' Jfc ■-Ì , '¿f *■ - • », ■ I . v. ' x ,• ' ......... • ft ■ ■ ■ 4 >1 J i ì p" . ,TWj ' " ■ X» ■ ÄSLial ilk n . 1 ■ 1 1 -'“’SA. .JI iPKR THAT'S LIKR A LBTTIR FROM HOMI ■ ■ ■ ------- ■ 'i ---- MY, MARCH g, 1943. ^*1. Vi* 4 : -J.« ' m Commission To Make A Survey. ftp lifers On Which ofC. Will Work iring Year 1945 Council Session Held Monday---To Set Fixed Rental Charges President Evan Alborh had quite Councilman George A. Ulett, st Monday evening** council session, re­ a program arranged for the Chamber ported on the March 3 meeting of ef Commerce session in the Coffee which he is chairman, the other Mop Tuesday noon and there were member* present being Dr. J. D. 39 present for the dinner. Rankin, Don Farr and J. A. Moore. The list ’ of guests included "Dr? The latter was named a* secretary of the commission. In the report which is printed be­ low the “survey” mentioned refer* to the questioning of a goodly percen­ tage of Coquille residents as to their ideas on what Coquille should start planning now for the future, and the report 1* herewith presented with the hope that it will inaugurate a discussion among our citizens as to what is moat needed, W l „, C— 7. —— most greatly n ee d ed, aqdL. and also that local people will be consid- •and B- L. Stewart to make comments ering the question of future plan- , aqf suggestions for the various cham- ning ancb will bo ready to gjve their torn committee* activities this year, opinions, in a concrete form, when Aatong Mr. Wood’s suggestions for the “survey" is made. Cqquille action were the need for a The following are extracts from the federal postoffice building, an air­ minutes of the March 3 meeting: port, a new court house, a museum. A n . ■ ’ 5 * * . . * I With Mayor Wood and all council­ men preeent Monday evening, the city dads spent considerable time dis­ cussing what the city must charge for dances held in the Community Building, whether those dances are as— The question came up when Mr. Ulett reported that the two unions at the plant wished to hold a get- together and dance there in the near future and it wag left to him to make satisfactory arrangement* with the two unfam committees. %_.■ A letter from the State Health Department was read. It stated that ‘ deputies from the department would be in Coquille soon, as requested by th* city, to make a survey of the milk situation here and inspect all dairies and dealers' plants. The council ordered that a call for bids be made for a waxing and fl nor-polishing msehins which Is • floor. The adv. appsgg* s|sewteere in Rotarians To Rebuild J.E. Lee Hand Gets Medical Discharge Lee Hand, who had seen 14 months of service with the Navy in the South Pacific, arrived back here last Thurs­ day morning, accompanied |>y Mrs. Hand who had been living in San Francisco. Lee had arrived in San Francisco on Jan. 18, and on Jan. 34 received his medical discharge from the service. On their way beck to the old home town they stopped in Klamath Falls 'to viist Mr. and Mrs. Don Gillespie and in Vale, Ore., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Drue Cunningham. Lee expects, after a couple of weeks here, that he wiM return to Klamath Falls and probably locate Phil Alborn said the enlargement of the boat house, considered last year, was greatly needed, that all 1 available space is now used. Mr. Stewart referred to the Retail Trade committee as one which can produce better relations and co­ operation between business firms here and between merchants and farmers. That committee should also urge fair trsde, practices; that it is really a Public Relations commit­ tee. The Mineral Resources committee should ascertain what mineral* exist in the surrounding territory, what use can be made of them and then . — . ♦' seek their development by men en­ gaged in that business. To sell Coquille to ourselves as well a* to outsiders is an important job .for the Publicity committee, Mr. .» Judge King on Tuesday this week Stewart said, and to give publicity excused the petit jury subject to call to what the Chamber of Commerce and then ordered that a new grand is doing. The two clergy guests stated that jury be drawn. Those whose names all ministers are supporting the C. of were on the slips drawn out by C., and Mr. Parrish added that he County Clerk Oddy were: . Jthr Arnold, Geo. W. Hoffman, greatly appreciates the spirit in Co­ Lolo T. King, an'of Myrtle Point; quille and pointed to the fact that Carolyn F. Gray, Mildred M. McCune the Chifrch of Christ expects to have a new church building after the war. and Alice Robb, all of Coquille, Dr. Stevenson spoke briefly and C. W. Wolcott, of Coos Bay. referred - to Coquille business men as a "live-wire bunch.” * Lafe Compton called attention to the need of a "Myrtle Lane" com- l mittee to work with the State High- |way Department, and Prs. Alborn agreed* to the suggestion by naming Lafe as chairman of such a commit­ tee, with authority to appoint the other members to work dth him. The others guests and visitors also were called upon AJ* sr-uke briefly. New Grand Jury Drawn Tuesday The request of I. W. Newton for a price on the city-owned Lot S, Block 3. Supplemental Plat to Academy Ad­ dition, was referred to the Finance committee with power to act. Be­ sides county taxes, the city has over |«0 invested in the lot which was taken over by the city in 1943 for non-payment of the Eleventh street sewer assessment*. The city’s Division of Public Safety reported that thè sidewalk on the north side of Fifth street, between Henry and Elliott—at the north end of th* Henry street bridge—is in a dangerous condition. The street de­ partment wa* ordered to take it down and burn the old rotten lum­ ber. A restaurant license was granted Al Jone* for the Coffee Shop, hi* 31.00 being on deposit, even though he left town Saturday night and will not continue it* operation. It wa* ordered that the water de­ partment crew install the meter boxes for water users on Sanford Heights and that the M OO charge be added »to their monthly water bill. Another discussion of charges for dances in the Community Building came* up when the matter of refund­ ing Ml-13 to the Junior Woman’s Club for their recent March of Dime* dance wa* mentioned. Heretofore dance* for charitable purpose* have not paid for use of the building and, as the ladies had been Informed of that policy, they requested the refund that it might be turned over to the I infantile paralysis fund. The coun­ cil voted that the Ml-12 should be refunded. Milburn Stout, of Portland, a Claire M. Gray, Senior and Junior, Coquille. last **BenH Cutlip Died At His Coos River Ranch Monday Lorenzo A. (Ren) CuUip, promin­ ent North Bend business man and former mayor of that city, was found dead alongisde his tractor on his Coo* river ranch Monday afternoon. He was SO year* vt age and a heart attack was the cause of his passing. Mr. Cutlip was well and mo*t fa­ vorably known by many Coquille people, as well as all over southwest­ ern Oregon and his sudden demise is regretted by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Stella Cutlip; their two children; hi* father, S. B. CuUip of Coos Bay, three brothers and two sister*. Friday morning. The