Pioneer Methodist Church CLASSIFIED Marriage Licenses I • Mar. 1—-Swan A. Anderson, Circuit Court Coses Rex'. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 8:45—Time to study U m Bible with faithful teacher* and adequate room». 11:00—The call to worship at Pi­ oneer church. Message by the pas­ tor; subject, "Hindrances to Fullness Of Life.” 8:30—Social hour at Pioneer hall for younger groups.’ " 7:00—Study and discussion groups. 7:30—Worship period. Music and brief message. Junior choir assisting with music. 7:30 Wednesday evenings, choir rehearsal hour. Join the group and enjoy singing with them. Noble Thursday). Chowning, Sr., leader. 7:30—Thursday evening mid-week Christian Church study hour. The pastor will lead this East 4th * Coulter service. Liston Parrish, Pastor No church has all the truth. Every Thurs. 7:30, Bible Study and Pray­ church will help you find the good er meeting. things of life. Find your church Bible School 9:43, Martha Mulkey, home and worship there. Superintendent. \ Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s Church Of The Naxarene Supper. Northwest Christian College Ninth and Heath Quartet will furnish music. Dr. Rev. V. W. Anglin, Minister Ross J. Griffeth will bring the mes­ 9:45 a. tn. Sunday Bible School. sage. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Pas­ Intermediate G E., 3:30 p. m. tor preaching on, "The Faith that Young People’s C. E., 3:45 p. m. Brings a Revival." Evening service 1:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Evening Service, Pastor Wed. 7:30, Choir practice. preaching. Tuesday night is the first night of Church of God the Special Revival meetings, with Thomas Hayes, the Colorado Springs North Henry and Seventh Sts. evangelist The special meetings will Walter Lee Greer, Pastor continue each night for two weeks. 11 11 The public is especially invited to 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. these services. 11:00 a. m., Worship, sermon, “How Living Epistles Are Written.’’ Emmanuel Baptist Church 7:30 p. m., Worship: sermon, “The Pillar and Ground of the Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor Truth.” 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Service. Sermon, 7:30 p. m., Prayer meeting. Thome, “Provoking to Love and Good “Why The Jews Rejected Jesus." 7:C0 Four evening study groups for Works.” all ages. Charity “rejoiceth not in iniquity 8:00 Evening Service. Sermon, but rejoiceth in the truth.”—1 Cor. “The Cross Bearing Witness' to 134» Christ.” Thursday (tonight), Monthly Busi­ First Church of Christ, Scientist ness Meeting and Young People’s Choirs. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Wednesday, Church Choirs. Sunday "Service at 11 a. m. Subject tor next Sunday, “Man." Seventh Day Aventist Church Wednesday evening meeting at 340 Sabbath School Sat., 9:45 a. m. o'clock. Church 11:00 a. m. Free public Reading Room at 139 Prayer Meeting Thursday 8:00 p. m. W. Second. Boxy Bldg., open every dsy except Sunday and holidays from The Holy Name Catholic Church 1:30 to 3:00 p. m. Maas at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. Calling cards, 30 for 8140. Probate Court Items Jesse Hayes was last Thursday ap­ pointed administrator of the 3743.35 estate left by Joseph McDaniel Hayes, who died at Myrtle Point, Feb. 9. Appraisers appointed were Eugenia Dement, Ann Furman ■ and Marie Michel. The same day Genevieve L. Strong was appointed administratrix of the estate left by her late father, Wm. J. Strong, who died at Myrtle Point Feb. ,14. J. R. Wiley, L. H. Pearce and E. F. Brodie will appraise the es­ tate which is estimated to consist of 33,000 in real property and 38,000 in personal. . * Maud Jarvis was on Saturday ap­ pointed administratrix ef the 3300 estate left by Wm. E. Jarvis, who was killed on Bataan last July 1. Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull. S Dr. De La Rho* Attention to Details y - Overseas Edition of The Oregonian be sent direct from the Oregeniaa cities by calltag M m Oregentaa agency ta Oeqaflle, phene 901 PAULINE TALBERT Fairview Rte, Coquille, its Benham’s Transfer . Storage SAND AND GRAVEL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Night Phone 1MR Southwestern Motors • ■ R ARROW DRUG CO. Agente for Oregon-Nevada-Califoruia Fast Freight Office Phone 5 ¿ / ’ ?75 S. Hall