverstoott sent word Chas. Roberts, salary, Jani­ tor A Jailer ........ 107.50 County of Coos: 'a*. she was Unable to return home last Belle Whitsett, salary, Matron Dr. William D. Morgan, test­ . I. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of ing cattle _____ 1 ......... 148.46 Friday because of illness of her little and Cook ____ ________ _... 72.60 Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio The American Law Book Co., F. C. McNelly, salary, 8upL daughter, Loreen. book* for Judge ,.... ............ 20.00 Clerk of the Co*mty Court of said Co. Farm ............. Z,, 197.75 County and State do hereby certify Fairview Extension Unit will meet County Farm Edith McNelly, salary, Matron that the foregoing is a true and cor­ 52.70 Union Oil Co. of Calif., gag,,,. Tuesday, March 27, at the home of Co. Farm .............................. 107.75 Benham’* Transfer, dieael oil 43.79 rect statement of the amount at bills Mrs. Russell Stillwell. Jhe meeting Ed Peterson, salary, Deputy allowed on the various funds of the Lail Shf. Powers ........ ......... ........ 40.00 will be on "Bread Making” and will County as audited by the Couhty Cow Bell Dairy, milk.............. Lucile S. Walker, salary, 3.51 Court 1M». ■» I»:«» Pioneer Grocery Co, grocer- R. E. Duncan, labor ........... 170 4a at the County Court ies ...................-....... ........... .. Cow Bell Dairy, milk...... ........ , _ Raymond Barklow, labor....... 202 56 tlme Coquille Bakery, bread........ Eatloa Board Walter York, cleaning type­ AMZY ERNIE writer ——...----- —— Pub. A Adv. Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub- (By Lane Lenev.) Fairview News 19.00 s I Most versatile vehicle of the war helps in Philippines invasion Studebaker Weasel Howdy Polks: truth - À urn on tne sun witn S unny B rook I M&W Auto Senrice ”” srasrus- I±; «¿ äs ääs äs '"iS «s ° “'’■'i 4