PAGE «EVEN Grand Jury Indicts Seven * / Additional Items About Service Men S.O.$. Sounded For Oregon Timber More Want To Donate Blood {F. S.A. Will Help la Joint Purchase Of Fam Eequipment Belle Knife Hospital Among those entering Belle Knife . Many small and family-type farm­ Hospital the past weak were: Mrs. ers in Coos and Curry counties can Besides the one secret indictment Sgt. Louie F. Gillespie, A.AJ’., has Under the heading of Timber Concerning recent inquiries made meet continued shortages of heavier Ben MiUar of Coquille, Feb. 33, for returned by the Coos County Grand joined his squadron in Reno, Nev., Growth and Timber Drain, the Ore­ regarding donating blood to a ___ I blood farm equipment through joint pur- minor surgery; Robert Clerk, Co­ Jury last week, the following re­ after spending his 15-day furlough gon Roadside Defense Council sends hank; why this cannot be don. h^ turns were made: iS : t ;r the r±lT Mt f excerp J , ,rom :** «SSTeiSS quille, Feb. 33, for an appendectomy; visiting his father, Edw. Gillespie, at out the following 6.049. for protec­ Charles Roberts, Coquille, the 34th, John Robert Harbrough, larceny. Riverton. Louie has spent much tion of one of Oregon’s most valu­ ¡Chanter Th^ a Multnomah cutters and other expensive or scarce for treatment; Mrs. Gua Schroeder, He pleaded guilty on Tuesday this time overseas and, while resting from able natural assets: PnrH a Amer,lc<‘n Red Cro“' machinery, announces E. W. Hughes, Arago, the 24th, for treatment; week, before Judge King, and was his strenuous duties over there, he rx .r?!- t , , .u JCoun‘y rarm Security Admlntotra- Manuel Carrillo, Coquille, the 38th, sentenced to seven years in the pen. {has been assigned to instructor’s duty This season of the year brings to the 0 7U 01,1 Uon Bank Building, Co- for treatment; Charts Loomis, Den­ Harry Wagner, driving an auto­ , with the Aircraft Maintenance all forest lovers a new problem, and *»«• ing to needed by mark, the 27th, for treatment; Blaine mobile while under the Influence of I Squadron in the Administration Sec- a new opportunity. Mobile Unit to cover to Coos Bay or Bensley, 28th, entered for treatment, liquor. jtion at Reno for several months. - In 1943, the drain on outnumber Coquille as the blood has to be ship- ’ one or both of the farmers who plan and little Marjorie Heyman, Mc­ to use the machine, FSA group ser ­ Milton Scott Anthony, pointing a resources was 17 billion cubic feet, ped to the Laboratory the day it is Kinley, 38th, for treatment. vice loans are still available. gun at another. I S. Sgt. Vernon Shields, of the A. A.' while the new growth was only 11 taken and is shipped in sealed cans If neighboring farmers can meet Discharged were: Betty Apling, Fred Wiser, contributing to the de­ T. has rAtlirnnd returned fvwxmn from «xusaweAn« overseas, «Aamm* where I | billion feet. That to, the amount of which cannot be opened en route.: the need of both farms through Denmark, on the 22nd; Willard linquency of a minor. He was ar­ he completed all hto missions over timber cpl it or destroyed in one year Therefore, our trips are governed joint use of one piece of equipment, Knisht, Coquille, the 23rd; Marlene raigned and pleaded not guilty last Germany by the first of the year.'in the Ui hited States was fifty per by the distance the truck can travel > they not only reduce the cash out- ^ra^’ Coquille, C. S. Danielson, Ban- Friday. He left for overseas last July and cent more than the total growth of and still get back to Portland in j lay for the machine by half but in- (an^ Mrs. Myrtle Willis, Co­ Richard Lee Carter, same charge baa seen much action in that short timber in the same year, time to ship. These rules were set , crease the efficiency of their opera- quille, all on the 34th; Zeita “ BechtaL and same plea as Wiser's. time. He has a 30-day furlough and . % of _ trees are now being up by the Army and there is no f Millions tions, Hughes said. This is particu- Coquille, 28th. Jas. B. Wadman, assault and bat­ has been enjoying most of it visiting planted In Reforestation Projects but, deviation from them. ’ I larly — true where labor-saving ma- tery. His attorney. H. A. Slack, en­ ln Bridge and Myrtle Point, where hto afte$ an area to planted, fifty or one firs^M ’r* 10 Cor{'anb, the chinery such as hay-stackers,**buck- tered a “ 'not 1 guilty” plea for him' folks live. At the termination of hto, hundred years must pass before the Monday of every month and to rake#, baler, ,preaders last Friday. furlough, he will be ___ sent to __ an ’ Air * _ seedlings grow into good quality saw SSLTZ and «»Pensive tractor Feb. 24—Geo. W. Hurst, of Co­ A “not true bill” was returned by Base in one of the gulf states, where timber. possible for some of your people to (equipment to