OOOVtlJLt VÀLLtY SENTINEL. OOQUILLR. PAG* TIN ----- - a ¡PROCEEDINGS OF ", The Free Soil Party George Huther, Operating Riverton Faery ......... COUNTY COURT 145.35 211. Z5 140.42 170.40 161.59 68.79 169.49 M-S5 In carrying out its program forj 3 By R. M. Harrison support of parity prices on «Peci-! ; Teen Miller, labor ; Chas. Wolff, labor was a political party formed fled agricultural products Commodity st5**_xLn, , Conun > In' I W. M. Williams, labc In the United States, in 1848, that was Credit Corp, now has Invested 82,- " Martha E. Mulkey, mileage . 37.17 Wm. Bur beck. labor kr.own as the Free Soil Party, which 000,006,000 and has asked for author- * Aaê 71.00 Eleanor A. Linn, work in office 136.90 _____________ Claude Lemon, _ labor had for its doctrine the theory that Anna McDonald, operating Lead Agt. ization to use another 82,000,000,060 - Bullards Ferry ----------------- l**.8O all land should be free to all citizens ! in the coming fiscal year. To main- C<^^ay Stationery Co., sup- Betty L. Donated, work in of­ fice ------ JZ-w-b 108.50 G. E. CornwelL tabor - ----------- 168.79 of th« country, and that all of that tain parity prices the corporation P ...... îïaaith ÏÜÜË' Manuel Bettencourt, tabor------ 171.72 Roy Erchinger, cruising Co. vast domain of the middle and west­ 147.71 buy* wool and a long list of farm and Drs. Dix A Dixon, Prof, ser- timber ...,,.F— ...... — 364.55 M. A. Peterson, labor ern part of the country be alloted out vices ........... .......... ............. 60.00 Chas. Perrott, Asst. Oper. Bul­ Roy Erchinger, mileage .... dairy products at the stipulated price lards Ferry . ........................... 156.10 in 160-acre tracts to those who wish­ E. L, Kay, assisting cruiser .... 207.00 ¡and re-sells at market values, the Coquille Laundry Co., services John B. Arnold, labor ......—. 134.08 Court Ctomdt ed to settle in that domain. 165.46 difference, if any, representing the Ben C. Flaxel, Agent, Bond Louis P. Pugelron, Bailiff .... 22.70 Leonard Paulson, tato»-------- 155.86 The Free Soil Party found many subsidy paid producers. It is anti-' for Wilson .... -------------- ------- 10.06 A. G. Warth, tabor c—• Pauline Dorland, Relief Oper­ adherents and carried on under that 7.001 Dr. L. C. Witcoaky, testing cat­ cipated that by the end of the com- Marion Co^|y ator Bullarda Fy---------------- . '57.90 823.00 tle ......... .. ............... —...... . name until 1858, when it fused with Washington, tog crop year Commodity Credit Tonj r E. H. Norris, labor------------ —• . 163.32 Treasurer ’ s Off. the Republican party. It was organ­ Collier has resigned as commissioner Corp, will own or control through Edwin F. Chltoger .......... .’ll™., Alan Rhay, tabor ...... -........ - 178.88 Charles Stauff, Co. Treas. cash ized by a union of the Liberal party of Indian affaiys, after two con­ loans 11,500,000 bales of cotton and Huggins Insurance Agency, 735 A. C. Gray, labor .............. -...... . 116.47 3.191R. E. Duncan, labor ....,............. . 165.71 and the Barnburners. It first nom­ gressional committees shot arrows at 400,009,000 bushels of wheat I bond tor ------- : Koke-Chapman .Co., supplies i Raymond Barklow, labor ....... . 178.74 County Court t S l c""1^vices inated Martin Van Buren for the him. Before congress could lift his ; Sudden termination of the war in ‘ Wwt 13X18 Western Unton, services__ _ 1.14 1 Ernest Paulsen, labor ...... ...... . 182-18 presidency and afterwards, in 1852, scalp he offered his scalp-lock jo Europe -------------- ■ J --------------------- Geo L Coburn Agt bonds would inevitably mean a con- Nolan Fntey, ilabor —.... -...... . 