the HSUock-McMitchell kitchen. An unfortunate accident occurred to mar the pleaaant affair when Mr*. McMltchell stepped on a rug which slipped on the polished floor. The r CHKK-UP SERVICE ” Coquille Electric Co. - Formerly Washer Servtee Ce. THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AÑD SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING Tòno funeral CHome. Kujone ioo *>r/MM4do sewce • coquille B.EGoodrich Coauille Coquille John Shilling An Army Discharge APPtES, Fancy Romes ORANGES Sweet Sunkist AVOCADOS Fancy Fruit California Natural FRESH DATES TURNIPS Garden Fresh Good Greens ONIONS Large No. Vs Sweet Spanish for Slicing 3 lbs. 19c BEETS Fresh tender tops CELER>fc^tr»spz Green Utah AND NEW TIRES . Í SPINACH • G. PEPPERS - .——4— bunch 19c • TOMATOES • PARSLEY B FGoodrich SILVFRTCWHS ? TOMATO JUICE* Garden * PORK b BEANS Festival Brand SARDINES SOW in Tomato Sauce Guava Pure Fruit JELLY COFFEE Wadham's Drip or Reg. HONEY Pure Honey MILK All Poplar Brands PREM A real Popular Lunch Meat PEANUT BUTTER Garden Brand COCOA* Mother's Quality Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s lirfM and most Complete Tire Servic« 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadwav at CurtU, Marshfield, TpL tS2 bunch 7c MINCE MEAT Finest Quality CORN MEAL White or Yellow - PRUNES Fancy Oregon Petites or BEANS Red Mcx. or Small Whites EGG NOODLES Krinklets» -