Fuhrman's Pharmacy suggests Male Quartet At The Christian Church Sunday Morning The male quartet from Northwest Christian College will sing at the Sunday morning services of the local Christian church, March 11. The quartet has established an outatand- ing reputation as a musical group throughout the Northwest. i Dr. Roas J. Griffeth, president of the college, will speak at the morn­ ing service. Dr. Griffeth is a well known relligious educator. He has spent a year traveling in Palestine and for many years has written com­ ments on the Bible School lessons. j Following the morning service there will be a potluck dinner in the : social rooms of the church when . the quartet will sing again and Dr. Griffeth will speak on “Christian Education.” The public is cordially Mr. and Mr*. Arnold Gauer and children, Joan, Richard and Gerald, alio Jimmy Scott of Coquille, «pent Sunday with Mr. and Mr». Martin Gasnes ak>d children, who live on the McKinley route out of Myrtle Point. CALF SCOUR A «rio» wteac* to oew-boro calve». U m strict aaaitatlM aad vacciaa« with C. R. Collin«, father of Mr«. Chas. 10c a daw—less in quantities. Fuhrman's Pharmacy DON’T FORGET YOUR RED CROSS I | THUR. FRI. SAT laugh riot of wacky wedding surprises! *m MARSHAL SPECIAL ADDED FEATURETTE 'Behind the Big TECHNICOLOR SEE THE ANIMALS SEE Special Attraction FILMED UNDER DEADLY ENEMY FIRE / Running Time 20 Mins. RETURN SHOWING OF ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING PICTURES EVER MADE THAT'S RIGHT, YOU GUESSED IT Liberty HELLO ELISCO HELLO COIXMl With Alice Faye • John Payne • Jack Oaki «500