involved. quille, and Yvonne M. Holycroas, of the grand jury in the case of Joe he will act as an instructor for sig When spring comes, the long fern *°J?hey Group servlc« loani m«y «l«o be kfyrUe Point. Jensen, who was charged with “non- months before “being given an over­ fronds, so beautiful last year among County R^d O^ tffi^Ttoere” ; for settin« UP 5ervicea Pr°- Feb' 24-Marvln L. Stuckey, of support.” seas assignment again. the trees in the young forests, are ReXt^ ti^Moine llnlt 'VWe Purebred sires ior two °r more Middleport, Ohio, and Marjorie Judge King last Friday set the dry, withered, and unsightly. The 4 following cases for trial: started comina to Euoene th« he,d* where cost of individual own-1Crawford, of Hauser, Ore. They were State vs. Jack White, S2/c, has been trans­ owners are tempted to burn them. Monday oT ea^h month herT^ e"hip WOuW h* Prohiwu''e. A {married at the Christian Church here Fred Wiser, March 1; State vs. Car­ Flames kill the young trees; while the ferred from the regular Navy to the H P h h numb«r «nail dairy herds ln the; last Saturday by Rev. Ltoton Par­ ter, State vs. Anthony, and E. W. Seabees. He was home on short fern roots, deep in the ground, are fl. P. O. E. has turned its club ., greatly _ improved ______ 7 rtoh. icounty could k be' Ede vs. E. C. Robison, all on March 5. to the Red Cross for this work. leave last week. He left Sunday for I uninjur*!. The United States and over . . through purchase of proven or pure- j Feb. 27—Edward George Spring­ I According to an item in Sunday’s bred dairy buUl 1 his embarkation point in California, the State Forest Services do not fol­ steen, of Clio, Michigan, and Norma where he will be shipped overseas. low this fern-burning practice. But Oregonian an emergency order.has "'weHtag "and machinery renair Jean Nighswonger, of Coos Bay. ninety per cent of the timber of po- been received for blood to be flown equip^t, preMUre tential growing capacity to in private to wound«! marines on Iwo Jima.;other farm and home items can of- Word has been received fron) Pfc. Insurance Specialist, T. R. Bull. * hands, and these people must be Among those answering the call were ten also Brewer. Suit for divorce. Bosco that he to now stationed in warned about their ferns. 70 sailors from shi«i in the harbor. X^XZTp^S X warned about their ferns. Feb. 24—Mildred L. McDonald vs. Brazil in South America. He to a You hear about this in the schools, which would indicate their realization Gr service loans hear three Robbln 8. McDonald. Suit for di­ radio man and code messenger. You will read about it in the news- .. ........................................................ vorce. ' papers. The forest rangers are busy. VACCINES AND Four Coquille women are ready during the normal life o* the service, Feb. 24—Mayme F. Madsen vs. You can help, whenever you see these and anxious to make their donations Complete in/ormation Carl D. Madsen. Spit for divorce. young forests, by talking about it. { on March 12 if an arrangement can cured at County off| m Feb. 26—Elizabeth G. Emery vs. Again, the forests, our forests, are {be to nnnfnrt contact nnmonno someone whn who will bp made madp tn ___ Dinner guests at the home of Mr. George R. Emery. Suit for divorce. the County FSA committeemen. Feb. 26 — Western Mercantile and Mrs. Ansel Kight Sunday eve- ln danger. «Let us continue to work furnish a car and drive the group to County office hours are from 9:00 ning were Mr. and Mrs. NeU McGil- : together for the preservation of ourj Eugene and back. The local OJ»A. Agency vs. Perry TenEyck. to 4:00 o’clock. County FSA Super­ very from Coquille and Mr. and Mrs. i timber resources. will furnish gas for the trlp as this Feb. 26 — State Unemployment visor’s only office day to Saturday comes under the head of •‘Contribut­ of each week. -------- Compensation Commission vs. Ray­ Walter Kight from Riverton. Mrs. { ing to the War Effort.” if this de- McGllvery to a sister of Apsel and Unemployment Compensation mond McKinley Self. tail can be taken care of, one or Commission’s Figures Feb. 27—Louisa Susie Keefer vs. Walter. Mrs. Mary Rocco and Mrs Nell „ T______ ... . »„n. two more ladies could atoo be in- High School Students Frank Joseph Keefer. Suit for di- FRANKLIN PRODUCTS McGllvery, both from Coquille, were i0® Comparative Pay Rolls eluded in the party. Supervise Moving Day vorce. for Intravenous Treatment Those interested are urged' to con­ Oregon’s 1944 pay rolls covered and Feb. 27—H. G. Rosslow vs. F. C. overnight guests of Mrs. Mettle Pe- When the Jerome Ross family terson and Mr^ Eli Brault Tuesday taxable by the Unemployment Com- tact the local Red Cross as soon as Calcium Gluconate Solution (Bill) Osborne. moved into their new home, they night. pensation Commission increased less possible