r < A ?.t ,A ■.’ '■ * . f ■- ’ i. a Ü ; •1 ' H e 3 ■ ■ 9 BTSS8T | -rir f rXV - ifiHnralMnHlIrWil ( WOi-Blili II iariM M mucb “ io getting a girl play night in the basement of tl Community Building started. L i In reporting on the Christmas gil ' »Yanks Who Gave,” it was four Washington, D. C„ Jan, 11—Among that Oregon had responded in such the many contradictory complications big way that there were more gil which have arisen out of governnwnt to J 4.. .■M r” s-'; L. J. Allen, Assistant State 4-H Chfb Leader, will be the guest gpeek- er at the County 4«H Rally Program to be held at the Bunker Hill school gymnasium, Saturday night, January 13, beginning at 8:00 p. m. Entertainment features of the pro­ gram has been arranged by . Mrs. Pearl Batchelor of Eaatside al fol­ lows: Musical selections by the Bunker Hill school orchestra; “Star Spangled Banner,” led by Dorothy < ■,. ' ;x ■avribwaa * *» i ’■ri ••••er • •.. < J’ • 'Z/ ’ 1 I .At V* ■- ‘fl 1 handling of materials essential to the them to, so the surplus was sent war not the least puzzling is the man- ; patients In California hospitals, ner in which ,wheat prices are main- As many members as possible a tainad. At the beginning of Amari- attend the sowing meetii can participation in the conflict there wlth MabeI Kunz Friday afternoo was a vast stockpile carryover When the ladies w|U continue to nyhlll, and a skit by the Sunnyhill wheat, owned*by the government wheel-chair jackets for the '4-H clubs. either through outright purchase as a Roseburg hospital. | Following the program the yearly means of stabilizing, prices or by the I ^he Auxiliary is now working with Swards will be made by Martha taking over of wheat pledged as ae- ul) ils strength to help win the vic-' Mulkey, county school superinten- curity for loans to farmers. The and get our men bgck home, dent; Ed Stelle, manager Coquille quantity was .ae great as to be a KHgible to join now are the mothers, Branch First National Bank of Port­ source of worry to Commodity Credit and daughters of men land; Dorothy Bishop Dunn, county corporation, through which the wheat ^bo have been honorably discharged home demonstration (ration agent, and Al- had be« acqutfefe This visible ; from either war and who are mem- I- ' mon L. Geiss, assistant county agent. threat to market prices was so great bers of the American Legion. Also The awards to be given are 26« first that, for the protection of farmers, it i eligible, and with a place of special yedr, 105 second year, 89 third year, became necessary to set up a floor |bDgbr awaiting them, are the women '47 fourth year, 8 fifth year, 10 sixth below which the Price should 'not who hgv< lost a son, husband, father year, and one each for the seventh, be permitted to fall. brother In the country’s .service. eighth, and ninth years. In addi­ Later, as lend-lease and other de- gbgible, too, are the women who tion to the yearly awards, there will mends diminished the stockpile and themselves have served and be« be several special awards presented. the price began to soar, OPA fixed a honorably discharged, all of whom These awards are given annually ceiling to protect both the millers invited into Auxiliary member- tor the completion of 4-H Club pro­ jects. During the past year projects have, been carried in Cooking. Sew­ ing, Homemaking, Health, Canning, Gardening, Livestock, Crops, Wood­ working and Forestry. There was a total of 702 projects carried to com­ pletion The program will be followed by a ! Appraising the TUiamook Bum of 11933 as “the Pwwi Harbor of timber social hour. Persons planning to at­ ; conservation“ a recent Saturday Evs- tend are asked to bring enough sand- A ning Post tells ito millions at «nders ' wiches and' cookies for their own hiuw the lumbermen of the Pacific group. Beverages will be furnished by the 4-H Leaders' Association. LMíí X «i -TP ¿5-; .><:■ ral ' * 4-H Rally At Bunker fHill Saturday * . EL * Pearl Harbor Of* Timber Conservation * 5' Ù' zr ■s. 1 * I » z f ■ * k ■ • t ' ..