vir * Cv*»i;i'S"C tífr'’ ■ I 4 ;* • ' .. ¡-■'h . I. *»• 4*‘" L--x . * -, ;, i i : 'C». ■■ sg^; * .•< < * h7/;\t7~”Z * t ■ : ïkly Leiter From Washington, D. €. Lili BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH general CONTRACTING a g Ltì • Carpentry omu A mmim JACK BEVLIN 1OT South Elliott , Coquille ■ R umo * il Fuhrman's Pharmacy f • b 1 8 8 8 1 1 8 8 8 I ! 1 I ’ '■ , Rom whew I lit Joe Marsh T I Definition of a Great Man The Prasteeat Reports. Th« is- to n ¡port to Congress on the Yalta Con- now ferenc« made by President Roosevelt «'as not sensational, nor was it even nry new, so for as the text of the speech U concerned. Mast of what he said has previously been published in one way or another. I sat there in utter amazement, however, as I watched and heard a completely dif­ ferent man from the President Roose­ velt we have seen end heard before on similar occasions. Instead of standing in the usual place on the dais in front of the Speaker's chair, President Roosevelt was wheeled into the well of the House, and sat in his wheelchair, speaking into microphones arranged State To Conduct A on a low table, instead of his usual lordly manner, he was humble. In­ Brake Inspection Program A state-wide brake emphasis pro­ stead of speaking with his head high, tossing it frequently in a somewhat gram will be instituted by traffic en­ arrogant gesture, he frequently low­ forcement agencies in Oregon begin­ ered his head while speaking, at the ning April IS, Secretary of State same time dropping his voice so that Robert S. Farrell states. The Oregon program will be di­ I had some difficulty in hearing all be said, even though I was seated rected by Chief Harry M. Nilas, head toward the middle of the House. In­ of the Portland bureau of police, act­ stead of following his manuscript ing as state coordinator far the Ore­ strictly, he ad libbed frequently, gon campaign. The brake emphasis sometimes losing his place in the program is sponsored nationally by International Association of manuscript, making it necessary for the him to pause and review the written Chiefs of Police and every state will be participating during the period words before continuing. The last time I saw the President April IS to June 1, Farrell said. The purpose of the program is to and heard him speak was on Inau­ guration Dey. There was a tense­ focus public attention on the need for ness about him then, and he seemed greater care of motor vehicle brakes to be irritable. Seated in the well as a safety measure. "Now that the average age of of the House to make his report op motor vehicles, is eight and one-half Yalta, he was relaxed and jovial. Members of Congress vary sharply years,* compared to only four years in their opinions as to the nature of before the war, there is greet need the change in the President's attitude for attention to brake maintenance,” and speaking technique, and the rea­ Mr. Farrell said. “For that reason, International Association of sons for it Some thought he was the tired; some thought he was putting Chiefs of Police decided to sponsor on a splendid act and some were of the nation-wide brake emphasis pro­ the opinion that the enormous re- gram. i sponsibilities of the conference in “City police departments, county which he has just participated had sheriffs and state police will handle “mellowed” him. So far os I am the program in Oregon. Accident concerned, the reasons for the change prevention agencies will cooperate in are unimportant. What is important publicizing the event and informing is that his new attitude unquestion- the public on the need for good ably will have a definite bearing on brakes." the course of events, not only in our The principal feature of the pro­ own country, but in the cause of gram will be brake checks, conducted by enforcement officials during rou­ world peace. — In this constitutional government, tine enforcement activities. When­ the Congress and particularly the ever, a. motorist is stopped for any Senate, must work shoulder to I traffic violation, the officer will con- shoulder with the executive in the perfecting of satisfactory interna- tional agreements. The President has now come to Congress in a friendly and cooperative way, fully ■ --■■■■■ y "■'« ■ 1 1 - . • recognizing the joint responsibility “It Pays To Inauro In Sur« Inaur­ shared with him by the Congress. It ane«.” S m Ernest R. Smith, offic« seems to me we have every reason Drane BMg-. »7« W. 3nd St Phone 97. to believe that first the President will continue in this spirit and r secondly, that the results of such co-operation will be good. i At BUI Webster's tlw other «ve­ iling, we were kidding Bill about 11 is children always saying that their pop’s “a great man.” ■ a ì I I 1 y / repaints a. room with % 4 X.' I ! 4. I —• « ♦ r ■ i 7> “5 < y '’(* < 01 W1 1 I ’ I afl AHEAD! I It'/ USE GREEE G RE EBER 1 1 r ■■■■■■■«I BAD WEATHER ¡ r « 1 r 7 « ’^z k’&u k *8 4^ V \ / f ■ 1'* z !•#'' ,jp- y;. 2*98 . K-W Southern Oregon’s largest and aaest Complete Tire Servin 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 i /■I 0. All decked out for those balmy Spring day»—bright colon, soft colon in gaily styled felts trimmed with veHo and match­ B.FGoodrich TIRES ing felt flowovsl . 7 Otfcer Straws «0----------------- i.________ _JWt ; «.: sJX'-'r'■•■> ■,! Straws, too, garlanded kith colorful bows and flowen! Adjustable. _ I i I K «? Breadway at Curtis, Marshfield, TeL MX ’.-•»»ttilM » f i . I Thornton Tire Service tn ¿Í - Wrf 1 i l>r 7/ I - 1 *• Sv 4 i CjpyntfH IMS, IZaM Som Arwrt F mm M m Recap Now a *-< I « la America (argues Bill) things that used to belong only to the great are common prop­ erty: a share 'in government through the right to vote* indi­ vidual liberties guaranteed by constitution; freedom to speak Ao. JOS of a Strict I ; V«- »•»•»» •«.. »•«. “Well, the kids are right" eheckles BUL “Bverybody ha America's a great man. Yoe jest cast be pest of gmetMSS and not share in It" ♦» & .7;- -S V, » ■ f*