The Philippines > A Wild Hog For lA Bed Mote Value Of Museums Lulu Belle and Scotty Starring in Musical One of the greatest aids to clear ! the mists of ages, to the seeker of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Holbrook at Riv- In his last letter to his antiquity, is the museums of the yes­ ertdh were In receipt of a Utter re- Ellis L. (Hap) RackUff of the Ma- teryear. It appears that mankind has cently from their son, Pfc Oran V. rine Corps, stationed somewhere •re „ in i been, and is still, lax in the things 1-f— ln 1_ xt. > .'w “ Holbrook, rifleman with MacArthur’s the Pacific, tells of one night’s AV- ex- j 1 that IssAislal would place him the ¿.s histories 25th Infantry Division, which has perience he recently had which of the future ages, of which we have been spearheading Manila and other passed the censor O. K. Here are ex- ! a right to be known to far distant sections of the Philippine invasion, ¡tracts from that letter: posterity. The collecting and pre­ Pfc. Holbrook Is a former high1 ______ serving of the thlngs.that we have to school tstudent from Riverton and I I think you will be interested in do with today, really belong to those Sun., January 14, IMS. also Coquille- He* ehlisted in the the trouble I have just had with a that are to follow In our stead, and Dear Dad and Mom:—I guess It is armed forces on Sept. 10, 1942, and i wild hog. Would you appreciate unless we do turn to these things, fu­ about time that I’m starting another joined MacArthur on New Caledonia < sharing your bed with a wild hog who ture men will know nothing of us. letter to you ao that 1 will have a in the spring of 1M3. He has never ' suffers from an acute case of B. O.? i While spading in my garden, in I letter written when I-get your next bad a furlough home since his on-! Perhaps he doesn’t suffer—he may ¡Myrtle Point, some years ago I un­ letter. * trance into the army. His 25th In- 1 delight in his aroma. Anyway I, as earthed a stone ax that was beauti­ We have been having pretty rough fantry Division has been spearhead- usual, always looking for an easy fully formed from obsidian, or vol­ weather lately but I have been keep­ ing for MacArthur since his landing spot in which to locate my bed for canic glass, that had been brought ing pretty busy as I’ve been making on New Caledonia. the night, found a trail just wide ¡from some far-away field. At the a run for transportation once in a They went from there to Guadal­ enough to accommodate a bed. One j very first sight of this rare relic, my while in my spare time. We had canal, then to Vella la Vella in the can only see about ten feet through mind went back to the time when another snow storm the other day but New Georgia Island group, where the Jungle so you may readily see primitive man trod this same land it is about all gone now as it has young Holbrook distinguished him-» ¡that I saved a lot of brush cutting. and of what great tragedy this simple been raining quite a bit. self for greet bravery and gallantri After about thirty minutes’ work I instrument could tell. If it could only I got two more copies of the Sen­ in action, when he attacked and had spread my blanket on leaves and speak. Mankind has always been in­ tinel the other day; they.were pretty wiped out a Jap machine nest crew erected a mosquito net over me. terested iiuantiquities, and has gained old but had a lot of good news and single-handed. He crawled forward TJie mosquito net closely resembles much knowledge by studying the invariably a surprise to fans who looking. One of the few times that reading in them. on his hands and knees from his Grandmother’s hairnet and is same. They have been the means, in e them, for the first time are Lulu they appear sans overalls, bandanas, There isn’t very much to write fox hole, which was not more than enough to completely cover the bed, many instances, by which ancient Belle and Scotty currently featured high shoes and slipping petticoats, Is about this afternoon ao I think I will IS yards from this Jap nest in dense leaving about three feet of space to races have been identified. in Republic's gay musical comedy, in the new picture in which Lulu go over and take a shower and may­ underbrush and swamp, and got ev­ kick about In. ’ • i The Coos and Curry Counties Pi- “Sing, Neighbor, Sing,” oh the screen Belle is, of all things, a phrenologist be write more later. ery one of the nine “yellow” crea-. About two in the morning this hog oneer Historical. Assn, has had for its at the Liberty Theatre Friday, Sat­ student. Scotty remains in character, Well, I took that shower and feel tures with his own rifle fire. For decided to go out on patrol via his purpose, the collection of the relics urday and Sunday. however, as a mountain boy who a lot better as I haven’t been taking this gallant action, he was given an trail in which I had camped. In his of the early days, in this region, not There is always a first gasp of sur­ can make the kind of music that has them very often as it has been ao official citation and awarded the charge he didn’t trouble to detour that it is only their own concern, prise when the glamorous Lulu Belle placed the couple at the top of radio . cold. I take a bath in my helmet ev­ bronze star.