Dr*. Witcosky * Oawford Coquille PhMM 4B11 Sra rn Fuhrman's Pharmacy :M A. M. ratti «:M P. M. caw 17th Sale to be held at Livestock Sale Pavilion, Phoenix, Oreg 12U714S1.4Z 218,019,965.56 $300,426,243.78 $347,660,132.02 Municipal Bonds 60,105303.10 60354,804.76 50,916,522.34 300300.00 3,70^54932 10310.16 3388,162.76 156,364.02 $452375397.46 Capital ........ $ 4,500,000.00 $ 4,500300.00 >5,500,000.00 5,500300.00 4 ........... Surplus 4,903,537.32 $ 14,503,537.32 17342,863.41 1118392.91 1,176,455.08 838736 Interest Collected in Advance Total Liabilities • «ri 125343.18 109,741.63 353,074,952.74 434308,733.49 $452,875,087.46