ffiMM 2,848.80 170.00 703.« 1 1,083.10 by Uw ti. 1*44. •, 173 M 37,«13.73 8145 AU County £ « I Pa/monta 80.S47.74 Total .. Sheriffs Office, County Clerk’s Office, salaries, office i County Treasurer’s Office, salaries, off! Assessor’s Office, salaries, office expense, etc. School Superintendent's Office, salaries, office expense, etc District Attorney, expense, salary of stenographer, etc.... Coroner, fees, etc...,- Sealer of Weights and Health Unit, salaries, Vital Statistics, fess of Registrars . Herd and Meat Inspector, salary, supplies, etc. Livestock Indemnity 211—1..... -— Justice Court, fees of Justice, Constable, etc..:... Jbvenlle Department, salary of Juvenile Officer, expense, etc Circuit Court, bailiffs, reporter, jurors, witnesses, etc....... .... Cbunty Court, salary of County Judge, Commissioners, etc. Qpunty Surveyor —.... a-™..------ --------------- —......... -...... — «County Land Agent---- ......-------------------------- r-------- -------------- County Farm, salaries, provisions, feed, medical attention, etc Dependent Children’s Institutions and Dependent Children Other Poor, relief furnished County only..... 1...........— Other Poor, by State Welfare Commission for relief.... Dependent Children .... Insane and Feeble Minded, examination, maintenance ctur?^^/Ha^f's^’r^^Jinitoi^katary, Supplies, etc.. Conveying F Court-House, old Court House Election and Publishing and IdlngTjanitor’s salary, supplies and repairs &, ete-......... — court proceedings. Auditing and Accounting Industrial Insurance ....... Miscellaneous Emsegency County Automobiles Fire Patrol Assessme Dues and Budget County Law Library County Farm Cannery — ——— Biological Survey-Hunter and Trapper Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work 11,813.78 5,884.54 2.488.88 8,675.53 3.548.40 582.88 304.10 102 M 3.138.80 28.75 3,708.05 534.1« 1*4.75 1.782.41 1,753.75 4,537.74 4*3.«8 8,428.32 13,420.01 34,583.32 4.710. » 10,048.84 37,187.81 0.00 101,278.87 14.884.85 5,882.10 18,888.87 478.07 88,575.48 • NOTE: County Property, Interest on Taxes, or Interest on Unpaid Warrants not included. 8,228.24 704.18 7.00 0.00 3404.40 85.00 1.888.88 887.01 38.35 1,87745 538.01 4,43X32 LIABILITIES General Fund Warrants Outstanding and Unpaid........ General Road Fund Warrants Outstanding and Unpaid Market Road Fund Warrants Outstanding and Unpaid District Maintenance Road Fund Warrants Outstanding and Unpaid kt Soldiers’ Fund Warrants Outstanding and Unpaid........ — Fund Warrants Outstanding and U 8,237.77 8,878.00 3,177.38 118.81 40.60 1,088.22 Total I NET RESOURCES TOTAL. 003,785.77 8 825428.02 22,432.25 STATE OF OREGON 1.881.80 0.00 101.31 Si7740 187.73 3,088.08 11540 1,03843 843.83 805.00 380.00 ITNESS Annual Statement—Sheriff & Tax Collector MONTH OF: -»■•»y - «jjSird'W.L Of the amount of i August • Seotember turned over each month to the County V * xJj and Tax Collector of Coos County, Or« TOTAL r ‘ — ............ ....... ................... for the six months ending December 31, 1844. -4 ... . .................................... 23,342.22 324*8.48 23.087.41 15,375.84 ....... ..................................... 841,8*541 31,5474« ...................... :__ ujk-..____ __ ___ _ WM. ». HOWELL, SHERIFF A TAX Col- .......................4 858417.10 GRAND TOTAL « ’ ,-r Semi-Annual Statement 86.00 18*4.11 203,828.25 108,431.41 7«,«83.55 747X7« 348145 1,787.25 8,088.87 703 91 1, Chas. Stauff, Treasurer of Coos County, Oregon, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received and paid out, and remaining, in