I - ■ , ................. The Labor ‘ not possible to raise wages perman­ ently, especially general wages. I don’t remember anyone claiming the ' contrary. It seems clear that the union is a ' result of pre-existing conditions which were not good or natural and it also is clear that using a remedy of for unjust economic or social condi­ Geo. R. Johnson has received and tions that is not a true remedy has installed practically all of the ma­ | had the effect of a very destructive chinery for his enlarged ice and ice force, which removing a few of the cream plant and within a short time 'evils the effects that follow are on expects to be turning out butter, cot­ a par with the results that follow cDTFORIAl— tage cheeee and buttermilk, as well all false remedies. The primary and SOCIATION as ice and ice cream. most essential quality is gone. Lib­ -/í(Zczn¿'r.t_ erty of action of all labor that does The W. A. Matthews two-story anything useful is just non-existent. Peter Klaudes shoots his fiancee, ranch home at Fairview was totally All that, you have to do is to look Mrs. Freda Page, of Bunker Hill, destroyed by fire Tuesday morning at the remedies used by labor, all Tuesday afternoon in the Richmond with all its contents. remedies of violence, doing away with all of the noble impulses of men. building. By HOM. R. T. MOORE One of the prettiest affairs of the The strike, boycott, picket and at Muri F. Pettit, a former CoquiUe aocial season was the Martha Wash­ times murder, every crime in the resident but now office manager of ington tea given by the members of calendar are used at times. 4 The unions violate every law of the Standard Oil Company’s busi­ St. James' Episcopal guild at the ness in Eugene, was in Coquille last home of Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Bell liberty. The union tells the laborer Sunday, visiting old friends. He left Monday afternoon, The guests were whom he shall work for, what wages Monday, accompanied by Lowell met at the door by Jesse Barton, he shall get, the number of hours he Simpson,' who returned by train dressed as a negro page. In the re- shall work, the amount of work he ceiving line were' Charlotte Bell as shall do, or whether he shall work Tuesday. Martha Washington, Pauline Chase as at all or not. Unions and so-called employers of Gw. R. Johnson was called on to Geo. Washington» and'Mrs. A. W. attend a double funeral at Marshfield Bell, Mrs. J. A. Lamb and Mrs. L. H. labor are little better than armed last Saturday. One of the deceased Hazard, dressed as colonial ladies. camps, each watching the other for; Others assisting and also in coStugie some slip or mistake so that they were Mrs. E. W. Lorenz, “Mrs. J. w. can take advantage of it.. Labor and Miller, and Miss Martha Seabaum. ■ capital are practically the same thing, governed by the same laws. Labor has got to work or starve, R. A. Easton Convinced All capital has to work or disappear; conviction that the Portland firemen | There was much oratorical rever- Cruelty Stories Are True neither one can exist without the had been kicked around for years, beration about the House and hard other. There is no real conflict When I read the news item several The current bankrupt condition of words among the Multnomah delega- thair benefit fund was not the .fault1 tion, to the great delight of the rest months ago that the Germans had between these two forces. They are of the firemen who had I of the assembly. The Multnomah mass-murdered 1,500,000 persons in both being robbed by a third force from their earnings ingoc ^democrats protested hysterically that Poland, the first thought that came to and neither sees the force that is me was, “It must be an exaggera- i causing all of the trouble, were entitled to the cervices listed ft wal gn attempt to circumvent the In the following illustration see if under the act. The fund’s distress is i will of the electorate majority and tlon.” The Pathfinder and the Read- due solely to the poor actuarial set- that the Republican county govern- ers’ Digest told me later that the you can figure out a way to raise up which can be cured only by th*'meat .tua» wl was leaking to monopolize news item was not an exaggeration. I peremptory addition of 8U*n* ' ,®^ __ _____________________________ e* ___ county administration. The Multno- Since then, other mass murder by gating in th* neighborhood of 8800,- | mah Republicans insisted that It was the' Germans have come into the • I the conceded right of every public light qf public Information and we Opposition to the bill was based officer to pick his own private sec- know the unspeakable cowardice, on the points that volunteer firemen' retary and pointed to the president's cruelty and crime of the Germans ^ •^ril towns and rural areas cabinet selections as a good example. cannot be exaggerated. discriminated in favor ■ ■ - During the first World War my ------- — against - --------------- ------ — of - the 1 The wording of the bill certainly Portland firemen, that the state could no hint of political' chicane^ prayer for Billy 2 was two words, not afford the large sum involved, an(j since most members of the morning, noon, night and between ---- ------ ------------------- - ‘n!Hoiue agreed wtth lt> principle, it times. In World War Two, my prayer has been and is that the Allies I i passed with small opposing vote. II The second bill, and the one caus- may capture or destroy the German 1 ing the greatest furore, was the Reg- and Japanese armies, their airforces * istrar of Elections measure establish­ and navies and that the Allies may ing this office in Multnomah county .h* frithful and true to the beet that . - . a . .. ' le tkarv, 4 Gz» 4 La«.a 8a* _ only and. taking away the county is in them and that they have In­ ■ clerk’s control over elections in that telligence enough to be big enough for their job. ■ county. Germany and Japan exchanged The history behind the bill is that ■ there are in Multnomah county three promises. What were the bargains? 