17.12 Sept. Off. under the name of the Free Demo­ “Honest” Harold Ickes, for the to- siderable loss which would have to for Just. Crt .......... . ......... ... 20.00 The 3. K. Gill Co., supplies 1.40 W. J. Baines, labor ................... . 50.00 10640 Clreutt Court 1.64 W. J. Baines, labor cratic party, John P. Hale became its dian bureau is under thé secretary be made up by direct appropriation I The J. K. Gill Co., supplies 36.48 i Leonard Allen, labor ....... 24.00 Matthew Trewella, Janitor .. Dicks Electric Co., repair to chairman. It was really a combina­ for the department of the interior, "from the treasury. So far, this loss 3.50 Thomas C. Holcombe, tabor .... 32.32 Court H ouse phonograph __ __ - ............... tion of the political abolitionist, Twelve years ago Mr. Ickes came to has amounted to about 8200,000,000 Farr & Elwood Co., Janitor Roy Hultin, tabor . .................. 56.26 Health Dept. many of whom had been formerly Washington, D. C, with 8 round trip spread over a considerable number of ; supplies ........... . .... ..... .......... 3.03 Leia Elrod, mileage ......... ....... .. 27.75 Eaton Faller, labor........ .......... 47.60 13.16 Sheriff Office identified with the more radical Lib­ ticket from Chicago. He hoped to years, but the ultimate figure cannot • Shews Surgical Co., supplies .. 1.86 | Coquille Medteal Service Bu- Dr». Dix & Dixon, profes­ eral party, the anti-slavery. Whigs, get an appointment as assistant In- be even guessed at with any degree Burroughs Adding Machine* reeu Hospital dues .—■■■■-— 70.00 i Co., maintenance serv. sional services ............ ........... 10.00 and a faction of the Democratic party dian commissioner, which is subor- of accuracy. , ' Red Cross Coos Bay Hospital Amn, Hos­ Keizer Bros. & Johnson, pro­ 67.00. of New York. Although having dinate to the job from which Collier i Mfld. Fuel & Supply Co. pital for Feb. fessional services ...... .......... 20.00 Mutual Benefit Health & Acc. ' W°°d f°r Ratten’Boai Drs, Peacock & Long, profes­ served as president of the United has resigned. By one of thoee freaks 62.96 Assn Insurance —..... sional services ........ .............. 15.00 States 1936-1840, Van Buren was of fortune he was introduced to. H. S. Norton, supplies ... Chas. Stauff, Co Trees, De­ Coquille Laundry Co., services 1.10 393.45 nominated for president op the Free President Roosevelt by California’s Co. Agent ductions for War Bonds . rSllRiik Off. t o Oregon State Agri. College, First National Bank of Ptd, Soil ticket in 1848 but received no Senator Hiram Johnson. ' James H. Leonard, mileage & Budget for Farm & Home Deductions for Withholding exp. ..;.......... ........................... 01.40 electoral vote. The “Barnburners” dent was then making up his cabinet j 781.70 Ec .......... . ................................ 2648.50 Mrs. J. H. Leonard, attending World war II is a war of electronics tax ».X...—-•••—•?........* was a faction of the American Demo­ and he offered the position of secre­ 'Assn, of Ore. Cities girl to Inst. ...... .................... 3.00 Coquille Valley Sentinel, sup- and the speed of our victory is de- 0.50 cratic party in 1844 and was so tary of the interior to Senator John­ Assn, of Oregon Counties, dues 117.78 J. Arthur Berg, bond............... 10.00 plies ............................... • ( pendent upon the speed by which we Co. Car Koke-Chapman Co., supplies 10.92 named from drastic measures advo­ son, who refused. Senator Johnson ’ Jmtice Court Ne. 8 230 ,. recruit and train the needed 'man- i | Lou Blanc, Inc., auto repair .... City of Coquille water -yr—• 2.00 City of Coos Bay, Rent of cated to bring about reforms. suggested Ickes (who was living at ' Law Library power to operate our radar equip­ Court room ......... .. .............. 