VALU* PAGI SIX Y. JANUARY U, IMS. w Arago News Items Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Conley, of' tobacco is growing scarcer on the shelves of the merchant. Persons who never smoked a cigarettg their lives have taken up the'habit. Perhaps now the cigarette smoker who laughed at the cigar shortage can sympathize with the poor cigar smoker who has been suffering for eons it seems. We are somewhat astonished con­ cerning the fact that the name, ’’Myrtle Lane,” which has been adopted for the proposed stretch of road to be bordered by myrtle be­ tween Coquille and Myrtle Point, meets the approval of The Coos Ray Times and Portland dailies. Should­ n’t it be called “Coos Bay LaneF’ “A fly in the ointment” is in no ways comparable to a fly in your soup. We always live in dread of the time those “dead end" pests start dropping from the ceiling. Why not end the war before hold­ ing conferences regarding the divid­ ing he end of the conflict? t , Following we quote a paragraph frcen a public offiical’s letter from another county in this state: “I am glad to not* your continued use of the phrase regarding the Japs, ap- pearing at the end of your column in The Sentinel. The smarter we are in aome particulars, the more stupid |seem to become in others. I Glenn Aiken Creek, who purchased ( Abrs the LeRoy Thomas ranch on Fish- | (By Lans Uoeva) trap recently, moved Into their new home last week. <7'1. ' It is a noticeable fact that exactly ___ . Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy and Mr. the factions that slipped over and Mrs. Ante Bartlett, of Myrtle, prohibition add made such a fizzle Point, visited lithe home of Mr. and . of the Job are the ones which are be- Mrs. J. L, Burtis last Tuesday. Mr. ratln< Hood Rlvor PoBt of The and Mrs. Bartlett also visited at the American Legion for their stand on heme of Mrs. Bartlett’s brother, Ben Japanese question and which SmaUey.-1 • I wish to welcome the Japs back on th* .Ladies Aid met last Wednesday •t|aoaBt with open arms. Why can’t the church for an all-day meeting 8uch persons redouble their efforts in and quilting. The following ladles tahalf of our own American boys in were present: Mesdames O. H. Aasen, > uniform, instead of. spending their Ward Evans, Albert Lillie, Albert , time in behalf of the questionable Gulstrom, and Werner Plaep. They} yellow rats? w|ll meet on Thursday this week for ( Those cigarette commercials that another all-day meeting. Ward come over the air advertising lead­ Evans and Darwin Gulstrom joined ing brands of cigarettes are really the ladies for lunch. something to marvel at. It appears The young folks choir practice was to be a waste of time and money. held Wednesday evening at the home What the public wants to know is of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans, with where they can purchase cigarettes the following, in Attendance: Misses and it is not necessary for the makers Thelma and Nola Crawford, Glenda of cigarettes to advertise the merits Lillie, Dona Moomaw and Maureen of any particular brand. Evans and Messrs. Junior and Darwin The tobacco situation looks rather Gulstrom. i smokeless at the present writing. The regular monthly W. C. T. U. One of the largest distributing meeting will be heli at the home of houses for Coos county has had ife Mrs. Ward Evans on "Tuesday after­ quota of 29 cases per week cut to BuirDurham is about á noon at 2:00 p. m. six cases. L«.* •- ............. John Leeper was a Wednesday thing of the past and other smoking, have argued with a lot of people who overnight guest at th* home of Mr. and Mis, Glen Zeller. Harold Fish was helping R. E. Mason get out some wood last Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and Mrs. Ida Myers were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan­ ley Harter. m A and Mrs. Melden Carl and Douglks returned home Sunday eve­ ning from their trip to Eureka with Mrs. Carl’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.'Cross of-Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish spent from Thursday till Saturday eve­ ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller on the North Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller attended th* Nazarene church services in Co­ quille last Sunday, after which they w^nt home to dinner with Rev. and Mrs. V. W. Anglin. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal, of Marsh­ field, spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mrs. Neal’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mayse. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Roberts were Wednesday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllis- the fact whether they hall tram go with this «swell kid. “Don’t Be Saps—Deport The J America or elsewhere. We should like to see a race hatred stirred up _ Old papers be a MM» that would endure forever between the yellow rata and our own superi­ or white race. We have our honest opinion of a white person who will stoop to the level of association with still reluctantly adrfiita that |t is impossible to assimilate any of (he Jap monkeys. I have yet to talk with a service man wife has been in any engagement in the Pacific, who does not express the same at­ titude as denoted by your phrase at the end of your column. Our service men are the ones to be heard. Their voices will increase, living or dead, as the struggle is prolonged. It might not be a bad idea to give a little more stress to the service man’s viewpoint and his right to be heard.” There's a lot of thought in the above expressions and they come from a real American citizen and a veteran of World War number one. Perhaps to some we may appear 1 radical on the Japanese question but, regardless of the opinions of others, ' we will stick to our guns and never 'cease firing .verbal bombs at those American born monkeys whom some persons would have us love, respect and admire. In plain language, we turned from Frisco, left last week for Portland to enlist in The Ma­ rines. Guido, whose home is on Bear Creek, Is enlisting with the consent of his parents, he being un­ der enlistment age. Our good wishes ..— ■ , .............."" A. C. Schultz sayb ^- “Roar With Gilmore • Welding Gilmore Service Station St. at'Willard OF THE WEST •z A SICKT QUAUTY PRODUCT ♦ I. G. ffcfc, F pm . values we have ever been pri v i- leged io offer you. We wel- • Aito •Ante will always hat* them regardl SICKS1 SEATTLE BREWING A MALTING CO quarrying and fabricating proc- eases. We now have the finest WEALTH Mr and Mrs Nile Miller were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Fish’s birthday. Mrs. Ward Evans attended an exe­ cutive meeting of the Royal Neigh­ bors lodge, held at the Coquille hotel last Wednesday afternoon. Sunday Mrs. Ward Evans visited at the homes of $r. and Mrs. Chas. Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schroeder. Mrs. Griffith returned home from the Mast hospital a few days ago. Miifses Thelma and Nola Crawford and Glenda Lillie visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans Sunday. J. *D. Carl left Monday morning foe Los Angeles, where he went to attend a Challenge Cream and But­ ter Association meeting. Mrs. Carl accompanied him as far as Grants Pass and will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carl until Mr. Carl returns. Rev. C. E. Brittain, of Myrtle Point, conducted the regular Sunday morn­ ing churth Service. Sunday school followed with an attendance of 28. There wil be services again next Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and Sunday school al 11 a. m. Mrs. Ward EVans visited at the home of Mrs. Ada Lemon in Myrtl* Point last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller called on Mrs. Frank Miller at the Knife Hos­ pital in Coquille last Sunday after­ noon. r . Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister and Mrs. Werner Plaep visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mays* last Friday evening. Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. Plaep went to sing some songs for Mr. Mayse, who has been Minting some one to come in and give him some music. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward received a telegram, Friday morn­ ing, from their ion, Flight Officer Gerald Woodward, who has been stationed at Austin, Texas, for sever­ al months, that he was married to Miss June Blum, of Austin, Texas, Thursday evening, Jan. 18, at 6:30 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, Phyl­ lis, Dennis and Becky were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Burbank’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bark- low, who have been working at Gold Beach for the past several months, returned to their home in Arago, Monday evening. Harvey Myers, who has been driv­ ing a gravel truck for Wayne Wood- 1 ward at Gold Beach for several months, returned to his home in Arago, Sunday. MONUMENTS and markers are carved from stain­ less granites by the latest COLD SPRING MONUMENTS . tMWHSi «Maos» j