__ . . around me; as a result we were both but it is for the benefit of the entire i makes her appearance looking as she popularity polls. ery night or. ao and yoti would be He has been In three major cam­ t »uld ^vTbJn^r a“”1?: ^¡re-Uy does. Her trim figure, her Acu„ and hia band are fea_ surprised what a good job a .fellow paigns with MacArthurr, including ¡asleep, he could have been many personnel of the Association has'red-gold hair, her large eyes, and her I . . .. . ..... .. . . can do with a gallon or two of water this later one at Manila, for which ¡things less desirable than a hog, passed on, the interest in sacfi affairsigmart but ^mple clothes never fall tured in tuneful fikn whlch ho in a helmet. If a fellow takes one he has been given a Campaign Badge such as an alligator. ' will be bound to wane and, In a few : to draW admiring sighs from her fans. Ruth Terry and Brad Taylor ln the , _ that ___ ___ _ _______ _ up _ pretty often and doesn’t get too dirty I upon which are three gold stars. Be-1 In the violent activity follow- decades, all that _ has been done s^tty is tall, slim, blonde and good- romantic leading roles. / a hstih hnnomn AnfantflAri in vnv U ““—J ------------—------------ ’ you can keep fairly clean. You ought sides this and his Bronze Star pin, 'cd I u we both became entangled in my to fKic this iinr« time, umk would have been in *««*4«*. vain, * to try it some time. he had a Good Conduct pin, and a blanket and neither of us seemed to With these possiiblities confTOnt- We had a squadron meeting tonight beautlful River and gold Infantry, be able to find an exit. Finally, it ing us,' It would be weU to spur up and the main topic was permanent Combat pin. He to a splendid young was more than the net would hold the old “hosa" and plow a few more and temporary rotation. They allow man, of- which all his friends are ,i and —• we — both left ‘ tn ------------ — direc- '*------------------- -------J the goal, • opposite furrows * toward two men to go home on permanent justly proud. He has been wounded tlons. If I had known it was only { There is the location question, the rotation, which means that they won’t several times, the last time recently a hog, I would still be hanging on building question, along with a few be sent overseas again and, at that on Manila. His last letter to his par­ for a pork chop. Needless to say, I more minor things to be threshed out rate, it would take seven years for ents follows: . x had to have another issue of mosquito and settled, as well as a lot of publi- before you plant all of the fellows that have been city, which much come from the heart ■ - '«SIX— . ---------- Bet over two years or longer to get home,- of the membership in the form of Sunday, Feb. 4, IMS 1 -------------------------- young trees but they can send as many as they unity of purpose. Let’s Go! Dearest Mother: Just a few lines ¡Ernest Benham To Receive think they can spare on temporary, — R. M. Harrison, to let you know how I am. I am in 1 Army Air Force Training which means thirty days at home Press Cor. C. A C. P.H. A. combat now and won’t be able to1 . _ . _ „ . , ,, and then back'to the same outfit. „„„ t I got „.„„„j write very often to you. wound- . ^Pvt . __ Ernest . _ T E _ - Benham, . __ son of Mr. Most of the fellows don’t want that . «.Ju« hv .hr.nn.1 h„t u and Mra-E- L. Benham, McKinley Rt., cd yesterday by shrapnel but it was i rarv»rfa/i yx .»——i->— and are taking a chance on being nniv • •email ninb h an« Coquille, has reported to Keesler ! One Traffic Accident For Each one of the two or three picked for 13 Cari In Oregon In 1944 permanent. I kind of feel sorry for 1. movlnr w u lb. front mln. i There was one traffic accident for them as a lot of them are going on every 13 motor vehicles reg­ I have ■ squad now and will be first their thirty-second month. But theA cations as a pre-aviatlon cadet. istered in the state of Oregon dur- in command. I guess I will get a As an applicant for training that maybe in about nineteen more ,ing the year 1M4, Secretary of State purple heart out of this injury. 