1 k k; > i 001 • • ‘ . ■■ W v ... ' ■VV 7’’■« ■ ¿a Out-of-Doors Stuff A tribute to "the always wrong”! MaBaaeir--* >»- CREAM O’COOS Distributors, Coquille 1 he war is going to be “over” for many more of our boys before victory. We must not let them down I Right now there is urgent need for lumbei*to ship shells and other fighting stuff to fronts around the world. Lives are sacrificed be­ cause somewhere here at home some people believe “that the war is almost over.” WHAT YOU CAN DO: Let’s stop such day-dreaming and get on with the job. If YOU know of anyone not working in a war industry, urge him to apply at the nearest lumber mill or logging camp right now. Special skill is not always essential — although more skilled loggers are badly needed. Don't Delay! The Need Is NOW!