60.00 Peoples Water & Gas Co, 2.88 John P. Hale was an American Johnson's home at the time to save ment, the most complex device known West Publishing Co., books for 78.00 ................. —.... water .... ......................... • Os. Farm 1 Varied Oft. City of Bandoo, Bandon, water water — -2.50 statesman and a Democrat, 1806-73, paying hotel bills) and Ickes landed to S. R. Stover, Salary Farm Hand 130.00 man, it was emphasized by'Capt. 9.00 Wood Co, wood . a . .. |! William C. Eddy, U. S. Navy, retired, Coos Bay Harbor, supplies 109.08 Minnie Clinton, Salary, Cook 155.00 Coquille was a pioneer Abolitionist, Free Soil i right in the cabinet, Mountain States Power Co., Aurora Willard, Salary, Wait­ candidate for the presidency in 1852, | Mr. Collier began to introduce in- 27.62 2.00 2.56 ress conferehce of Navy recruiters Clint Crouch, 1 can ............. 80.00 ÄjiravsE; pporier or union ana me hiuwu uuieau. He from oii Dnriion/i William nuimni nuan, Noah, c 2 ca cate............... faithful supporter of me the Union and novauuii» novations in the Indian bureau. 0.00 ’ George sorge Workman, Work „ Salary, Or- .. It is quii, evident that desired to restore the Indian ward. 01 Oreg ’ , .nt f _ Dependent _________________ piugiam, -IM. « hu uu» uu» umi w n1 the n navv s radar radar procurem nr«njri>m»nt Children Swift & Co, butter................... 13.05 Columbia Equipment Co., 99 .729439 fact those were the times that tried SXTsteS toii Xettoi oftoe '“"4 cent* ln Chic"*°’ ~---- Z - ~ ---- > 20.97 Coquille Bakery, bread .... .... 11.13 Grader & other - fact that our war in men’s souls. Slavery was a problem unitea anates in ns eoucauon or me Catholic Charities, Ind., care 10.00 Pacific Feed & Seed Co, feed 51.18 Howard Cooper Corporatlon, material 524.86 Boys & Girls Aid Society, care aborigine«. Soon some of the re^- can gpeeded con>ider . 18.00 that was well rooted in the soil of materiel Stonecypher Pkg. Co, meats 49.12 — Ctr. CL Pioneer Grocery Co, groceries 88.50 i Hultog Lundy & Sons, I the South and was a source of much vation Indians began protesting the ' ably if the navy can recruit and train Frank Shepard Co., Shep­ Hudsons Drug S tore, medicine 16.13 ' Earl Littrell Supply ■’ 418.43 bitterness and which finally brought new deal policies and took their ' | men faster than previously has been ard’s Citations .... ............... . 20.00 The Hub, clothing ............ ...... .70 on the Civil war and left scars that complaints to members of congress; Clorii** Southport Coal Co, coal possible. , Walter York, repair type­ Coquille Auto Co., auto sup- still remain in more or less degree, congress took up the complaints, and Isler Sheet Metal Works, met­ . | “You recruiters cannot cover every writers ............................Xrz. 3.60 0.00 al cover table top ...... ?. Although the Free Soil idea wu Colllw found h*™«1* In hot water, * inch of ground to your territory,” 8.33¡Orchard Auto Parts Co- auto Bounty A. Lamb Co, hardware «.. meritorious and had many votaries, In the P*’1 iew years the situation the radar chief asserted, “and so it D. H. Benson, bounty on 9 cats 22.00 J. supplies -------------- • ’ 176.66 Gregg Hardware, paints .......... 74.53 —............ --------- . •— I CUtle Indemnity it seemed to have been lost in the ha’ grown steadily worse and con-I becomes a public task to find young Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto JaU 27.79 •uppUm West Coast Telephone Co, turmoil of the civil conflict and, al- «ressional committees have charged men with an aptitude for mathemat- Charles A. White ........... 