I * .->•*> '¿F Wade, Frank Puglia, Paul Fix and Bear Creek noil In The Saddle U Harry Woods. The screen-p I 'Michael Hogan and Paul Fix ’ At Roxy Theatre reeled by Edwin L. Markin. Fellows produced^ Sunday, Mon., Tues At the same time that American audiences are viewing this picture, Western adventure and romance is [told in fast moving style in “Tall in servicemen in far-flung outposts are concerning this column recently, that j the Saddle,” starring John Wayne and seeing it also. It is one of the several those who live in mud houses should j Ella Raines, a picture based on Gor­ thousand productions turned over for not toes mud balls and that any one don Ray Young’s serial story in the this purpose in 18-mm form by the • ntnuisi- film industry to the Army Overseas •lalaa they of them who has berated us for Saturday Evening Poet. " ’ mud-slinging, could give us lessons Wayne has the role of Rocklin, Picture Service to be circulated to in such an art. a slow-talking, woman-hating ranch the front lines for free display to the > We can write of anything up to and foreman, tough as nails and handy men. including murder itself, with never in a fight. Ella Raines plays Arly a squawk from the side lines, but a ‘ Harolday, fierry-tempered and beau- few remarks concerning our opinion tiful owner of the Santee Ranch. BARROW DRUG CO, Rocklin, about to take over a job j at the K. C. ranch, finds that the « man who hired him has been mur­ dered, and that the ranch belongs to a woman. Rocklin turn down the Blvtrs aad Harbars WH. The Riv- should Uke to state that tree speech job and is hired by J. Harolday, en and Harbors BUI is being com- u one thtn« that the O P A d0®”1’1 who, Rocklin believes, owns the San- pleted by Congress this week. This y®< control and we shall continue ' tee ranch, only to learn that Harolday bill should have been passed last faU. expressing our Opinion In future la­ [is mere running it for his step­ in it was passed by the House, ,ue* »Ws column just as we have daughter, Arly. but ran into some controversial prob- I® *b® past and if the Jap-lovers do , In tracking down the murderer lems In the Senate and died with '•»» Uke it, they may read something at a K. C. ranch managei, Rocklin the end of the Congress. Reintro­ else—for instance The Atlantic Char­ uncovers a plot to deprive Clara 'Caldwell (Audrey Long), the owner, duced immediately with tfce opening ter, now confessed to be merely scraps of paper, but which prior to of her inheritance, thereby earning of the 79th Congress, the Senate the last election, was flaunted before i her gratitude and love, and inf uriat- infuriat- the pubUc as one of the principal ing Arly, who has her own ideas will be open from reasons for electing F. D. R. to a as to Rocklin and is determined that ’ - i __________ __ ___________ ___ fourth term. Wonder wflat sort of a nobody shall interfere with them. gross. The trouble is much deeper ■■ „ ■’ ' ... bor . bill been — enacted. Most ... of _ charter will be dug up for the fifth There’s plenty of hard riding and and more fundamental than that. |,_ ------- has ----------- —— _— . ’ ™J? ' <* ’ Bating, both with guns and bare The Congress reform movement the projects in this bill are for post- terms. -___ a _ _______ - development. J----- a----------- «. y Included — l . u ^ a z in — au - ' 1 Thp obviously stems from vague but I ! ___ war the The memorial voted Congress at the fists, and the speedy action is high- universal dissatisfaction with the bill are the following amounts for present session of the State Legisla- lighted by the tempestuous, romance * •> ture asking “ the Rocklin .nd-Ariv and* Arly, in in tM. this a de functioning of the federal government Oregon projects: “ suspension -*~m*““ of the between RnelrHn . ........... 119®, 000 O.P.A., as soon as practicable after luxe Western from RKO Radio. establishment. Being the only one Chetco River the conclusion of the war, had but! Prominent in the large supporting Maintenance ft-.; of the three branches of our federal Coquille River , Closed Mondays after Fab. IS one dissenting vote, that of Lew cast besides Audrey Long, are George 89,000 system which operates entirely inUmpqua Harbor & River Wallace, a confirmed New Dealer. “ Gabby ” Hayes, Elizabeh Risdon, the open, with all of its proceedings j Yaquina Bay A Harbor 162,000 Depoe Bay _______ ______ „. 214,000 Guess .the representatives , present Ward Bond, Don Douglas, Russell In addition to the above list of figured that war is h------ enough projects adopted in the bill, pre­ without having other things to con­ liminary examinations and surveys tend with. are authorized for the following:. John Bull's navy rides the seas And his bull dogs ride the air; “Bays, inlets, and rivers along the coast of Oregon with a view to pro- , Our soldier boys hitch-hike home viding an adequate number of deep, On account of priority “fare.” draft harbors. Nelscott, Oregon, with ' While _______________ ______ storms raged in many states, I • view to protection of the beach, hurricanes tore their way through Harbor at Empire, Oregon. Alseaa many regions, communities were Bay, Oregon, with a view to the qpn- »nowbound and the death toll mount- struction of a harbor of refuge. Coos elsewhere, here in our own little Ray, Oregon. Channel at Charleston, Qoos county, despite a few white South Slough, Oregon, Tillamook coatings of frost, the warmth of a nV Bay and Bar, Oregon. Nehalem Bay mid-winter sun coaxed forth many and River. Columbia Slough. As- varieties