Red Cross Notes Now! Science Can Help Women Over 30 look Yownper I tn*» :.......... .................. . Davey Jones, His Majesty’s Scribe. Neptune Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main. HEAR Rev. Thomas Hayes of Colorado Springs National Evangelist at the Church of the Nozarene Beginning Tuesday, March 13 Courteous Service Continuing Each Night at 7:30 ---- - — - - -------------- -—-------------------------- -- ---------- - — PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE lano funeral (Home TEitPwone loo • jmwuHct sewtet • coauiue CALIFORNIA CARROTS Lge. bunches '41, '42 CHEVROLET TRUCK OWNERS 4 ’37, ’39 Car or Truck ’41 Cars I WE NOW HAVE ON HAND A LIMITED SUPPLY OF HIGH TORQUE SHORT MOTOR BLOCK ASSEMBLIES. THEY ARE NEW, NOT RECONDITIONED. ✓ We also have Sport Lights Southwestern Motor Co cm « ui « run»«»« c- MAPLE SYRUP Dude Ranch SPERRY'S PANCAKE & WAFFLE FLOUR .10 lb. bag 79c