12.83 Clarence H. Kelly .............. c. J. O ’ Neil, auto supplies — services .................................. 4.20 thought Free Soil idea was freely ;that Oregon Nevada Fast Freight, .... of . trying to improve . ... the _ ics and mechanics and get them Dr. Wm. D. Morgan, Testing ------- the ---------------------------------------------- - i histead Stonecypher Packing Co, 2.73 advocated up to about the mid 70’s,, condition of these wards of the gov- the program. If, for Cattle..... ,.T.._...7.._.'....._...... ..L 185.96 meat ...... ................ . ............... 31.62 1236 Indigent Soldiers Allow. it faded away and took its place along «nment. the bureeu wm rapidly in- injtance Mr Smilh knows of s Henry A. Schroeder, blankets 55.00 Helen R. Graham ..._^........ . ...... 25.00 Pioneer Grocery Co, groceries 25.43 Consolidated Freightwsys, with many other righteous pleas toJ - - -, - - 2.74 Mrs. Erma Wise ....................... 15.00 Benham’s Transfer, hauling F. 8^^vw“ the Free Soil Party plan, it is be­ dissolved; they didn’t care which, but esting the lad in getting aU the par­ Edna Danielson, Salary, Dep- 5.10 lights ...................................... 158.5b J. A. Lamb Co., material......... uty Shf. ..... . .............. .. 147.20 Stevens Cash Hardware, jan­ lieved that they are on a widely dif­ leaned toward liquidation of the In­ ticulars on the navy’s radar program. Industrial Steel A Supply Co., Clinton, Salary, Clerk, material ----- -•- ••• 9931 3.57 ferent foundation, as the Free Soil- dian agency, itors supplies ....... ...... “We are fighting an enemy as Marie Tax Dept............................. 143.80 Hooton Electric Shop, electri­ Pioneer Hardware Co., ma- to succeed Collier is a man . . ers felt that all the land should be _ Named - . . . . . _ . . -'iSinart as we are ana we need every Emma M. Pierce, Salary, Clerk 55.75 cal work ...__________ __ _.... 13.47 torisi- ..... . . . free to all the citizens of the country from Ickes’ foreign and insular de- 1 «¡ual ..... Tax Dept. .............. ........ ...... 136.00 “»«d man we can get to mato- Oregon Pacific Co., material 6133 Comity Car and, under this system, all citizens of partment, and •tae«’’?’ ■ A™™*" tain the ’ electronic offensive that is Muriel Herman, Salary, Dep. C. J- O'Neil, repair on .... ..... . 20.00 Smith Wood Products Co., uty Shf. Tax Dept.............. .. 131.20 lumber ——r . 187.18 Law Library the country would be home-owners ta sputtering under him. bee.use of 25.75 pubhc wiu uke an J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy The Frank Shepard Co., books 36.00 H. H. Hansen, royalty on rock ; 1070.18 and also that aliens could not possess hi. conduct of affair, in Puerto Rico. Clerk ___ ;......... ........... ........... 175.55 Bancroft Whitney Co., books 30.75 J&J Tire Co., auto tires ..... any of the nation’s soil, which they active part in this procurement prob- Georgianna Vaughan, Salary, State Ind. Acc Comm, Ind. Vartem Offices Setting 85,000,000 as the limit of Deputy Clerk .......... ....... ...... 159.60 Coquille Valley Sentinel, sup­ felt that all citizens were heir to. x Ins. ............. ........... ........ . | lem once they realize how vital it Is.” value of surplus property which may ' The recruiter reported that this Dorothy M. Warren, Salary, plies ........................................ 27.20 However, there are two great Deputy Clerk ......... . ........... I 103.75 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ not be sold without ' congresisonal area is contributing its share v. of v-m- can- H. C. Getz, Salary, Deputy codes bearing on the subject, of i __ ■ . . . . . plies .......... . ..................... ...... 