1 was will ipake him a flying officer, he months I can start feeling sorry for Robert S. Farrell said today, in an­ certainly lucky. I'caught a full blast will be given a series of medical and aw.y th« Umbs of beautiful of mortar fire almost in my face. psychological tests at Keesler Field,.' nouncing a total of 30.953 traffic ac­ The boys on the western front' if vital telephone wires are cidents reported in Oregon last year. But all it did was hit my helmet and which will Indicate the type of air seem to be getting on their feet again The ratio of 13 vehicles per acci­ knock me out. We got • tank yes­ crew training for which he is best j and the boys in the Pacific are really dent was the same in 1943 when terday. Boy, was it hot!. And we are suited by aptitude and personal char ­ going to town. I guess they are get­ there were 31,374 reportable acci­ giving those Japs H—. Ronnie, [his acteristics. He will also take other ting a place cleared for us to move dents in Oregon, Farrell said. brother, who is a Marine and last classification tests to measure his into. And, as you say, they might In 1941, the peak year for motor hoard from on the Russell Islands] technical skills and aptitudes, and he even have to come over and help us ' should be here if he wants action! vehicle operation in Oregon, the ratio will receive a number of phases of out. f never did think that there was one accident for every eight I saw Joe Strickly several times. would be much time between the 1 He is in his old home again—the good military training there. Upon suc­ yehjclee registered in the state, com­ cessful completitlon of this process­ fall of Germany and Japan. The pared to the one for every 13 during old Philippine Island. [This Joe way things ar» going it might bo a Strickly, whose "home” was former­ ing, he will be sent to the properI [ the past two years. In 1941 there Army Air Forces Training Com- j tie. ' 'were 49,674 accidents, with 435,970 ly on the Philippines, entered the I will close for tonight as I have ' service with young Holbrook, and mand station to begin his training as ¡vehicles registered. to go on guard pretty soon and this ' they have been together ever since.] pilot, bombardier or navigator, de­ Farrell said accident reports dur­ pending upon the position for which I gives me a pretty good start for when 1 I had to borrow this envelope and ing the latter part of 1944 indicated he has been found best qualified. I get your next letter. the need for greater attention to me­ paper from the medlci, so I can’t 8un., January 21, IMS. write Puth now. chanical condition of automotive You tell her to Having sold Our Lease on the It’s been a week since I started 1 keep smiling. Don’t you folks worry. Major Lloyd E. Haynes To equipment. Insufficient braking this letter so I guess I had better Everything will be all right and I Receive Army Medical Discharge power, poorly adjusted lights 'or no add a few more lines this evening. shall come through this safely. And Word has just been received that lights at all, inadequate windshield The picture on the western front ' when this is over, I shall be able to Major Lloyd E. Haynes has been wipers and such mechanical failures is muck better now and the Russians 1 come home to you. This is all for given a special official citation and as steering knuckles and tie rods are really going to town or maybe I 1 now, dear. Keep your chin up and awarded a Bronze Star medal for ex­ were reported as accident causes. should say to Berlin. With many cars ten years old or laugh at the whole world. Your lov- ceptional meritorious service in ac­ Dode sent me the clipping out of ' Ing son, always, Oran. tion in the forest of Cerisy, France, older, there is need for careful at­ the paper about me having you buy tention to mechanical equipment, the on November 28, 1944. - ■ us some more war bonds and I sure day what a ring and pinion gear secretary of state said. He empha­ Since then, his wife wrote her hop* it induced some more people to was and where it was located. It / sister, Mrs. Stanley Clausen, the sised, however, that the human ele- I buy a few more. wouldn’t be so had but with what major had been very ill with a heart ment still is the most important fac- 1 We wish to express our appreciation to the Public for their She also sent me the clipping about little knowledge he has he wants to ailment but had recovered sufficient­ tor in accidents. patronage during the past year and to bespeak for our suc­ them officially changing the name of give all the orders and listen to d------ “Despite the fact we arc driving ly to be sent to a Los Angeles hospital Marshfield, North Bend and the out­ little. older cars, we still could avoid most for further treatment. He is to be cessor in the business, Mr. Al Jones, who conies here from lying districts to Coos Bay. Does Things like that really help keep . given a medical discharge from the of the reportable accidents in