Knife Hospital Norton’s carry a nice selection of records und sheet music. tfs Karl Kaufman, a Marshfield man stationed with the Army Band at Jefferson Rarracks, Missouri, has been a house guest of the Walter Laird family white Phillip Laird is enjoying his furlough. Portraits • Commercial Photography GRADUATION PICTURES > *1 SpecUl DUeounta Mr. und Mrs. Floyd Jackson ttilw- teined Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ellingson and family at dinner Sunday. Glamour Photography Nancy Rotes, daughter of Nor­ man W. Boles, Coquille, was formally ' pledged Into Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honorary, at the Gamma Phi, Beta house at U. of O., Thursday evening. ' 1 Fuhrman's Pharmacy | THUR LIPSTICK Incredibly creamy in texture, «Booth and dewy on application, soft and soothing to the lips - the moat deairaUe lip­ stick we have ever offered in high fashion Matchless artistry creates a film mas­ terpiece you will never forget.. . the intensely moving, deeply emotionpl story springs from life itself. ... there is irresistible appeal In its delightful characterizations... its superb Technicolor beauty is breathtaking . . through it oil is laughter, love, gaiety and fun.. .Walt Disney's great­ est feature picture since "Snow While” Sat., Sun«, is-inspired screen entertainment. LOOK AT ^SOBBK SPECIAL MATINEE - Spertichi “Furlough Fishing" Children lCc Adults 55c BING CROSBY | MATINEE SUNDAY