40.18 Assessor . ................. ............... 170.00 »h«,« UM .bouW b. —***yT***** Shf. A Assr. Off. might egist. If we take into con- veyor ......................... ....... ..... 75.00 B. K. Werner, Rent & repair floor of the house. Western Auto Supply Co, sideration the three great kingdoms I a 1 TJï . Star Ranch Sold By Californians L. B. Gould, M. D„ Salary of the earth, of which “Mother Na- | Among ‘ncWenU mentlon«i waa * auto supplies ........... —------- 13.68 of typewriter .................. . 10.00 Health Officer ..................... 50.00 Capps Motor Co, auto sup- Clerk’s Off. - offer by the navy department to sell To Curry County Men 6.80 James H. Leonard, Salary, tare” is surely the author—the min- I puSB .... ..................... ............ J. L. Murray, Repair to Check -to the public 1,900 liferafts at 50 Probation Officer .............. 173.50 (Western World) protector .......... ................... . 37.50 Nelson Equipment Co, ma- era I, vegetable, and animal — we cents apiece. The offer was called terial ......... —.... . .............. *.... 67.70 Dog License Fund The Star Ranch at Langlois, com­ W B. Shepard, Salary, Jani­ would surely answer in the affirms- ■ 145.20 Pacific Coast Stamp Works, Feenaughty Machinery Co, to the attention of the maritime com­ prising some 2,000 acres and which I tor —............................ . tive to the question, “Should land be Charles Roberts, Salary, Jah. material--------- 5() WM & Cook .................................. 72.60 18.23 material .... pital dues .............................. Shaw, Frank Rasmussen and Putman F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt. been many freedoms that mankind and the money was turned over to Coos Bay Electric Co., light Diet. Atty. . Estate of Ferndale, Calif., to Collier Co. Farm ............................... 4.26 19535 Ben C. Flaxel, Dist. Atty., exp could have enjoyed, through all these the treasury. One dealer bought at globes______________ f.07 H. Buffington and H. W. Crook, of Edith McNelly, Salary, Ma ­ Central Transfer Co., freight stenog., etc................ ........ . ages, that have been abridged to ap­ auction for 831 a government search­ tron — Co. Farm ................ 105.25 .80 . J. Eberhart, material....... Co. Employees pease the passion of avarice or to light and almost immediately re-sold Gold Beach. The sale was made by Ed Peterson, Salary Deputy . P. Fuller & Co, paints ... 42.70 First Natl. Bank of Portland, Shf. ..... establish an oligarchy, whose known it to another government agency for Elbert A. Reynolds, real estate dealer 49.90 & W. Transfer, hauling deductions withholding tax.. -< Bhf. Off. 441 material .;--------------- ---------- mode of dealing 1» by the law that 8230. In another instance eight ship of Eureka, Calif. Sheriff’s Off. The Star Ranch in northern Curry A. O. Walker, work ip , Tax —I S. W. Motors, auto supplies 58.15 Luckey Bonney’s, col. pads .... “might makes right” We still “hold strainers were bought from the gov­ 3.05 ha. been operated for many year, by j Metea* Berry, srork to Tw 339.80 Isler Sheet Metal Works, metal Land Dept. these truths to be self-evident, that ernment for 83.25 each and sold to Koontz Machine Shop, repair u H. u Hansen, U------ - ------------ — --------- Dept ____________ .________ _______ 109.50 Schroeder & Hildenbrand, H. owner and operator of , .50 all men are created equal, and that a ship repair firm working for the to grease gun —-......... ........ padlocks .................. . ...... the Star Cheese Factory at Langlois, W ’. H Kennedy, Salary, Pers. Gregg Hardware, rent of " Justtee Crts. they are endowed by their Creator government for 812 apiece. “ fi?! ~ 176.10 Elmer P. Russell, Bond JP No.l 10.00 which property he retains. His is the a Tsx ,, 40 Jacks, etc. ------------------ ----- with certain inalienable Rights, that Alice Perrott, work in Shf. Obviously, all these minor trans­ only 2.00 Brodie Shingle Co., spikes County Farm Roquefort - type, or “ blue Office ........ ................. 17.28 Union Oil Co. of Calif., gas among these are Life, Liberty and actions ‘ could pot wait on congres­ 52.70 Southern Pacific Co., storage cheese” factory west of the Rocky Health DepL 3.00 the pursuit of Happiness." Benham’s Transfer, diesel oil 42.93 of oil .......-------------- -............. sional approval, but it is the opin­ mountains. - Leia ■ ~ ■ Salary Health Elrod. OK Rubber Welders Tire Clerflu It would be quite natitfal to as­ ion of house members that some more • Nurse .................................. 138.68 The Star Ranch is now under the Shop, auto supplies ...... 81.69 Walter E. York, overhaul Madge Nye Houston, * H sume that the land was considered businesslike arrangement should be “ent rf L.' E~ Kreutz^ wh^ Helen ^fsVy typewriter ....... . ............ ........ 12.50 ST ATE OF OREGON mos. salary Stenog. ........ .... 48.40 iath«*- waa »‘on*’’ dairyman and LuciHe “ W Rke^ H mos. s.1- among these rights, for otherwise, how County of Coos: B Co. Ehployees I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of could he enjoy any liberty, or if his' property than the hit-and-miss prao ch^emaker jn northern Curry cotln- ' I ary Stenog. —j.......:. 54.15 Stdhdard Oil Co., auto supplies- 68.11 Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio Co. Hunter freedom was abridged, how could he tlce now being followed. Otherwise L C. E. Mullins, gM^age & exp 61.50 Clerk of the County Court of said ------ ' -- ----------- ------- ---- ---- - ■ ——- -------- Coquille Medical Service Bu­ survive, for if we are driven from loss from the sale of many thousands County and State do hereby certify reau, Hospital dues for Jan. 52.50 - —— the soil we perish. It is quite true of small items may reach an imp res- - on 1 cat 25o that the foregoing is a true and cor­ Lewis Eisele, bounty Coos Bay Hospital Assn., Hos­ See ■ ‘ Spike ” Leslie for the best in rect statement of the amount of bills that the creatures of the earth have pital for Feb............. ............ 51.75 allowed on the various funds of the F. A. Robb, Salary, Road­ survived under existing conditions day find that water has also joined Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Charles Stauff, Co. Treas., De­ County as audited by the County master ......... ..... 192.25 ductions for War Bonds ... 231.25 but only by being reconciled by the ranks of the abridged rights o^ the 270 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg., Cc irt of said County at the regular Alda L. Nosier, Salary Chief s i Shf. Off. hope of better things. If we look creatures of the earth and we wonder phone 0; residence phone 95L. Clerk ...:................ . ............ ... 151.20 February, 1945, term thereof, as the Wm. F. Howell. Sheriff mile- same appears on the exhibits of back for one century, we find men how soon "the air will also follow. qa an Alice Robb, Salary, Extra Get a good book at Norton’s Rental J. Arthur Berg, Agent, Re- 67.09 claims and warrants in my office It. would appear that all of the clamoring for the Freedom of the and custody. 