as it will be necessary to ar­ Feb. 28—Alice L. Wiggins vs. Ar­ were amazed to find that an impor­ Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kay have moved than one-tenth of one per cent over range an hour and state exactly how thur R. Wiggins. Suit for divorce. tant section of the student body of to their new home at Cranberry j those reported for the previous year. Many win be there at that time. the high school had lined up across Corhers near Bandon, which they The figures as reported by February the street, apparently to act as side­ I Three Divorces Granted recently purchased from Mr. and 1 were 8716,533,000 last year and walk supervisors. Hear about it in Last Friday Judge Dal M. King Mrs. Frank Bates. The house they S715.875.000 8715,875,000 for 1943. 1943, the commis- ,the Junior Play, “Cross My Heart,” announced. granted a divorce decree to Laura vacated, which belongs to Mrs. C. 'sion “* 1 at the High School Gym on Thurs­ Employment reached a peak of Keith, separating her from Noah M. Hartwell, to being renovated and day, March 1. Keith. newljse decorated this week. The about 339,000 in June, 1943, but main­ Since the item headed, "Riverton On Tuesday of this week he granted J obs Kays will be keenly missed in tained an -even pace last year to a Boy in the Philippines, on page 11 two divorces to the plaintiffs in the this neighborhood and we are very new yearly high far this state. The of this issue was printed, Mrs. Irene figures do not include exempt pay CecUe V. Richmond vs. sorry to have them leave us. Hartwell, the Sentinel’s Riverton Lyle G. Richmond, and Jane L. The Wendelin Fetch family spent (roll of all individual earnings over correspondent, sends adidtional in­ '33,000 a year, amounting last year Younker vs. Joseph A. Younker. Sunday evening at the home of Mr. formation about Pfc. Oran V. Hol­ ’to 373,400,000. and Mrs. Bart Gasner and family. brook: Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Meneget have | The 1944 totals bring the annual 36 Days For Being Intoxicated announced the birth of a little son» average for the past five years up On The Highway After returning to the front, fol­ Albert, on Feb. 16. This makes the .to 3515,400,420 or 28.3 per cent higher The only case trirei in Justice third eon bom to them. They live on than last year, when the average in­ lowing his slight injury which so nar­ Court this week was that of W. A. Bullards Route. 'L ------------ -— “ 1039 — eluded the .— “nonnal pay roll of rowly escaped being fatal, he knocked Keller, who was arrested and ap­ Mr. and Mrs. White, accompanied 8240 millions. Likewise the six per out a Jap tank himself with six direct peared before Justice Bull February by their son. Jack, on leave from the | cent ceiling increased to 830,924,025 hits with a Bazooka. Some of the 27, on a charge of being drunk on a Navy, called on several old friends and the three per cent floor to 815, other boys in his squad scored some direct hits atoo, each with different public highway. He was sentenced on the North Bank Friday. '462,012. Holbrook was to 30 days in jail. The size of the unemployment trust types of weapons. Mrs. Eli Brault spent the week­ t then promoted in rank to sergeant. fund, however, more than kept pace end with her daughter, Mrs. Lubert He was in Manila during the re­ See “Spike” Leslie for the beet in Bemetz, at Greenacres. Mrs. Bonnie with the “floor" and “ceiling,” ad­ Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Welch stayed with her mother, Mrs. vancing nearly 35 per cent to 864,- cent celebration when MacArthur turned the government over to the 375 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg., Mettie Peterson, during Mrs. Brault’s 827,000 tn the past year. phone 5; residence phone 95L. s absehce. Mrs. Peterson’s health has Under the present law, penalty Filipinos. He said nearly every male rates over the normal 2.7 per cent Filipino in sight was joining the U. 8. been improving this past week. may not be assessed while the fund Army. He witnessed the great pa­ to over the “ceiling,” while reduced rade and heard the Philippine bands George E. Oerding Sells Two rates below 2.7 per cent may not be playing. "God Bless America," Ranches, One Coquille Residence assessed when the fund to under the all the American band music, The ranch consisting of 180 acres "floor.” When the fund to between wrote that the entire liberated and located near Bridge, owned by the two figures, the entire range of ilian population turned out to wit- Harry Brownson, was sold by George experience rates from one to four per ness the impressive and touching demonstrations and celebration. E. Oerding, a Coquille realtor, to _ent in effect. • .............. - - He wilt give Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Lewellyn, who