Genuine S & M .for Cattle, Sheep, Hoge, Horse« and Poultry Fuhrman's Pharmacy A. C. Schultz Amber or White Hermetically-sealed Gilmore Service .Station Dust and Moisture-proof in marriage by the impressive double ring ceremony in the perlon of the Christian church parsonage.- Rev. Liston Parrish' was the officiating PREPARE NOW for long, roiny and foggy nights Mikel Open Sundays - Free Parking Use more of our fine produce and save on your Ration Points ONIONS large No. I Sweet Spanish 3 lbs. 19c ORANGES Sweet Sunkisl 200 size POTATOES Klamath No. Is We carry a Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables •» am* ■ ■' rfbVjL_iT. . — -».i—— GROCERIES îlity "little I IIVVV Dot" Pure Fruit - - Small Navy or Red Mex • •■■J BEANS Battery RddlOS Desk Day Beds Garden Tools Smithy Forge DAVENO ELECTRIC MOTOR i 13-00 335.00 to $15.00 J2.00toW.50 Cultivators tend MUe. Like New Wanted Ail Kinds of Used Furniture BROOKS Used Furniture b izvi PLUMS in Heavy Syrup COFFEE -WADHAM'S WE HAVE DRESSED CHICKENS