200.00 L . „ General Roads tfs i newal—Shf. Bond ...... Soil, the Freedom of the Colored Freedoms that Mother Nature has Library. WITNESS riy hand and the seal Gunder Gunderson, labor ..... 116.75 Coquille Valley Sentinel, en- of the Count« Court affixed this People, whom fate had placed in bestowed upon humanity have now 55.25 J-*® ’ labor .......... - .......... — 167.95 i velopes & printing ........... 19 day of Feb., 1945. chains. It is quite evident that those been abridged until there are only Wayne Goodman, labor ..... .. 176.14, ; Remington Rand., Inc.,* sup- L. W. Dddy, County Clerk 18 os Mike Boone,' labor ..... .......... . who were clamoring for these free­ four of them left and, it would ap­ 84.601 ! plies .... ............. .. ................. Bv J W Leneve. Denutv Ernest Franson, labor ...... 186.03 L. W. Oddy, Co. Clerk, postage doms, knew the full value of that pear from this, that the spirit of ‘James L. Chffd, labor...... 186.77 i NOTICE pF FINAL ACCOUNT etc. „ ......... . — — ____ _ __ 6.27 Divine Right, as they were no doubt Freedom has fallen asleep by the Victor Demarest, labor ... 164.52 , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Clerk’s Off. enjoying the fullest measure of these wayside or else the imps of Tyranny O. P. Smith, labor ..... ..... .118.901 the undersigned has filed in the . Venita Brockway, Assistant Henry Franson, labor ...... rights and felt that he who would have, by their stealth, twined thread 773.82 County Court of Coos County, Ore- I Recorder ... 3.90 1A. G. Trendell, labor ....... 11 8.00 gon, his Final Report and Account ■ refuse to raise his voice in the cause by thread about his strong arms that Treasurer s Off. C. J. Martell, labor .......... 149.78 as Administrator of the Estate of of Freedom, was a kneve and a grew to fetters, while the Hero of rClara A. Stauff, Services 87.65 John B. O’Sullivan, labor 196.29 Robert M. Devereux, deceased, and coward. Freedom was not given by thoee who shout for Liberty lies CX Crt. Carl Mathews, labor 149.28, that the Court has set Tuesday, L. D. ‘ Felsheim, Co. Judge, L. C. Burner, labor Freedom of human hands but was twin-born with bound and helpless. 136.68 March 20th, 1045, at the hour of 10:00 1 Exp. trip ................................ 23.75 Chps. Hofer, labor ... *................ 154.79 o’clock A. M. of said day, at the man and Tyranny, also hoary with speech, as it was »eborn to the peo­ AYDS Mort ! P. W. Culver, Co. Commr, ex- Wm. Dinsmore, labor meal dull« th« appetite Yet you set elumina. ...... - 161 -47 County Court room in Coquille, Ore- age, is the enemy that never sleeps. ple of America, still remains the ■niaeraik eaaentlal ant teat« in A rd« Start tlw I . pense—business trip .......... 21.40 Cecil Hartley, labor ------ — 200.36 20036 gon, as the time i and place for hear- Ard« —ar to loir weight now. JO dar supply of one bright star whose rays bring J. W. Hildenbrand, •* Co. Coll McLean, labor ... The dream of the Free Soller of a 151.97 tog -................ 161.97 fng objections to such final nocount Ards. SIH. HUNKY B AC K on the vet» hot ( Commr. . mileage _____ .... ..... ___ ....... 14.70 Ben Wigle, labor ..... haa if was don't set malt« Phone 125.60 and the settlement of said estate. century ago is one that has never hope to the injured people of the Hildenbrand, Co. .J. W. Jason Smart, labor ... 103.40 T. M. Devereux, ’ # BARROW DRUG CO. ■ come true but, added to that, we to- earth. Commr., expense—bus. trip 29.25 1-. Berlyn Billings, labor ...... 164.71 5tO - Administrator. Novy Needs Men TX' T Study Rodor ■ I *..................................................sjxr- •<» •-»“ •-«*« U rv HKT'.' « I * , If ✓ •**