The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, January 04, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    ■ 1
Electric Fence Untta, gM.W and
enee between the cattle and the peo-
up. WIN work on 110-volt line, or
hot shot battqry, or automobile bat­
Also Hot-Shot Batertae for
U it
sale. Oeo. F. Burr Motor.
Mrs. Callaia
Arthur L Simi
away in this city last Saturday, Dec.
Entered at
Offtee Comer
- X-..
rlWi o,
I ®l
gnd one
purpose and at the p
of effort tn high gov<
A large audience heard the pro­
gram given by the quartette of Wil­
there will also lamette University New Year's Eve
Klockars suc- in the Southern Methodist Church.
leeeding Henry G. Kern, both of them,
residents of North Bend.
The public hearing before toe final
adoption of the county budget for
1025 was held in the county court
room Tuesday and was attended by a
large number M persons, ’'tee Pfin-
cipal subject which attracted inter­
eel was the county agent question
bud«et “ «"»Uy adopted
j provides for that service in 1WS.
Jlte^triX? oigweS^admto-
doing well.
Next Monday evening after the old
istration. causing a to^tog of mo- council h«
•* •» unfinished
rale and even weakeningtoe wy ef- ¡business. Mayor-elect E. E. Johnron
fqrt to an approciabje extent.
! and Councilmen-eleetC. C. Farr. E.
.The last quarter of the old year G; £h>Perma|' “>d <***> £•
ha. witness « sordid, shameful wUl ‘*
parade of iniquity and incompeteSe
m«nbero-<. J Fuhrnum, G U
in public, service. We have seen j
T- H*m—?
almosl criminal miscalculation on
the part of those charged with ad-
ministration of civilian economy; an { ’
inexcusable careleasness that brings^
needless deprivation in Its wake, f
We have seen the people misled for
political purpose into a dangsrous '
Rflra F >5* Fl i
demonstrated or proven
¡from the viewpoint that every child
that comas into this world has the
natural right to life, that these rights
are equal. Also from the above ev-
ery child has the natural right to the
natural opportunity necessary to sus­
tain that life.
If you take a number of people
similarly born into this world with
similar nepds and desires, each of
them fvould have equal freedom-with
all the others. The only office of
government is to settle disputes
where these freedoms seem to con­
flict No one can justly use the
earth in any tyay that prevents any­
one else from similarly using- it
There must be some way to settle
justly any differences that might
Let us apply the above logic to a
herd of cattle in a pasture field, you
will find (except where sex Is in­
volved), a picture of peace; some >
will be feeding; some chewing their
cuds; some sleeping and all will
be Wi about the same physical and
mental condition. You will n<4 find
one fat ahd AH of the rest lean. You
might find one lean and all of the
rest fat, due to disease.
'What would be the reason for the
similarity of condition in this herd?
Some have said that cattle lack fee-
ken, which may be true. It might be
beneficial to man if he would use
the reason that he flatters himself
with having and see why th herd
is in that condition. “Consider the
ant and be wise.*’
Now just what makes the differ -
$47 5® to $54 50
Plate Glass Mirrors
»3« to »IS«
Smokers $2-50 to $10-50
». -
iny Bedroom Suites
Weil Built. — All Hardwood
Bates Bedspreads
Purkey Furniture
bhocery I
Specials for Friday and Saturday
2QP;ize Sunkist Brand
mm » prov. hb
traitorous acts, is profoundly dteturb-
ing to the public. And yet, are there
** Z* .
not mitigating circumstances in the 1UF*7?*7* ** , At »( mi *
fact that thorn you»« men fcrowou^^l>ovt0>*tr¿Wte
merely committed, directly tjie sa^e .
acts of wUfql'injury to the Waaef- ’ Y
Swing Rockers
Solid Oak Frames — Double Springs
snoak attack oa Pearl Harbor are
a very shrewd race.? Can any one
imagine for an instant that every
Jap whose sympathy is with Japan
$7 95 to 514 95
(By tarti taosv.)
complacency regarding progress of
the war, a faaneuver that has already The Interior, kartld Ickes, is living
cost the lives of many American boys ^tnie * form. For angnths he pleaded
und has led to toe growing distrust for the return of tbe Jape to the Pa-
! cific coast from re-locatlon centers
and disillusionment of the public to
___ _ ____
all government pronouncements.
Our ,and now t*1** *** ■Uu*** Court of
u.r? k
i_________ a!$•
the U. A has lift
National capital
Mfl*l ‘ tb* ’ I*®» Ickes
squirming mass of pressure groups, «• n0 doubt ln b** «,ory-
each trying to gain advantetge for O’1«1« he has advocated is that white
itself without regard for the effect I«4** mingle with the returning
on the Natipto. Oroed, avarice,-self- .“r«ts "
uSF tirrntiniwnnss
ride • H was stated by the Supreme Court
through toehand tots toe proverttal lbat the 110,000 Japs to be returned
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to the c<)a*t were Proven loyal; that
and at a time of greatest National ‘hey had been observed over a pe-
irtod of 33 months before thia con- :
elusion was reached.
