» • W-.-.A '«• t»# ' ■’ r” - ■Í • * • ■ » -, Í » PACHI FOI ylO'iWi I I Tlsm I nk/te Pmklnm I ne MiDor < rooicni * { row* a ! m to the gtve him absolute freedom, bounded behalf of by a like freedom to everybody etoe H. A. ¡employers, and last but not least, eo- 01 i called unions, to little better than Next Friday evening, Feb. 13, the slavery, b r > annual Coos county high school de-1 Lot us first take up the state or bate will be held. Coquille affirms-1 government The first thing the state KÄUg live team, composed of Myrtle Clay- does to to violate one of the moral ton and Gene Laird, will debate with laws, the eighth commandment. It the North Bend negative team here, makes it nothing but a scrap of 1 paper it from while the Coquille negative team, by taking everything in sight of Maxine Paulson and the individual that be produces, then George Belkmi, will go to Bandon to issues a piece of paper called a bond, I which takes everything the child pro­ meet the affimative team there. DITORIAU. duces for centuries to come, with SOCIATION Marshal Hollenbeck requests the 1 nothing to say about It. There to no >1 For the second time this winter Sentinel to announce that with the limitation as to the amount of wealth Coquille is cut off from all communi­ approach of garden planting time, the state can take, only leaving you enough to exist on. cation with the rest of the world, all dogs must be kept chained. If we ever needed anything in this except by the highway to Marshfield. Trains have been annulled this side Lans Lenovo, who has been en­ country it to an absolute check on of Marshfield, the highway to Myrtle gaged in trapping near Langlois since government spending. Our present By HON. R. T. MOORE Point is uhdef water in several places he ended his duties as fire warden in state government claims to have a and this morning the dike, between Curry county, has been appointed ■ wonderful plan, Would you like to I...,..,.....«.. I! HI the bridge and Fat Elk, was covered. predatory animal trapper for the ! bet on thé proposition that it Is only A Memorial asking Congress for ' a further violation of th» eighth com- W, E. Bosserman, Southern Pa­ Oregon state game commission. favorable .action on the labor draft j mandment?' _ • cific agent here, says that there will legislation proposed- by the Admin­ probably be no trains over here until Having the state do anything is A yesterday’s press dispatch from istration was the subject of a lively Washington states that the nomina­ J the moat expensive way to do it and Sunday. debate in the House. tion of Attorney General Harlan F. the most destructive to the self-re­ Naturalization Day was fittingly ! Arguments for store that the re­ Stone to be apociate justice of the spect and morale of the individual. quest of the President supported by supreme court was confirmed yes- One of the best examples is the PWA. military leaders should bi adopted observed in Circuit Court here yes­ In this town.we had at least two terday when G. RuSsell Morgan de- terday by the senate. z without question, that failure to do splendid examples—about fifty la- so would constitute an insurrection (leaning on their they soon found out be was a /the borery working at this critical hour. shovel handles) on the street. While fellow." Arguments against the measure passing by I noticed one of the group If you want to deport someone, were that the Congress to best able | A .L. Tnleranee to judge the merit and the need of 1 ««France I’ll ge along 100 per cent with you working. I tapped him on the shoul­ der and asked him if he was not such legislation, that voluntary action 1 Coquille, Feb. 5, 1946. on deporting all German-born Ger­ breaking precedent. . He also used mans, for I feel that they are at least by both labor »nd industry, once toe Mr y Your * particular deficiency in production I fa, -JBJL-U!" ■to—!----- . . ---- ¿!!!g L ■ J- The Salem Sampler ! / It I Howard Seelye <. •f-v ; ■ > Will Help Stabilize Manpower Needs V i. I I f I i 1 T I ;1 Kt That Naming Backache F -, I i I or any of their ilk, except that theirs Another biyFattracting wide in­ might be better writen. ' All Oregon employer^ are required terest is the so called “Free Ways” ( As _ to _ deporting _ ____________ the _ Japs, the dis- bill giving the highway commission J Japo’should be.and"no doubt to notify their local United States Employment Service seven days in power to control access to the main deported, but such talk about advance when the services of SO arterial highways. Two public hear- foy,] rrriiwwr Americans fight­ or more workers are to be termin­ ings, both well attended, have been tB< Europe for the very things he ated, according to a recent announce­ held on thia measure and the senti­ ment made by L. C. Stoll. State Man­ ment of the people pretty well They are 100 per cent better 'Ameri­ power Director. sampled thereby. Argument for is cans than he is. He says, “Ask the The local USES office will assign based mainly on the assurance of soldiers whkt they think?’ etc. necessary person ne 1 ' to the plant to safety for fast through traffic and on There is ample evidence nearly every interview and refer such workers to the fact that several other states have day in the papers as to what the war industries where their skills can adopted similar measures. Argu­ GIs think about the Japanese Ameri­ be best utilised, the announcement ment against stems mainly from the cans. They are for them straight stated. This will be done in coopers- fear of granting further autocratic through. Did Lans Leneve ever hear tion with unions. power to the already powerful High­ of the 100th Battalion, known among “This procedure has been adopted way Department Many farmers GIs as the “Purple Heart Battalion,” to avoid unnecessary confusion and and owner, of small roadside busi­ because, out of 1300 men, they Nad to effect an orderly redistribution of nesses are fearful that the measure more than MMX) Purple Hearts, and available manpower to the war in­ would open the door to persecution. that was while they were still in dustries as provided in the directives The assurance that the present com- , Italy? The 442d Combat Team, an- of the Office of War Mobilization,” mission, which is composed of men ' other Japanese American outfit, is Stoll declared. of high character and unimpeachable