vi'.' 7 - Guild. TARPAULINS all LAMB COMPANY. Local homemakers who assisted with the Home Economics demon­ stration were: Mrs. Adolph Moithu—School lunch. Mrs. Lloyd Davenport — Demon- DO YOU have itchy feet? U so, regular, rhythmic exercise ____ is _ guar — ­ strated the quick overall patch. Dr. | Mrs. Alton McCue—Lap-table and anteed to bring relief. Consult < Bum Gartin at the Coquille Com­ wood box. munity Bldg. Saturday, March 10, Mrs. Kay Grout—Sewing exhibit. Mrs. Wesley Frazier—Laundrylng at 0:00 P. M. equipment. I Mrs. J. E. Schoolcraft—Food pre­ servation. ’ Mrs. Robert McCue—Sink unit. Mrs. Chas. Holverstott—Cooler unit Mrs. Harland Montgomery—Regis­ tration for bulletins. ROSES—Large shipment of beautiful Oregon roses just arrived. FARR & ELWOOD. a Attention to Details Oregon Journal HEMSTITCHING — Mrs. McDonald, 3S2 N. Taylor. 7t4*s Oregonian FOR RENT — 4-room Furnished Apartment at M0 North Coulter, after March 7. See Mrs. Taylor at that address or phone 191J. l*s Milking Shorthorn AUCTION PAULINE TALBERT at Medford, Ore Rogue Valley Shorthorn Breeders will sell 40 head of Milking Shorthorns, 25 head Registered Bulls, Cows, Heifers and Calves, balance High-grade Shorthorn Cows and Heifers. ., Benham’s Transfer Storage Night Phono 15