Oregon that mean that they went ahead and Los Angeles, a continuation of that patronage and support by observing common sense rules tn my morale up and prove to me that | Army later. I consolidated after all their jangling? It isn’t altogether my fault that I I Major Haynes was a graduate of | traffic,” Farrell said. “The greater We have kept pretty busy the last haven’t done better in my army ca­ the Coquille rfigh School several proportion of the accidents in 1944 week and I sure hope the Jerries reer, although it does make a fel­ years ago and his brother, Wilbur could have been prevented had the have noticed it. low wonder if that is what he’s buy­ Haynes, is very well and favorably drivers been alert, observed traffic I can't think of any more to write ing bonds for. But then this Army known in Coquille. _ The major's rules and regulations, considered the about at present so will try to add is such a big thing that there are wife is the former Rita Clark, whose rights of others and avoided unneces­ a few more lines later. bound to be things like that going on home was in the Lee section at the sary risks.” Sat. evening, Jan. 27, IMS I could go one with a lot more but time of her marriage to . Major Well here’s another Saturday nite Haynes. going to the dogs. I just got through what the hell’s the use? A fellow will just work himself up. A fellow taking a bath and put on clean might just as well do his besStoand Arago Dairy Club To clothes and no place to go. I got Bobbie’s letter with your hope that it doesn’t last too d— long. Operate Again This Year ..... i T, ,, ............. — I am fit as a fiddle and Just as short note in it so will finish this let­ On Friday last week, Feb. 23, the happy as though I had good sense, ter and mail it. Arago 4-H Dairy club was organized We had swell "chow” this eve­ as the old saying goes, and will make for another year’s work by Herbert it or have it made. As ever, Ron. ning, baked ham, baked potatoes, Carl.fheir club leader. Mr. Oeiss, string beans, a salad, bread and but­ assistant club leader, was expected OR YOUR MONEY BACKI ter, chocolate cake and coffee. That to be present but he was unable was the first ham I’ve had yince I to attend. And from where I sit, he Dan Mascon’s cousin, an honest* left the states and it sure was good. The club elected officers with couldn’t have a better title. to-goodness artist, came to our You made the statement that Har­ Allen Halter, as president; vice pres­ Whether it’s a weenie roast In town. And when he heard we old Hart and I wanted to change the ident, Glendon Zeller; secretary, our town or a square dance on a were having a weenie roast, he army. Well at times I think it could John Ed Leeper, and club reporters Wisconsin farm. It’s all a part of asked could he come and bring Foster-Working stand a little. I will givq you an are Ronny Halter and Kerwin Roe. America—a part of our neigh­ bis paints. Richer in Lanolin Franklin Uterine Capsule* instance here in this outfit. I don’t borliness, our love of fun and ' The enrollment was of * eleven After he got through working A ■ «W hl »■«vias rauierd claim to be too d— smart and some members who hope to stay through pleasant living. afterbirth and Revewtaf •*** tefee- on his canvas .. .he had »■ nice times I think I’m pretty dumb but the year. The majority of them were 604 «toe. Three ceseoles Because osr right to enjoy a a picture of us enjoying our­ things like this makes a fellow think members tn their first year of dairy temperate beverage like selves as you could ask for... Franklin Dehorning Paste a little bit. club work. Most of them are start­ complete to the last Httle detail a part of our American Prevents Um ga*>wth la yoeas reives A couple of months ago we got a ing with new stock but some of those from Molly Bartle’s dimples of personal freedom. by dretteytei dtejure bnWofc Aveids I new transportation officer and he who have been in for several years foam on Ed Carey’s glass is really a dilly. Some things don’t are using their last year’s stock. The make any sense at all he will listen to club discussed matters pertaining to I’m calling it a portrait of 9 and other things that might amount the care of stock and gave the new America," Dan’s cousin says to something he gives a deaf ear. members a few pointers. This is how much he knows about a Their next meeting will be March No. 107 of a Stria vehicle. He asked a fellow the other 9, at the Arago school house. Comedy, "Sing Neighbor Sing" LOOK UP West Coast I citpnune Telephone Company v Coquille Hotel Coffee Shop / » Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pressnail Softer, Whiter From where I sit... Iw Joe Marsh Hands in Half the Time balm bare « Fuhrman's Pharmacy America Has its Portrait-Painted