Note: (A bill now to before the have taken possession of the ranch, legislature, i ~ r ___ * by the -- - __ *. on Lisle Goodwin Thinks Lans passed Senate Mr. Brownson to employed in the ,February 23. to eliminate aU pen- Has Something On The Ball Available for immediate deliveries on rated orders. Coquille poet office. :alty rates and to provide for a new GABNIEB’S Writing from his ranch home The second sale was the 114-acre low rate of 0 5 per cent for those highway 38, out from Reedsport, ranch located near Arago, owned by ‘ flrlrM witb high reserves. This would Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ftoh and sold to ¡have the effect of doing away with Lisle Goodwin, who formerly oper­ retire with a A. LeRoy Johnson from Grants Paas, the “^Hng” but keeping the “floor.”) ated the Quelle Cafe here, has these words of commendation for our Bear who will move onto the ranch in life income. SALES SEBVICE i Creek correspondent, Lans Leneve: the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Fish ' have moved to Parker, Arizona. Mr. Editor: I have noticed your The residence sold by Mr. Oerding ' Mr. Lans Leneve has of late come was that of Leontine and Wm. Knox, into some antagonism of thought. which was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Er­ 40 cu. ft. Beach-In REFRIGERATOR — 4 solid doors The jury which heard the damage He has, at least not smirched your nest Wardrip, who purchased it for _____ __ _____ 40 eu. ft. Beach-In REFBIGEBATOR — 4 glass doors {an investment. Mr. Knox __________ to located ;suit last Friday of Wm. C. and Stella columns with cuss words and to a in Portland and to''employed by v* J p Devereux for over great axttM written a lot of things 30 cu. ft Beach-In REFRIGERATOR — 2 solid doors Harris Ice Machine Co. He was here {H 1,000, must have decided that the some people don’t like, still most of Double-section BOtTLE COOLER, capacity 288 bottles the past week and upon the comple- 'evidence showed there was con- his stuff to written without personal WALK-IN BOX, 0 ft. x 8 ft — Complete with Unit tion of the deal took his mother with_____________________ on the part of slurs and I feel in writing these few both drivers last Sept. 25 when the line just to show I think Lans has Phone 2J 42« W. Front St him to his Portland home. Nite 168J I two cars collided on the highway be­ something ’ on the ball that makes tween here and Bandon, for they | him not a “yes” man. I enjoy his Red Devils Lose Final Basket returned a verdict in favor of the ; lines of humor and tales of wildlife Ball Game Of Season ! defendant. very much. The Coquille Red Devito wound up j Mrs. Day was suing for 3154 3184 for | { ----------- :----------- the basketball season liere last Fri- doctor’s bills, 8500 for plastic sur-jgbe Says Coquille Is day evening by losing a close game gery and 810,000 for personal Injuries.'------ .. _ — THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ Still Home To Them to the North Bend Bulldogs, the Mr. Day's suit was for 8538 for dam­ I ages to his Studebaker and 315 for, Miss Harriet Tozier, attending U. PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING score being 42-38. This left Co­ of O. at- Eugene, calls the Sentinel quille in fourth place in the con­ towing charges. PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE When the suit was filed Mr. Dev­ for stating last week that her dad. ference standing, one game below the ereux’s answer included a claim of Jack Tozier, had returned home to third place Marshfield Pirates. Etna, Calif., after a visit here. “Af­ Myrtle Point, county conference »400 to his pick-up truck. SMttaS ter living in Coquille for over 40 winners, by a three-game margin, Phone 222R, to Art Hooton for your years how could any place but Co­ will meet the Eugene High Axemen out in the Lane county capital Fri­ electrical wiring and repair needs. quille be hornet” she queries. fe In a way she to right, but a per­ day (tomorrow) evening for their He to located north of the ball park tfs son's home is surely where he or she the Fairview road. first game with the Axemen to decide on . i km jiHtuuiKt stmet ■ resides. —---------------------- the district winner and who will I When you need a gift—shop Nor­ have the right to get into the state < tfs “It Pays To Insure In Sure Insur­ tournament. The two teams will ton’s first. ance.” See Ernest R. Smith, office play two games and a third if they Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, s Drane Bldg., 276 W. 2nd St. Phone 97. break Marriage Licenses » Circuit Court Coses FIIANKII1N I Riverton News Sgt. Holbrook Tells of « Manila Celebration Jury Allows No Collision Damages Fuhrman s Refrigeration KELVINATOR Watch Your ____ Kidneys/ J^unera¿ Otóme coaume D oans P ills e