Coquille Unit >»■ Red Cross Notes Three Coquille High Boys Meet In So. Poe. Eugene G. Monde, Seaman first class on tiM UA.S. Griffin where he Orvil Coy Died In Action October 13 B.FGoodrich TIMES SAFEWAY Good now— RED • STAMPS Q-5 thru X-l It points each Good now- ' blue STAMPS K-5 thrtb G*! 10 points each Coquille Electric Co. Aangesf Beds The finest selection yet $20.40 to $7430 , Spring Mattress Steads $7.50 to $50.00 DRESSERS Bicycles Davenport $830 to $1430 Hl Chain $1.00 to $3.45 du» Good Springs $20.50 Refrigeraron SALES ' SEBVIC# A RiAliy fUtSH PRODUCI GUARANTfiD MÍA J POTATOES DUCHirm |W Ik * I Me. I Netted Geuns LUNCH MEAT 1b. - MINCEMEAT 2lbs. - - 34c 39c OYSTERS pt...................................65c Peterson's Spiced Herring 14 oz. 43c Halibut, Sliced, Frozen lb. 45c SALMON Jb.................................. 42c