>> .■ ■. 'i .. ' / L -* « pf .,4. v , 7 j * r 55' > *■- i if thia confia- thumbprint of .•J j . ku ■i . but the hunter who ha. lined up ^bllc is still abte te b^ flour at .2. .2! JJ ■iXLZ. Ti. S ±Trirel£ tTS **•«* h* * »h* tie for timber eorwervetfon hn no shoot at these circling birds, thps of the nation are called upon to make won but in the etoven vean spoiling the shootinig for the poor : up the,‘ureB, the claim of the chemistry peo- ieto ethyl alsohoi has proven suc­ faiWd to attrack duam to their* p)e xoula to val(d cessful. The plant now being built decoys. The average hunter, armed But the department of agriculture at Springfield, Oregon, will use any with a duck caller, will frighten away estimates that under ordinarily fa­ wood material and turn out alcohol more birds that he attracts to his vorable post-war conditions agricul­ at an estimated twenty-two cento a decoys. And while some hunters ture will awqufre 59M0O tons, and gallon, a more than favorable com­ are good with a caller, nine out of ten ; >n atMIUonal totJ wiU petitive price. Morever, 'it is con­ iJXT marahes'there^B DeP*rt- fidently predicted the Springfield perlence ln the marshes there is one ment ofneUU no taas interested plant will usher in an entirely new hunter who is outstanding-one who ,n pric<> wWch farmen| field of postwar industries. can imitate the called of the hen mai- th(a chemical fer- Public enthusiasm for the future lard to perfection and he does it by. ... . tbe believe that the of the conservation protean is shown use of his vocal cords j>nd.without way to hold prices down to a* hy the fact that cut-over lands, once the aid of a collar. That man **goup(j basis is to continue operating' a drug on the Northwest market. George Lorenz, of Coquille George government plants. Under the have doubled in price in the past can actually make a duck reel ; surplus property disposal law the nl- 1 five years. The Poet article ton­ ed of itself when it comes to giviing , ixlng pianu are among others ' eludes, “In other words, we have lessons in duck language. We envy reserve'- [On the floors of congress and must re- and depletion, it is a narrowing gap. z* self, when it comes to a pertect 1ml- the approval of the farm bloc. In « industry that is never static, tation of a webfoot’s voice. - Actually, what congress will be victory begins where retreat ends“ Weil, the coming season it appears caHed upon to decide is whether these 1----- LiX__ ______ -__________ ------ that we won't be worrying much government plants shall be sold or for tents and erngo povedng for th« about how to bag ducks, for with down, or whether they shall army. If this output can be brought ammunition frozen there will be, continue ln competition with private up to 9,000,006 yards a month ths many of us without shells. Perhaps industry. —•— i-* —-- — ------ | strain on K Americao mMls will b< I should reverse that statement and There is poesiWlity of some relief eased, and ,her* i> •possibility tha say that most of us would be worry­ in the textile situation through the this will permit them to increase ing as to how we could bag them. L use of French Mills, but there will be production for doanerifc tote- Haw- You fellows had better drag out no immediate increase in domestic ever, these expectations are only ten ' f > X3 3 T'v,* . t A your bows and arrows for next «««rm iqpply because of manpower short- tative. ■' . if you have no shells left over. ««.^ _ __ _ bas already ____ „ placed . , ! ■ • .>* really come to that. san non tnu. th orders in France r» for s 2,900,000 uni- out RHUBARB — Plant now. have fresl ------ Cfonqs and it is hoped that French rhubarb pie this Summer. FAR! Insurance NpectansL F. N. Uall. » mill»* may produce cotton dusking A IL WOOD. _T ’ ? G I , X’*| J.V: ...... * • £. yxte» . . -j.-. 1 . s ... * SB X 1 ’ik' I I I i I 1 ‘ ■ x *' . id I < ;