1 men who have to do with elections. ’ They are the supervisor of elections, Theughta In the Night The easy way to get rid of a bad the sheriff, and the county clerk. As 1 a result of this divided authority, habit is not to get the habit. There are no “ifs” with the Al­ 1 much confusion arid inconvenience to the public has occurred both dur- mighty. James emphasizes the fact that if 1 ing registration of voters and at reg­ ular elections. The madhouse in a man wants to get to a definite some districts during last November's place he has to row with two oars. —R. A Easton. general election capped the climax. ------------ -------- - --- To remedy this situation, the es­ tablishment of a new office to be Counterfeit Bill Passed called registrar of elections, was de- It was learned that a certain high ' cided upon. It was thought that the improvement in service accruing school boy passed a counterfeit would well justify the small added ten dollar bill at a local filling sta­ ' expense. ( There was no thought of tion. His parents have no idea where condemning any of the three officers he could have obtained it but you now jointly charged with election ad­ can hear all about it at the Junior ministration. They had done the Play, March 1, at the High School best they could under the circum­ Gym.' .(site value of land), 'in labor should entirely disappear 22, (what the government1 Look around and you find intelli- of what you produce); interest, gence everywhere; it does not seem 10, (what is paid for use of your car possible that an all-wise Creator or t > keep it in existence); Wages, 48, could bring into existence the crown- (what is -paid to keep labor in ex- ' ing product of His creation (man) and istence). See if you can pick out a not have provided for his very ex­ way to raise wages and not rob any-, istence without the violation of every intelligent or moral impulse. Such a one? There was a very interesting talk provision has been made; this pro­ over the radio Feb. 23. A strike vision does away with most of your took place on the coast and they were crime and everything that is not de­ in your economic and aocial asking for two things: first, higher sirable i wages; second, not to allow an in- structure. i We must provide an answer, not crease in price of the goods they bought. Don’t laugh. A true reme­ an excuse, for the l^bor problem. —Jas. Richmond, M. D. dy for such conditions ought to be leas expensive. Do away with crime, See “Spike” Lesli* for the best in especially that caused by unnatural conditions. Men. both employers and Liability, or other Insurance. Office, employees should become more in­ 275 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg:, dependent and inVoluntary conditions phone 5; residence phone 95L. The Salem Sampler I stances. But again the Multnomah delega­ tion democrats saw things under the bed. To them, the bill was a delib­ erate attempt to attack the able and efficient county clerk, who happens to be a democrat, and to enable an alleged Republican county machine to dominate elections. When the bill passed with heavy majority, two angry Multnomah members adopted the well-worn tactics of demanding the full reading of all bills to delay the proceedings of the House and to attempt intimidation of Republican members through threat of prolong­ ing the session beyond all reason. Whatever the merits of the bill, the timing was very bad It should have been introduced in 1943 when the county clerk was a republican. Its introduction at this time played into the hands of the alert professional politicians of the Multnomah demo- | cratic delegation and they made the I most of their opportunity. Recap ru^ $ r.oo°’ ;l action £XTRA-M"-E&6t NO CERTIFICATE NEEDED 24-HOUR SERVICE Gas Station Robbery Last week's legislative show cen­ tered about two bills affecting only Multnomah county. The first had to do with allowing each elective county officer the privilege of select­ ing his own private secretary subject to the approval of the board of coun­ ty commissioners. It took the control, of such appointments away from the civil service and gave it to the com­ missioners. The issue was whether an elective public shall have the right to choose his own private sec­ retary. to handle the private matters Word has just arrived that a gas station out on a nearby highway has just been held up and robbed by a pair of society bandits wearing evening clothes. The station atten­ dant has not as yet recovered con­ sciousness but it is suspected that his assailants were a couple of local high school students. Hear all about it in the Junior Play, “Cross My Heart" at the High School Gym this Thursday, March 1, at 8:00 o’clock. Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, recap ?11*0 òoinnwestern Motors Motoi Southwestern Goodyear Store J 352 So. Hall Phone 184 s Üií