/ Remember Norton's—ror school and home Supplies. Personal Mention UHM insurance, eee «•-—f- R office, tfs Bull • Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Hillis Perkins of the New Lake Dairy south of Bandon, was a caller in Coquille Tuesday. suggests Chiffon Cream on Coos Bay where he has another sister, Mrs. Helen Sandall. Mr~and Mrs. Gene Bonniksen, of Portland, are parents-of a son, Rich­ ard Gene, born Saturday, January . 20, at Emanuel Hospital. The baby weighed six pounds, 14 and one-half ounces. Mrs. Bonniksen was former­ ly Eunice Howe, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Howe of Co­ quille. Bonniksen’s parents live in the Broadbent district and this is the I first grandchild on either side of the, family; „A; CHIFFON cream Insur- Drane Ernie Smith has employed Bonnie Lawhorn in his Insurance office in the Drane building. Technical Sergeant Stanley Buell and his wife have moved from Brownsville, Texas, to Green- wood, Missouri. The invitational