PAG« Mrs. Charles For Eight Days t and Mrs. Charles Mul­ key have arrived from Fresno, Cali­ fornia, where the lieutenant has been receiving final instruction in Night Fighter training. He flies the much- publicized Black Widow plape. He is the son of Mrs. Martha Mulkey and brother of Mrs. Don Farr. Mrs. Mulkey is the former Mar­ jorie Hardenbrook, of Coquille, whose parents resided here about five years ago and whose grandfather, S. S. Hardenbrook, still lives here. They plan to be here about eight days.. I MXI’JSJXXSSiCoquille Unit Cross Notes I , Men Sent For Exams And 11 Inductees ... States 'for treatment and Goodlowe | | Coquille - — - - ................... Red - Cross will meet Fri- was sent to the Philippines. Good­ 1 day, March 2, from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. lowe was in the service about seven in Guild hall. Although the large years before Glen entered and freight shipment of outing flannel has been a great help to*him. ' not yet arrived, scuff slippers and a few regular kit bags will be available Donald Bogs Awarded for work; also pastel outing flannel Bronze Star Medal squares for baby quilts and a small Mrs. Pansy Roas, of this city, to in amount of yarn for sox and other receipt of a letter from Major-Gen. small knitting jobs can be supplied, W. G. Weaver in Europe that he had says Mrs. Wm. Candlin, knitting just awarded a Bronze Star Medal I chairman. At the general work table, Mrs. C. to her son, Tech. 4th Grade Donald of hto heroic 'L- Tuttle will provide wool squares, a. Ross, because ........ _ _____ ! achievements on the field of battle, button to sew on pajamas, etc.. The Unit expresses thanks to Mes- ¡somewhere in Europe. The particu­ ' dames Ida Owen and Mattoon for lar battle was nbt specified. j donations of buttons and outing i flannel scraps. Coquille Boys Meet In i Visitors were Mrs. Alton Dungey, Atlantic, Then In Pacifie who returned finished work and took Coproral Robert McCarthy left out more for the Dorcas Society of the about two weeks ago ------- — - for — an • over- Church of Christ; also Mrs. J. F. seas station and has written that he • Howard, of McKinley Red Cross and . to Marianas- WhUe.Mn, Hilda Durrell of Sitkum group, in the Caribbean area he met Lieut.]— *— also ------- *------ .------------- —... sew­ who returned and received Jim Robinson and was surprised al­ ing. Nice work is being done by most past belief to find him 4n the these groups and their help is much Marianas when he arrived there. appreciated. In the absence of Mrs. Tuttle, the Army Unit Of Former Coquille work table was supervised by Mrs. Boy Receives Citation F. M. Shaw and, because of Mrs. E. The following from the Democrat- D. McCune’s absence, cutting was Herald of Albany, Ore., refers to a done by Mrs. S. S. Hardenbrook, as­ family who lived in or near Coquille sisted by Mesdames K. P. Lawrence, for several years when Geo, Zinser- E. Avery and J. R. Copeland. Workers having completed sewing ling was a mechanic at the Smith plant. The young man, Sgt. David or knitting in their homes are asked A. Zinserling, was a graduate of Co­ to please return same on Friday. quille High six years ago and was Workers are also reminded to bring also employed at the plant here fqr own scissors. On February 20 and 21, the fol­ lowing men were ordered to report for their pre-induction physical ex­ amination. Most of those listed were examined at the Portland Induction Station: 31.06. Calling Edwin Dalton D. Myrtle Point. Mark C. Garoutte, Bandon. Keith W. Conlee, Coquille. Frederick E. Boren, Coquille. Shirley E. Bargelt, Myrtle Point Charles F. Day, Baltimore, Md. Benjamin F. Barton, Coquille. Now! Science Can Help Women Over 30 Look Younger Doctors with «: women with estr found that these unique faculty o through the ¿in develop new cell* stimulating the circulation in the eater •kin layers. Local Bank Changes Hands Eldon F. Brodie, Myrtle Point. Dave Adams, of the local bank, Dale E. Ohlsen, Myrtle Point. announces that the controlling inter­ Ted T. Kirsch, Myrtle Point. est has just been purchased by Je­ Thomas J. Stinnett, Sitkum. rome Ross of Chicago. Mr. Rosa Paint and Powder Will Mai Donald G. McEnlrey, North Bend. has leased the large stucco house Hida an Ageing Skin Carl A. Lorenz, Bandon. just north of the Adams’ residence as There is no amount of makeup or Fred H. Clinton, Bandon. a home for his family which is due inetic deceit that oi beaut] Charles Phillip Sieck, Medford. to arrive today. Hear the story of Kenneth Hooton Home Few make it Herman ’A. Ellingsen, Eugene. their arrival in the Junior Play, is a new Days After Finishing Boot Camp tains 30J Nolan J. Finley, Bandon. “Cross My Heart," at the High School llormom Kenneth Hooton, who had just fin­ Lawrence W. Bracelin, Coquille. Gym on Thursday evening, March 1, lionary I ished the Navy boot camp at Farra­ according to directions, it help« to re- Harry J. Jensen, Coquille. at 8:00 o’clock. *tr»il—N» point. Spiced Herring ’^43* Ptttnon'«—Á tatty trsut—No potata 65* . Fresh Oysters Dux Granulated Soap Erp. Milk ^¡^,2 SI 19c Borden's Hemo j.m. 59c Canterbury Tea u-ts. *»43c Airway Coffee n w 3 n 58c GRADE A, LARGE GRADE A, MEDIUM LOWEST MARKET PRICE Nob Hill Coffee ,» m 2 ,K 4Sc POLISH SAUSAGE 3 pts lb. IOLOGNA 2 points lb. WIENERS 3 points lb. PORK STEAKS 4 points lb. Oxydol Granulat rd SOAP Çon c « n t r At «1 Super SUDS *Î m 23 c Swan SOAP 23c Q Edwards Coffee ¡ Camay SOAP Y m can <1.p»nd «■ K4- w»rt«. Quality. Mtndlnc and roaatlnt ara Hildly contro«»*. Alwarl GOOD oo fl a,. 3*££29c 34c PORK CHOPS 18 points lb. DISCOVER... really fresh fruits and vege­ tables ... selected by experts and rushed from farm to store, naturally fresh. New Crop No Tops to pay for CARROTS r /T& NO SECRET YAMS, Louisiana, excellent for baking, SQUASH, Banana or Hubbard kiln dried, lb. SWEET Potatoes, smooth, uniform in size, lb. RADISHES, Calif. Crispy and fresh, 11c lb. 12c ,b 20c ONIONS, U. S. No. 1 Yellow Danvers, 3 ,b* 16c GREEN ONIONS, Young and tender, ,b 30c full white heads, ,b 17c * Oranges Calif. Navels derate Crate *6.29 Apples DELICIOUS lb. |% Box ....... 84.5S Ex. Fancy & Fey. j Younger Set Plana Dances A group of high school students of our city are planning a aeries of dances to honor Miss Eleanor Ross, who is soon to arrive from Chicago i with her parents. Young people who I plan to attend may be seen in the Junior Play, “Cross My Heart" In the High School Gym, on Thursday evening, March 1. i CAULIFLOWER, CELERY California . !b. l7c Broccoli ' Calif, garden fresh