The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, March 01, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    W. Taylor Dement
Died Last Thursday
member of the ground forces, fol-
A very 1)retly candlelight ceremony l"*“ ”
lowing seventeen months’ overseas was solemnized Saturday evening at | Several renewals of contracts were
lowing seventeen m
^¡th* Christie n Church when Yvonne made at the meeting of the Non-High
(Certificate required)
________ Holycross became the bride of George School District, which was held in
daughter Joan’ Markle SherrU and Hurlt Liston Parrish performed the the court house on Friday of last
her mother Mrs J L. Smith; Marian cwmony before the assembled rela- week. The other contract* were to
Adam* and her’mother. Mr*. R. R.
b*en awa*ed
Flannery and Mrs. James Brady and | The bride wa* attractive in a blue Uyed because of price climates
her daughter*. Phyllis and Mr». D. W. wool tailleur. Her attendant, Jessie Those whose contract* were accepted
Sherwood, wore a black tailleur with are: R. S. St. Clair, who drives the
• j whit* accents. Bud Meek wa* best school bus from Fat Elk and Roy to
~ ____ — t c..—
man for Mr. Hurst.
Coquille High; Bruce R. Purdy, who
° nSU.reR "smith office
The wedding party stood before an 'drives the Riverside-Fairview-Cun-
, J!" ,77w ,ndSt Phone 97 altar banked with white blossom». ningham-to-Coquille High route, as
Drane Bldg, 276 W. 2nd St. Phone »7.
weU „
run8 tQ VaUey VJrw;
——MM_a,| about the room.
• "
The youn® couple attended 'school
1 ■ here, George having been a member
M of the football team.
O. E.S. Grand Officers
Honored Guests At Luncheon
Dayle Webster, who drives from
Kentuck Inlet and Cooston to North
Bend High; Ruby G. Baker, who
ha* a combination of runs from
has the
HowTo Get In
Touch With Police
Walnut Bedroom Suite
Large, five drawer Cheats, choice of Vanit
or straight top. Upholstered seat Vanity <
Bench and Nite Stand .................
^«ld*-Sunny Hill-to-North Bend
i High run..
Mrs. Hazel Graham, Associate I
______________ _
Grand Matron; Sylvan West, Associ- Swallows Came Back A
ate Pat™ and Dr. June Martin, Past Weefc
Grand Matron, were honored guests
at a lovely luncheon given last
According to Bob Medley the
Thursday by Mr*. Edith McNelly, «wallows came back to the Coquille
W. M, and Laurence Lundquist, W. valley • week earlier than they
P. . at Mr*. McNeUy’s home. Other1“* *ear when he he“rd “nd “w
I guests were the officer* of Beulah lhem for the fir* time last Sunday.
Chapter, No. 6. The table* and room While Monday morning’s thermome-
were most attractive with bouquet* ter stood * 28 d«We«« «nd Wedne*-
! of spring flowers.
Assisting the day morning’s reading was nearly the
hostess were Mr*. Helen Lundquist, sanle- “ »• not to° ■oon to mak<' 0,81
Mr*. Jean Moy and Mr*. Lorraine triu remarks about spring being
“J*** around the corner."
Purkey Furniture
When TM Think tt Ttnlfrt Think ft Park*
Courteous Service
Use more of our fine produce and save on your Ration Points
land. About twenty member*
present to enjoy the meeting.
DROP-LEAF Extension Table arid
4 Chair* fully finished.
$18.99 at Purkey’*.
Fisher's Whole Wheal Cereal 1 % lb. pkg. 19c
11b. 12c