' Coos Co. Sells 451 Tracts For $150,000 WHEELBARROW — Suitable for Dairy bam use. J. A. LAMB COM- Attention to Details Night Phone 15«B Southwestern Motors This will prepare your CAR for winter- SERVICE! Tune Up Motor Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs Clean and Adjust Distributor Head clean and Adjust Ignition Breaker Point« scientifically Time Ignition ( lean Carburetor Strainer Adjust Carburetor by Vacuumatic Method Adjust Generator Charging Rate Test Battery, Clean Terminals, and Water INCLUDES LABOR, OIL AND GREASE — PARTS EXTRA Benham’s Transfer Storage ft 1 CA SAND AND GRAVEL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Southwestern Motor Co. ■ Agrata for Oregon-Nevada-Caiitornia JPoat Freight Office Phone 5 COMPLETE GUARANTEED SERVICE Coquille, Orason / ' ■ 275 < Hall