CLASSIFIED One Cent a-Ward Baek tasse No Adv. leas than »5 cents Retail Credit Ass'n Member Agreements (Continued from Page One) refrain from granting credit to those who are involved beyond their abil­ ity to pay as agreed. 2. That they will pay special at­ tention to young people whose credit has not been established, stressing the value of meeting their obligations as agreed. wall finisher as is, or painted, or papered. FARR Ar ELWOOD. BABY CHICKS—Place your order for immediate or Spring delivery. FAHR & ELWOOD. HOUSE WIRING Supplies — Wire, Sockets, Boxes, etc. Western Auto Supply, Coquille. a PAPER HANGING. Kalsomining, Spray and Brush Painting, the lat­ est in Imperial, Birge and Pitta­ burgh Wall Papera. We furnish all labor and materials for any size job. Herbert E. Wood, Interior and Exterior Decorator, 275 North Henry, Coquille, phone 286. a Attention to Details Oregonian SERVICE Phone 83 Night Phone 15CB Oregon Journal Southwestern Motors Mtedio» Srfe. H— «c «ad M x Coquille Representative Fuhrman's Pharmacy OPEN 8:20 A. M. UNTIL <:M p. y. Caqnilie 1WR This will prepare your CAR for winter SERVICE! RQVER Instructor of Piano Benham’s Transfer INCLUDES LABOR, OIL AND GREASE — PARTS EXTRA Southwestern Motor Co COMPLETE GUARANTEED SERVICE ‘ * Coquille, Oregon