An indication of toe extent to
> a knqwp tact^thta the tow-
effort is the shocking revelation that
snlteted otticeq», and men. to our
armed forces hayR been convicted of
stealing goods of war badly needed
at the battlefront and selling them
of Christmas Items
/f W_Wa' ■
Large Texas Pink
% -
attending college in
fomia, spent the Christmas holidays
at her home on Bear Creek.
Miss Katherine “Sunshine" Dev­
ereaux spent the holidays at home.
She is attending an exclusive school
kt Portland.
J. W. Leneve, of Coquille, spent a
short vacation with us recently. The
principal pastime engaged in was
hunting ducks. Ducks were scarce,
owing to the scarcity of water, but
fair iuck was encountered and Pop
3^ 2
- - - - 4c
rectly every day through strike, and ‘<’*«1 »he general tone of National
absenteeism? Can we who fall far
. W*
short of doing and giving our
^dtoated patrtottam to self-interert.
point the finger of scorn’
I. the ***
crime in the doing or in the manner *>r"d, r,^1‘U/es, *;nd “ave not Put
’ of doinc9
ltorth full effort in support of our
* armed forces. We have been so ar-
T°t.?a £
* dent in th. purwit of the dolUr «0
unmistakable evidence of lack al ' u
follow, in its mercenary train
unity among the Allies ch treatment forfotUn <>uf «myg, *
of countries freed of Nazi rate. In ,Uwanlâhlp to preeetve, secure and
mite of all the rosy prendsn of the favioiate, the priceless heritage of
several meetings of representativee fre<dom
« -----------------
/ and equality
of the Big Three, there sems to havei^y^,
uut iq the •cornatetene of
been no real meeting of minds
- and our , republic. We have fallen short
vital quations of policy are still, urn-
have b^e’
mttled at this late date. First, >he ^ne
/uU .¿vantage Of our
Yakima Washed
Large Solid Heads
Yellow Slicers
6 Booties for
(plos bottle deposit)
y rc ï
Russians and then thé British have opportunities We havè trsnsgre^ed
proceeded to adopt toe old power- th< Uwg ,n<J tradilloni of
politics system w91j complete disre- greatness and have strayed from toe
«*roistendy to^wl
«Mtitute. f<
sitting rote togt bids fair to lose us
hardness of Cbatktian living to
World leadership and 'avoW
,herefor . Gur
hi« recovery
be wholly proud of.
------ -
— —
Possibly tbe Almighty in His to- W1U1
— —
dangerous situation, toe President has nnite wisdom has been compelled A *hav<‘ with ,uch Wad“ may wel1
shaken up his State Department and to inflict military nisrsn to bring ** considered a major operation
has appointed some very able men ' us to oqr senses. It has been char- ' Bert Demenighlni left last
week for
to carry the ball. Yet. when their acteristic of Americans that the door ¡California to pay his brother a visit
names were submitted to the Senate of progress has often been fi^st un- ‘His daughter. Gladys,
-------- after
for ratification, they were opposed locked by a public disaster. Our a ten-dky vacation with her parents
by several of toe most ardent at the 'duty is plain before us. We must also left to resume her studies at a
President's supporters on the grounds give to our President and to our southern California university.
that they were men of wealth and Armed Forces the all-out support
It is with the deepest regret that
therefore not fit for such high pub- (they must have. There must be no we mark the passing of Charles
lie office. So flimsy was the argu- equivocation nor limitation in tbe Bunch, of Rink Creek. Mr. Bunch
ment against them that it was ob- performance of our individual task, was one of the old timers and one
viously a cloak to conceal the real Self-interest must be resolutely we were acquainted with since our
reason for the opposition, that the thrtisf ayide in subordination to pa- kid days.
When a shipment of
President had not heeded his elec- triotlsm. There must be a revival Chinese pheasants were sent us many
tidn debts in making the appoint- of Christian virtue, an increasing years ago by Captain Burghduff, then
ments but had based his selections <m ’ virility of private enterprise, as the
state game warden, we were asked to
intelligence, experience, and proven ' motivating force to drive our country place them where they, would re­
worth. The question-at once arises'to its rightful place at leadership, ceive the proper protection and a
as to whether toe President can re- The year IMS will be fateful in large percentage of the birds were
tain his leadership over the hetro- American history. The America-to- liberated on Mr Bunch’s ranch. He
geneous groups that elected him be will depend upon the conduct of co-operated splendidly in giving them
without being forced to continually its citizens during the coming twelve protection and it was through his
buy their good will with special months. The means to achiev> are efforts that they propagated in the
|at hand. We lack only the will Let Coquille Valley. Chas. Bunch was a'
a man well met '
Truly, at this season it will be good 'us look weU to the task with a de- splendid ________
_ _______________
for Americans to take careful stock termination to do in our minds and and, though be has departed, fond k
of themselves. Though we rallied to j with the fear of God in our hearts. 1 memories of him will linger on.
49c B Quart jar
Golden West
Glass Jar
Beeville Brand
ï’/l lb. bottle
Sir Walter Raleigh or Velvet, 1 lb. 79c