of blossoming flowers and toria, Oregon, with a view to the throughout the entire season a rose ____ ________ ___________ construction of a mooring basin for bush in our yard shot forth new buds by directives issued by the executive. ¡ fishing boats within the harbor.” and blossoms. In the making of this earth it appears that the Great Creator was, indeed, lavish in his be­ stowal of climate, soil, flowers, birds ¡and trees, vested upon this one par­ ticular spot. It Js truly in every another while the house is in session sense of the word, God’s country» and resist efforts of others to break ’ And that goes for any season of the them up, it is. the duty of the ser- year. geent-at-arms to pick up the mace, I so-called bill of rights spon- which rests upon a cushion in front by certain individuals at the IN WAR, as in peace, Greyhound continues to provide de­ spaokar’x desk, carry it to the , Legislature was defeated soundly, fighter, and place it between them, thu J indoed, „freshing; Coffee Shop 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Featuring Fine Foods SERVING COQIHL&E and a Nation at War TH Mil; Then, if they continue fighting, they showing, or rather proving, the fact can be expelled as member, of con- that our of law makers have gross. The mace is the symbol of taken___ into _____________ consideration ____ the fact the tew, and so far as known no hot- th.t cultured, white American clU- headed rnemebr 1 has ever refused to zfn! should not have persons of off- desist when it has been placed in color, alien ancestry forced upon front of their facee. them. While we have no particular In earlier days, the fighters re­ quarrel with other races aside from tired to the dueling ground (which the _ Japanese, ________ ___ __ we _______ _ we whom detest, te now a florist’s garden) and took at the "game’’time believe that an AU ,. Y* —— ...... - pot shots’at each other. It was on American-born white citizen should this dueling ground that Decatur, be allowed to choose alien associates who vanquished the pirates of Trip­ of his own accord without having oli, was fatally shot. Two hundred such Individuals forced upon him and feet from the White House is the be made by law tb tolerate members Decatur home, which he built with. of a despicable race. In spots in the his proceeds from his share of the United States where such races have prizes taken in his campaign against been put on a par with their white the buccanneers. The old home is brethren, it is a known fact in hnany today one of the landmarks of the cases where they have taken advan­ District of Columbia. tage of that fact, they have become Washington, D. C., March 1—From Oregon comas a joint memorial too the president, the United States sen­ ate and to members of the Oregon delegation protesting against the cre- Uon of a Columbia valley authority. Washington’s new Senator Mitchell has introduced S. B. 490 to create a government corporation to be known as Columbia Valley Authority, fol­ lowing the general lines of TV A. The Oregon memorial also opposed H. R.. 1824, which is sponsored by Rep. John Rankin, which would divide the United States into seven districts of the TV A type. The memorial de­ clares either of these proposed bills overbearing to the extreme and made would vest s CVA with unlimited , In _____________________ the endeavor to make j_________ permanent themselves generally obnoxious. We powers, further bureaucratic mon- the present’ temporary fair employ- ' still are of the impression, in spite of opolies, be outside the general ac- ment practices committee, a proposal [ these so-called equal rights, etc., counting office, would destroy pres- has been submitted to the senate that white folks and the American ent water rights and would grant which has compulsory provisions, Indian are the superior to any race the right of eminent domain over lr- The measure goes far beyond the na- on earth. Let such folks choose their rigation districts, waterworks and tiorxal labor relations act and gives own associates and not have them similar faculties and deprive states to anyone who is refused employ- forced upon them. of any control over the use of the ;ment or is dismissed from a job the Why do we not .aggregate those waters for any purpose whatsoever, right to bring suit against the em- - „ - .. -- ~~ who love the Jape and figure them Under the Mitchell and Rankin p oyer, alleging discrimination be- our eqUa|s and piace them with the bills, the memorial declares, the au­ cause the applicant is white, colored. japa reservations or some given thority would regulate, and control belongs to acertain religion or race. territory „ they may the waters in Oregon for domestic ■’!e<\U<>n’ 71 e“Uy m’d<’ cl°“®r association with them? That use, irrigation, drainage, mining, and ta left for decision to a board which would whlu iolk, , industrial purposes, for flood control, te bound by no rules of evidence and chance of getUng clwr whh navigation and the generation of from which there is scarcely any hu ncighbor who preferi to mingle power. appeal. with his own color and give the The two northwest states appar­ Senator Taft declares it is the in- former a better chance of studying ently do not see eye-to-eye on the tention of the promoters to have the the race wbo were responsible for value of a Columbia valley authority. compulsory feature enacted in every the bombing of Pearl aHrrbor, their state, and this would force every tr^herous habits and mode of liv- hap,, after l